Fillable Printable Request for Proposal
Fillable Printable Request for Proposal

Request for Proposal

Request for Proposal
Invited for the development of
Universal Patient Record System
I-Tech Medical Consortium
Date of Issue:
Deadline for Proposals:
Purpose of RFP
The purpose of this request for proposal (RFP) is to invite prospective developers to
submit a proposal to research and develop a solution that will provide a standard set of
tools for hospitals, doctors’ offices, and other healthcare providers to share patient
The members of the I-Tech Medical Consortium Executive Committee, in consultation
with the full board of directors, have prepared this RFP to specify its design needs,
document submission requirements, and outline evaluation and selection procedures.
The I-Tech Medical Consortium is a nonprofit organization consisting of a wide variety
of experienced partners, including research, academic, public, and private healthcare
organizations dedicated to championing the development of a universal patient record
system. Its mission is to improve patient care and provide real-time access to complete
and accurate patient history through the development of this system.
To help facilitate and execute this project, the I-Tech Medical Consortium is soliciting
proposals from developers for providing information system design and analysis.
Background Information
Over your lifetime, you will experience situations in which you will seek out medical
services outside of your primary doctor. Each time, you will be asked for your medical
history, and often, you will have to either arrange with your primary doctor to release and
transfer your records or pick them up yourself and give them to the new doctor. In an
emergency, it would be great if a doctor can access your medical history right away,
which can prove to be lifesaving.
The purpose of this project is to research and develop a design for a solution that will
provide a standard set of tools for hospitals, doctors' offices, and other healthcare
providers to share patient records to ensure the timeliest data is available when a patient
needs care. This project is aimed at developing a design for a secure universal patient
record system that might influence a pool of accurate customer records and data
processing, coupled with hospital or doctor record keeping.
Project Scope
This project will include delivery of a design for a secure universal patient record system.
The following are the major project requirements that outline the project scope:
The system should create a common record to store patient records. Web services
should capture patient records to cover doctor, hospital, and insurance
needs, assuming an interface to universally identify individuals to ensure each
customer record is connected to the right individual.
The system should meet Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA) standards.
The system should be expandable and consider future directions for business in
the healthcare area.

The project design should define technical architecture, the processing
environment, and hardware and software requirements.
A project proposal document should be submitted containing the Project
Overview Statement (POS), a preliminary project plan and schedule, a project
quality plan, and a risk analysis and mitigation strategy.
This schedule describes the I-Tech Medical Consortium’s best estimate. If a component is
delayed, the rest of the schedule is likely to be shifted by an equivalent number of days.
RFP issue date Project Management Integration I
(Capstone Project): Week 1
Scope meeting Project Management Integration I
(Capstone Project): Week 2
Deadline for submission of proposals Project Management Integration I
(Capstone Project): Week 6
Notice for intent to award Project Management Integration I
(Capstone Project): Week 6
Project implementation, monitoring,
and controlling
Project Management Integration II
(Capstone Project): Weeks 1-4
Project evaluation and closure
Project Management Integration II
(Capstone Project): Week 5
Presentation of the capstone project
Project Management Integration II
(Capstone Project): Week 6
Project Budget
The total budget for this project is estimated to be approximately $16 to $20 million. The
I-Tech Medical Consortium has sufficient funding to complete all project phases. The
RFP requires the developer to propose a project solution design with recommendations
and cost estimates based on the proposed allotment.
Target Audience
The target audience for this project includes the prospective developers capable of
delivering a design for a viable solution to the given problem.
Evaluation Criteria
The evaluation of each response to this RFP will be based on its demonstrated
competence, compliance, format, and organization. The following process will be used to
evaluate and score the proposals accepted as being responsive to the RFP:
1. Understanding of the Project: 15%
How well has the project team demonstrated a thorough understanding of
the purpose and scope of the project?
How well has the project team identified pertinent issues, assumptions,
and potential problems related to the project?
How well has the project team identified its responsibilities?
2. Functionality and Technical Proposal: 25%
How well does the proposed system fulfill the requirements listed in the
How well has the project team’s proposal included required evidence to
support the requirements listed in the RFP?
How well has the project team’s proposal identified required interfaces?
3. Methodology and Management Plan: 45%
How comprehensive is the methodology, and does it depict a logical
approach to meet the required tasks and deliverables of the RFP?
How well has the project team demonstrated a complete and precise
statement of work (SOW)?
How well does the methodology interface with the project schedule
outlined in the RFP?
To what extent has the project team demonstrated an understanding of all
tasks and deliverables expected?
To what extent is the work plan and schedule complete and clear?
To what extent will the project team’s work plan and schedule meet the
How well has the project team demonstrated an understanding of the time
schedule and the ability to meet it?
4. Cost Proposal Evaluation: 15%
The evaluation of cost will be based on the total cost for all services and
deliverables required, as outlined in this RFP.
Format of Response
In order for the I-Tech Medical Consortium to evaluate proposals fairly and completely,
project teams must follow the format set out in this RFP and provide all the information
requested. The specified format for proposals is intended to facilitate their evaluation.
The I-Tech Medical Consortium expects to utilize the information provided in specified
sections of the proposals as the primary source of information in scoring a particular
The proposal document should consist of the following:
Cover page
Table of contents
Executive summary
Project purpose and benefits
SOW and technical approach
Scope and objective details
Project schedule
Specific challenges and risk management
Organizational structure
Work breakdown structure
Project team
Communication plan
Cost proposal details
Appendices, if any