Fillable Printable Request for Proposal Template
Fillable Printable Request for Proposal Template

Request for Proposal Template

King County Library System
960 Newport Way NW
Issaquah, WA 98027
April 28, 2016
Erate Program Management
Proposals Due:
June 2, 2016 5:00 P.M. PST

SECTION TWO – SCOPE OF SERVICES………………………………………..3,4
SECTION SIX – EVALUATION…………………………………………………….…8
SECTION SEVEN – SCHEDULE………………………………………..……...……8
SECTION NINE - PROTESTS TO AWARD……………….…………………….9,10

The King County Rural Library District, (dba King County Library System), is seeking proposals
from qualified vendors for the purpose of obtaining information and firm bids for E-Rate Program
The King County Library System (KCLS) is one of the largest circulating libraries in the United
States. Located in the Puget Sound area, KCLS serves over one million residents at its 45
community libraries, 1 institutional library, and multiple vehicles with mobile networking to provide
outreach services. KCLS provides access to a broad array of information resources ranging from
electronic databases to books to music and video. KCLS is also the community resource for a
wide variety of programs and activities for people of all ages. Established in 1943, KCLS is a
special purpose government that is governed by a five-member Board of Trustees and operates
under the constitution and laws of the State of Washington. To support these libraries and
services, KCLS partners with King County Information Technology in the operation of a wide-area
fiber network called INET. KCLS also supports a wide variety of telecommunications and other E-
Rate eligible services. KCLS has participated in the E-Rate program since its inception.
KCLS seeks an ongoing consulting/working relationship with a vendor who will both manage and
perform all regular KCLS E-Rate program tasks, with the objective of maximizing E-Rate
reimbursements to KCLS.
KCLS also seeks a consultant who will manage Technology related grant application projects
(specifically targeting Federal Broadband Stimulus funding).
In addition to the wide-area network mentioned in the previous section, KCLS also supports a
wide variety of public computing services offering access to public workstations within KCLS
libraries and providing free wireless Internet access to patrons in libraries and occasionally
extending to the local vicinity. KCLS is also engaged in a variety of outreach programs to provide
computer related training to the public.
We understand that all of the services listed above may be eligible for federal funding support
through the broadband stimulus program.
KCLS seeks a vendor/consulting partner who will research and write a KCLS grant application.
This application would be for federal broadband stimulus funds which may be made available to
support qualified aspects of KCLS technology services.
Time is of the essence, as round 1 of funding opportunities has passed, and KCLS seeks to
participate in rounds 2 and 3 which we understand will be announced soon and which will offer
only a minimum amount of time to assemble a qualified application.
Qualified vendors who respond to this request must be prepared to engage in this process with
short notice and with a short timeline.
KCLS E-Rate program participation has historically included the following tasks:
E-RATE Program Management:
• Writing and updating the E-Rate required technology plan (with input from KCLS)
• Refining and implementing processes to assure E-Rate deadlines.
Maximum funding through contracting process and compliance with E-Rate

Documentation to provide information about critical E-Rate tasks.
Telephone interviews to review program and district requirements.
Advise KCLS regarding issues and tasks to be completed for eligibility.
• Maintain effective and accessible online documentation and records for the KCLS E-
Rate program.
Provide a list of client-owned data required for submission.
Review of current contracts to ensure that they follow E-rate guidelines for
compliance, fair competition and deadlines.
Complete the required FCC forms.
Provide completed FCC forms to the Clients for approval and signature.
Communicate with KCLS staff regarding Client responsibilities
• Manage E-Rate related inquiries from vendors, and respond to these inquiries on
behalf of KCLS.
• Develop a regular and predictable calendar of milestones and meetings with
appropriate KCLS staff to address the various repeating phases of the E-Rate fiscal
E-RATE Program Support Services:
Work to be done consists of E-Rate communications protocols and processes, vendor interface
processes, documentation and billing system processes.
Technology Plan:
• Update the existing KCLS E-Rate technology plan according to program requirements.
• Compile reports for E-Rate year.
• Review current plan for requirements; amend or add to goals.
• Compile report information.
• Resolve reporting issues or amend plan from reporting requirements.
• Compile Tech Plan Amendment and submit to E-Rate for approval.
E-RATE Program Resources:
• Determine and document responsibilities of KCLS staff and supplies to meet E-Rate
program requirements.
• Resolve issues with specific vendors to meet the Federal E-Rate supplier guidelines.
This includes requirements are included in new contracts with E-Rate vendors.
• Establish and document a task management plan for KCLS staff to support meeting
Billing System Processes:
Complete documentation of BEAR billing system processes.
• Create a critical path calendar for each active E-Rate year.
• Complete Master Workbook and Document Copy Workbook for each active E-Rate
• Create E-Rate Project Plan as a reference document specific to KCLS and the
practices and processes.
• Determine timelines for each task resource to connect to the E-Rate Calendar.
• Provide E-Rate Program resources (staff, vendors, etc.) with the calendar and any
other information to complete tasks.
• Download telecommunication invoices to KCLS folders/maintain passwords in
conjunction with KCLS Administrators.
Dynamic Reporting Models:
Create templates for Reporting documents, including but not limited to the following:
• Create template for KCLS Technology Plan reports.
• Create master template for Critical Path Plan.
• Create Information Request templates to support timely information gathering.
• Create Report templates.
• Maintain electronic record retention of E-Rate binders and applicable documents.

Firms interested in providing the services described above are requested to submit the following
information. Responses to each item should appear in the same order as in this RFP and should
designate by heading and paragraph the item to which the response applies. Please limit the
length of your proposal, including appendices, to 30 pages, and please limit your proposal to one
bound volume. Do not include any material outside of this volume.
Part One – Executive Summary
Each proposal should be accompanied by an executive summary not exceeding two pages which
summarizes key points of the proposal and which is signed by an officer of the firm who is
responsible for committing the firm’s resources. Please provide contact information for the person
to whom KCLS should direct proposal correspondence including full name, phone number, email
address and physical mailing address.
Part Two – Proposal Details
E-Rate Program Management- Questions and Required Responses:
1. Describe your experience performing E-Rate consultation and reimbursement work.
2. List recent customers and contact information for whom you've performed E-Rate service.
3. Describe your typical process for managing and performing an engagement for a
customer comparable to KCLS.
4. Of the tasks listed in the section above, which would be performed by you and which
would be performed by KCLS. (KCLS seeks a full-service solution and will prefer
vendors who both manage and perform our E-Rate work comprehensively)
5. Do you have field service staff who will work on-site at KCLS as necessary to perform
all levels of E-Rate related research and service?
6. Specifically define any role that KCLS would have in the process.
7. Provide an estimate of time required to fully meet the requirements of this service
request on an annual basis.
8. Provide a comprehensive annual cost estimate for this service and an invoicing
methodology including specific milestones that associate billing with work
Technology related grant application project management - Questions and Required
1. Describe your experience and qualifications related to grant applications and
government funding opportunities of this nature.
2. List recent customers and contact information for whom you've provided similar
3. Describe your process and approach for a successful grant application for KCLS.
4. Describe your specific role and the specific role of KCLS in the grant application
process. (KCLS seeks a full-service solution and will prefer vendors who can most
comprehensively manage, write, and compile a grant application on behalf of KCLS)
5. Given your current knowledge of the Federal Broadband Stimulus program
opportunities that applied to round 1of the funding process, describe strategies,
scenarios, and services that KCLS might target with an application for funding in
rounds 2 and 3.
6. Provide an estimate of time required to fully meet the requirements of this service
request based upon the criteria and requirements that governed round 1of the
funding process.
7. Provide a comprehensive cost estimate and possible timeline for this service as well
as an invoicing methodology including specific milestones that associate billing with
work performed.

Part Three – Cost of Services
Charges associated with delivery and installation should be listed as separate line items in the
proposal. The vendor shall be responsible for applying accurate taxes and fees in effect on
the date of proposal submission. Each tax and fee to be paid by KCLS should be listed as a
separate line item. The vendor shall be responsible for the payment of business registration
fees, permits, licenses, business and occupation taxes and all other taxes except Washington
state sales tax payable to the vendor by KCLS.
Part Four – Company Qualifications
List at least three entities for which similar work is or has been conducted and give the name,
title and telephone number of persons who may be contacted for reference concerning the
services you provided. Give dates and lengths of service.
Part Five – Staff Qualifications
List names, backgrounds, and resumes of key personnel who will be involved in this service.
One executed original proposal, clearly marked on the cover, plus three (3) hard copies of the
proposal shall be submitted along with a soft copy electronically submitted to The proposal shall be clearly marked on the outside of the transmittal
package with the following information:
Organization’s Name
Erate Program Management Proposal
The proposal must be received no later than 5:00 P.M. PST on June 2, 2016, at:
King County Library System
Attn: Purchasing
960 Newport Way NW
Issaquah, WA 98027
Proposals received by KCLS after 5pm (Pacific Time), June 2, 2016, will not be considered. Late
proposals will be destroyed. Proposals received before the due date will be held in a secured
area until the time of opening.
Proposals must be signed by a corporate official, owner or a person who has been authorized to
make such a commitment.
KCLS does not conduct a public opening of proposals, nor are evaluation “progress reports”
available. Notification of award will be sent to all bidders.
The Proposal should clearly state the total length of time during which the services, and any
related prices presented in the proposal are valid and reliable. It is required that this time period
be no less than one hundred twenty (120) days from the date the proposals are due.

Organizations shall respond to each and every requirement contained in the “Proposal
Requirements” section of this RFP. Responses must be in the same order in which the points
appear in the RFP. The proposal must be clear, unambiguous, and capable of being understood
without reference to other documentation. Failure to address a particular requirement shall be
presumed to mean that the function or requirement is unavailable.
Vendors are advised that the submission of multiple proposals, or alternative approaches to
specific sections of the requirements will be considered non-compliant and those proposals will be
disqualified. We are relying on the vendor as the expert to identify in its proposal the approach
which is believed to be the most effective to produce the required systems and services.
No substitutions will be accepted on any of the components unless the vendor can provide proof
that the substituted equipment meets or exceeds the specifications, reliability, warranty and
pricing of the equipment specified by the King County Library System.
Failure to comply with the requirements of this RFP may result in disqualification.
The organization must clearly state that the proposal submitted presents a true offer of services
and/or materials. It must be clearly stated that the proposal is not a result of any direct or indirect
coordination or collusion with other firms submitting a proposal in response to this RFP.
An organization may withdraw or modify its proposal in writing by delivery service, certified U.S.
Mail, or by hand delivery at any time prior to the RFP deadline for submission.
Questions and requests for clarification concerning this RFP shall be submitted IN WRITING
no later than 5:00 P.M. PST May 12, 2016, to:
King County Library System
Attn: Purchasing
960 Newport Way NW
Issaquah, WA 98027
The words “Erate Program Management Proposal Inquiry” shall appear on the envelope.
Inquiries shall state the page and the applicable RFP section or paragraph to which the
question(s) pertain. Faxed requests for clarification will not be accepted. Confirming receipt of
questions is the responsibility of the submitting organization.
The organization shall be responsible for requesting clarification concerning the RFP to allow the
organization to respond specifically, thoroughly, and clearly to every specification, requirement, or
question presented in the RFP. KCLS shall in no way be responsible for any errors or ambiguities
in the RFP. A failure of KCLS to respond to any request for clarification shall not be considered by
any organization that KCLS agrees or disagrees with any statement, which may be contained in
the request for clarification.
All clarifications to the RFP will be posted online at by the date indicated in
section seven. The source of an inquiry occasioning a clarification shall not be given.

Any information provided after distribution of the RFP is for clarification only and not binding on
KCLS intends to select the proposal that is most advantageous to itself. The responses to this
RFP will be evaluated by a Selection Committee to be established for such purpose. The
evaluation will include a review of all proposals based on the following criteria:
1. Ability to deliver the full scope of services requested in this RFP
2. Completeness of the response relative to the scope of this RFP
3. Relevant past experience with customers comparable to KCLS
4. Quality and satisfaction of experiences of customers comparable to KCLS
5. Lowest cost for value received
KCLS reserves the right to reject any and all proposals for any reason.
KCLS reserves the right to accept other than the lowest priced proposal and to negotiate with any
organization when the best interests of the Library are served by so doing.
KCLS may invite one or more representatives from any organization to meet or talk with KCLS
representatives for the purpose of clarification of the vendor’s proposal.
KCLS may at its sole discretion waive any irregularity or informality in a proposal submitted by any
KCLS has set the following tentative schedule for the selection process:
04/28/16 RFP Issued
05/12/16 Deadline for receipt of written requests for clarification
05/19/16 Responses to written requests for clarification
06/02/16 5:00 P.M. Deadline for receipt of proposals
06/03/16 Opening of proposals
06/03/16 Evaluation of proposals begins
Organization Responsibility
1. Any organization submitting a response agrees to all the rules and conditions
required in this RFP. All materials submitted in response to the RFP shall become
the property of KCLS. The organization’s proposal and the RFP shall become part
of any contract that is negotiated with the successful organization unless modified in
writing by the contract.