Fillable Printable Request for Proposal - Louisiana
Fillable Printable Request for Proposal - Louisiana

Request for Proposal - Louisiana
Preparing a Request for Proposal
No matter how large or small your meeting is, before you contact a property, it is essential that
you develop clear meeting specifications. It is best to prepare a written request for proposal
or quote, rather than contacting hotels by telephone to get a quote.
This document should be clear and concise and serves an important negotiating tool,
saves the planner time, which translates into a cost savings for the agency, provides
purchasing documentation and justification for site selection and keeps the planner
organized. It also provides a blueprint for a successful meeting.
The following template can be used to develop your request for proposal. The description
of what each item means follows each item. Simply replace your information within the
appropriate category.
1. Always put together an RPF over calling a hotel about a meeting.
2. Always notify all parties of your final decision. If using a convention bureau, check to
see if this is a service they provide. If not, follow-up with each bidding property.
3. Don’t over/underestimate your needs.
4. Don’t ask for a quick turnaround time and then wait to make a decision.
Request for Proposal
PURPOSE: The following meeting spec sheet is intended to provide qualified, interested parties
information which will enable them to respond with a detailed proposal to provide hotel and
meeting facilities for the Fill in the name of your meeting here.
1. EVENT PROFILE: Describe the purpose of the event. Include overall goals and
2. ATTENDEE PROFILE: Describe those who will attend the meeting. Percentage
male/female, age, profession, if applicable, other demographic information.
3. DATES: if you are flexible here, say so. Otherwise, indicate specific dates. You have
more negotiating room if your dates are flexible.
4. ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE PATTERN: day of the week your attendees arrive/depart
5. ANTICIPATED SLEEPING ROOM NEEDS: # of rooms needed per night of your
meeting. For example: 125 on day one
250 on day two and so on.
6. RESERVATIONS: How reservations are made. By individual, room list, etc.
7. TENTATIVE A/V NEEDS: If you have any idea of what you might need.
8. BILLING INSTRUCTIONS: Where to send the bill. Very important!
(Arrange the following in the order of importance to your group. You may have other items
that are important to your group that are not listed here. You can assign points according to
the importance of the item, which will help in the selection process. Omit items that are not
relevant to your process.
Completeness of proposal. Are all areas addressed?
My goal is not to have to call hotels for missing information. If they omit specific items on the
RFP, I sometimes use this as a reason to remove the hotel from the competition. I have learned
that it is not easy to get hotels to provide a response for every item contained on your RFP.
ADA compliance – even though the Americans With Disabilities Act is in effect, it is still a
good idea to ask about this because, although hotels may say they are compliant, your
attendees with special needs may be using service elevators to access upper floors.
Sight inspection - Always do one, if at all possible. This will be your best justification for the
selection of a site that may be higher in cost.

Accessibility from airport
Availability, frequency and cost of shuttle service from/to airport
Sleeping room rate - if you have a ceiling, you might want to say so. Another way to handle it
is to say you are looking for the lowest rate and see what they come in with and negotiate from
Ability to meet food and beverage needs within budgetary guidelines – if you have a ceiling,
include it. Ie, continental breakfast $7.25, lunch $15, breaks $2 pp, etc.
Meeting room rental charges
Audio/visual fees
Comp room policy - 1 per 40, 50, etc.
Parking fees, if applicable
On site restaurant facilities - if your group would use them
Anything else important to your group that is not listed.
Detail food and beverage needs here. If you have a specific per person budget or any special
requests indicate that here as well.
Detail your meeting room needs here. If you haven an agenda, attach it. Indicate the square footage you
require and any special set-up requirements.
MEETING ROOM NEEDS: all times are approximate
Day 0
Will you need a conference office? If so, when do you need to be in?
10:00-12:00 am Conference Office TBD TBD
2:00-7:00 pm Registration
6:30-12:00 am Conference Office
7:30 am Registration TBD Flow
8:00 am Continental Breakfast 200-500 Flow
8:30 am General Session 200-500 Theater
10:00 am Break 200-500 Flow
10:15-11:00am Concurrent Sessions (4-8) 50-75 each Classroom
11:15-12:00am Concurrent Sessions (4-8) 50-75 each Classroom
12:00 Lunch 200-500 Rounds

Selection Process:
How and when will your decision be made? Is this done through your recommendation or are you
the decision maker?
Additional Considerations:
1. What other groups are in the hotel during over the proposed dates for this meeting?
2. If attendees wish to stay over after the meeting will the conference rate apply?
3. What complimentary services are provided to guests?
4. Provide information on transportation within your community to places of interest, restaurants,
etc. – probably in the boiler-plate response.
5. Provide 3 government meeting planner references.
6. What else is important to you?
Address your responses to:
Responses may be emailed to me at , or faxed to . A hard copy
with a meeting-planning packet on your property should follow. If you have addition questions,
Developed by:
Lynette I. Schick, CMP