Fillable Printable Request For Proposal Templates
Fillable Printable Request For Proposal Templates
Request For Proposal Templates
RFP [###-####-##]– [RFP title]
Request for Proposal (RFP)
Date of Issue: ____________
Closing Date: __________________
Single Point of Contact (SPC):[Name, Title]
Address:[Address 1]
City, State, Zip[Address 2]
Phone (voice)[phone]
Phone (fax)[fax]
[If ADA language is needed for Agency, remove this note and insert language here]
[If non-discrimination language is needed for Agency, remove this note and insert language
Error: Reference source not foundPage 1 of 28
RFP [###-####-##]– [RFP title]
[TUTORIAL on UPDATING TABLE OF CONTENTS] - [Update the Table of Contents before
publishing. Right click and select “Update Field”, “Update entire table”.]
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RFP [###-####-##]– [RFP title]
1.2SCHEDULE................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT (SPC)....................................................................................................................................5
2.1AUTHORITY AND METHOD.................................................................................................................................................5
2.2DEFINITION OF TERMS.........................................................................................................................................................5
2.3OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.4SCOPE OF WORK...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................................................................................7
3.2MINIMUM SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................................................8
3.3[ROUND 1] PROCUREMENT PROCESS..............................................................................................................................9
3.4[ROUND 1] PROPOSAL CONTENT REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................................13
3.5[ROUND 1] EVALUATION PROCESS.................................................................................................................................16
3.6[ROUND 1] NEXT STEP DETERMINATION....................................................................................................................17
3.7[ROUND 1] COMPETITIVE RANGE..................................................................................................................................17
3.8[ROUND 2] PROCUREMENT PROCESS...........................................................................................................................18
3.9[ROUND 2] SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................................18
3.10[ROUND 2] EVALUATION PROCESS.................................................................................................................................18
3.11[ROUND 2] NEXT STEP DETERMINATION....................................................................................................................20
3.12COST EVALUATION...............................................................................................................................................................20
3.14POINT AND SCORE CALCULATIONS...............................................................................................................................21
3.15RANKING OF PROPOSERS..................................................................................................................................................22
4.1AWARD NOTIFICATION PROCESS....................................................................................................................................22
4.2INTENT TO AWARD PROTEST..........................................................................................................................................23
4.3APPARENT SUCCESSFUL PROPOSER SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS..................................................................23
4.4CONTRACT/PRICE AGREEMENT NEGOTIATION.......................................................................................................24
5.1OMWESB PARTICIPATION..................................................................................................................................................26
5.2GOVERNING LAWS ANDREGULATIONS........................................................................................................................26
5.3OWNERSHIP/PERMISSION TO USE MATERIALS........................................................................................................26
5.4CANCELLATION OF RFP; REJECTION OF PROPOSALS; NO DAMAGES..................................................................26
5.5COST OF SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL..............................................................................................................................27
5.6STATEWIDE E-WASTE/RECOVERY POLICY..................................................................................................................27
5.7RECYCLABLE PRODUCTS...................................................................................................................................................27
5.8PRINTING, BINDING, AND STATIONERY WORK..........................................................................................................27
5.9CHECKLIST DISCLAIMER...................................................................................................................................................27
ATTACHMENT ASAMPLE CONTRACT/PRICE AGREEMENT...............................................................................................27
ATTACHMENT BAFFIDAVIT OF TRADE SECRET....................................................................................................................27
ATTACHMENT CPROPOSER CERTIFICATION SHEET...........................................................................................................28
ATTACHMENT DPROPOSER INFORMATION SHEET.............................................................................................................28
ATTACHMENT ETAX AFFIDAVIT.................................................................................................................................................28
ATTACHMENT FREFERENCE CHECK FORM...........................................................................................................................28
ATTACHMENT GCOST PROPOSAL FORM..................................................................................................................................28
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RFP [###-####-##]– [RFP title]
ATTACHMENT HOMWESB OUTREACH PLAN.........................................................................................................................28
ATTACHMENT IPROPOSAL CHECKLIST..................................................................................................................................28
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RFP [###-####-##]– [RFP title]
FOR THE RFP TEMPLATE BY CLICKING HERE – Throughout the template you will see
“[HELPx.x]”, by clicking this it will take you to the corresponding section of the guidance
document to offer extra explanations on the section as well as example language]
Yellow highlighted areas indicate blanks to be filled in or areas to be revised with information
specific to your RFP.
[TUTORIAL for REMOVING NOTES FROM DOCUMENT] - [Notes to buyer that identify sections
that are options may be modified or provide other instructions. Notes are to be deleted prior to
[If agency isnot subject to the Public Contracting Code or DAS Rule, revise citations throughout
the document accordingly]
The State of Oregon, acting by and through the Department of _______________, (“Agency”), is
issuing this Request for Proposals for [Agency to insert the goods and/or services being
[Enter high level information about the RFP here, including: brief description of scope
parameters; Executive Policy. Legislation or legislative direction; special circumstances, like
responding to an emergency; cooperative procurement. Do not include a detailed Scope of
Work in this section. Be sure to include any details that may help prospective Proposer decide if
they should read further. Consider if Agency wishes to include budget information.]
Additional details on the Scope of the goods or services or both are included in the Scope of
Work section.
[Consider listing actual project dates if available.]
Agency anticipates the award of one or XX Contracts/Price Agreements from this RFP. The
initial term of the Contract is anticipated to be XX years with options to renew up to a maximum
of XX years.
[If multiple awards, identify the anticipated number of awarded Contracts/Price Agreements]
[HELP 1.2]
The table below represents a tentative schedule of events. All times are listed in Pacific Time.
All dates listed are subject to change. N/A denotes that event is not applicable to this RFP.
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RFP [###-####-##]– [RFP title]
Pre-Proposal ConferenceXxxx ##, 20###:## XM
Questions / Requests for Clarification DueXxxx ##, 20###:## XM
Answers to Questions / Requests for Clarification
Issued (approx.)
Xxxx ##, 20##
RFP Protest Period EndsXxxx ##, 20###:## XM
Closing (Proposals Due)Xxxx ##, 20###:## XM
Opening of ProposalsXxxx ##, 20###:## XM
Presentations, Demonstrations, or InterviewsXxxx ##, 20##
Issuance of Notice of Intent to Award (approx.)Xxxx ##, 20##
Award Protest Period EndsX days after Notice of Intent to Award
[HELP 1.3]
The SPC for this RFP is identified on the Cover Page, along with the SPC’s contact information.
Proposer shall direct all communications related to any provision of the RFP, whether about the
technical requirements of the RFP, contractual requirements, the RFP process, or any other
provision only to the SPC.
[HELP 2.1] – [OPTION 1 – Authority by statute, rule, or other – special procurement, federal or
private grants]
Agency is issuing this RFP pursuant to its authority underOAR 125-246-0170(2).
[OPTION 2 – Authority by DAS delegation. If agency delegation is being used, update the
following paragraph, if it is not, delete the following paragraph.]
Agency is issuing this RFP under the authority of the Department of Administrative Services
(DAS) delegation _______ (as amended), (name of delegation).
Agency is using the Competitive Sealed Proposals method, pursuant to ORS 279B.060 and OAR
125-247-0260. Agency may use a combination of the methods for Competitive Sealed
Proposals, including optional procedures: a) Competitive Range; b) Discussions and Revised
Proposals; c) Revised Rounds of Negotiations; d) Negotiations; e) Best and Final Offers; and f)
Multistep Sealed Proposals.
For the purposes of this RFP, capitalized words will refer to the following definitions.
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RFP [###-####-##]– [RFP title]
2.2.1General Definitions
[HELP 2.2.1]
Capitalized terms not specifically defined in this document are defined inOAR 125-246-
2.2.2Project Specific Definitions
[HELP 2.2.2] - [List any project specific definitions, not found in OAR 125-246-0110]
Xxxxxx: Xxxxxx xxxx
[HELP 2.3] - [Enter general information about the RFP here, including:
2.3.1Agency Overview and Background
[HELP 2.3.1] - [WHO ARE WE? Describe who Agency/division/program is, and its purpose]
2.3.2Project Overview and Background
[HELP 2.3.2] - [HOW DID WE GET HERE? Provide a high level overview of what led Agency to
this point, the reason for soliciting, and any other information that would be helpful to
prospective Proposer]
[HELP 2.3.3] - [WHERE ARE WE GOING FROM HERE? Provide a high level overview of Agency’s
goal and what Buyer wishes to achieve from this RFP.
Who are the beneficiaries of the anticipated Contract/Price Agreement(s)?
What is the context of the Contract/Price Agreement(s) outcomes withinthe Scope of the
overall related mission or objective?
Are there benchmarks or past performance under previous agreements that may be predictors
of future needs (such as spend volume on a previous agreement for repetitive purchases, etc.)?
Will this be a Contract/Price Agreement that permits repetitive purchases? What are the past
and projected purchases?
What are the driving factors? Is there state or federal legislation, business operational needs, an
approved Special Procurement, a declared emergency, grant requirements, a Governor’s
executive order?
Are there existing circumstances that may affect performance under the Contract/Price
Agreement, such as the current technical environment or project participation by an
independent quality assurance manager?
Are there any exclusions from competition, such as those required by ORS 279B.210 and OAR
125-247-0690(2)?See ORS 279B.040 and exception process and required prequalification
Is there a budget limitation, and should it be stated in the RFP?]
[HELP 2.4] – [SCOPE vs STATEMENT of WORK] - [Insert Scope of Work and Specifications or
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RFP [###-####-##]– [RFP title]
provide reference to attachment.NOTE: The Scope of Work in an RFP is intended to be a
description of what the Agency is looking for vs. the Statement of Work in a Contract that is
intended to describe the Work to be completed as agreed to by the parties.]
[HELP 3.1] - [Fill in information related to the requirements of your RFP here]
To be considered for evaluation, Proposal must demonstrate how Proposer meets all
requirements of this section:
3.1.1Minimum Proposer Requirements
[HELP 3.1.1] - [What the Proposer must be or have to be eligible to offer a Proposal. Consider
things such as D&B ratings, number of years’ experience, licenses or certifications a Proposer
must have,etc.The following are some examples:] requirements requirements or exceed 2 or more of the following:
5 years’ experience _______
3 successful ________ , completed within the last 7 years
3.1.2Minimum Key Person Requirements
[HELP 3.1.2] - [Delete this section if there are no key person requirements. If Buyer uses this
section, ensure it is aligned with the key persons and their Resumes section.Include items that
the Proposer’s key persons must be or have to be eligible to offer a Proposal. Consider things
such as, number of years’ experience, licenses or certifications, education that a key person must
have, etc. Consider listing the specific key persons positions requested. The Business and
Technical sections below are examplesof the information you may need to include.]
Proposer must employ or contract key person(s) that meet all of the requirements in this
section.Proposer may submit 1 or more key person(s) so long as all requirements are met.
5 years’ experience within the last 7 years of the following:
[insert business experience requirements here]
[insert technical experience requirements here]
3.2.1Proposal Format and Quantity
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RFP [###-####-##]– [RFP title]
[HELP 3.2.1]
Proposal should follow the format and reference the sections listed inthe Proposal Content
Requirements section.Responses to each section and subsection should be labeled to
indicate the item being addressed. Proposal must describe in detail how requirements of
this RFP will be met and may provide additional related information. Cost information must
be submitted as a separate electronic file/sealed envelope.
[Buyer may want to have only hard copies, only electronic copies, or a combination thereof.
Select and modify the option that best fits Agency’s need and delete the others]
[OPTION 1 –hard copies only]
Proposer shall submit its Proposal using only white 8 ½” x 11” Recycled Paper, without
extensive art work, unusual printing, or other materials not essential to the utility and clarity
of the Proposal. Proposer shall submit an original, bearing the Proposer’s authorized
representative’s Signature, and XX copies of its Proposal. In addition, if Proposer believes
any of its Proposal is exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law (ORS
192.410 through 192.505), Proposer shall complete and submit the Affidavit of Trade Secret
(Attachment B) and a fully redacted version of its Proposal, clearly identified as the redacted
Proposer shall submit its Proposal in a sealed package addressed to the SPC with the
Proposer’s name and the RFP number clearly visible on the outside of the package.
[OPTION 2 – electronic copy only]
Proposer shall submit one copy of itsProposal by USB drive, DVD, or CD in one of the
following formats: Adobe Acrobat (pdf), Microsoft Word (docx), or Microsoft Excel (xlsx).
In addition, if Proposer believes any of its Proposal is exempt from disclosure under Oregon
Public Records Law (ORS 192.410 through 192.505), Proposer shall complete and submit
the Affidavit of Trade Secret (Attachment B) and a fully redacted version of its Proposal,
clearly identified as the redacted version.
[OPTION 3 - combination]
Proposer shall submit its Proposal without extensive art work, unusual printing or other
materials not essential to the utility and clarity of the Proposal. Proposer shall submit both a
hard copy on white 8 ½” x 11” Recycled Paper and an electronic copy on electronic media
such as thumb drive or CD.
Proposer shall submit an original, bearing the Proposer’s authorized representative’s
Signature, and XX copies of the un-redacted Proposal. In addition, if Proposer believes any of
its Proposal is exempt from disclosure underOregon Public Records Law (ORS 192.410
through 192.505), Proposer shall complete and submit the Affidavit of Trade Secret
(Attachment B) and a fully redacted version of its Proposal, clearly identified as the redacted
Proposer shall submit its Proposal in a sealed package addressed to the SPC with the
Proposer’s name and the RFP number clearly visible on the outside of the package.
Proposer’s electronic copy of the Proposal by USB drive, DVD, or CD must be formatted using
Adobe Acrobat (pdf), Microsoft Word (docx), or Microsoft Excel (xlsx).
3.2.2Proposal Page Limit
[HELP 3.2.2] - [State whether or not there is a page limitfor Proposals. Below is an example of
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RFP [###-####-##]– [RFP title]
language Buyer may use if there will be a limit to the number of pages.]
Proposal is limited to XX pages. Any pages exceeding this limit will not be provided to the
evaluation committee or considered in the evaluation.The following items do not count
toward the page limit:
Proposal Certification Sheet (Attachment C)
Proposer Information Sheet (Attachment D)
Any required forms
Cost Proposal
3.2.3Authorized Representative
[HELP 3.2.3]
A representative authorized to bind the Proposer shall sign the Proposal. Failure of the
authorized representative to sign the Proposal may subject the Proposal to rejection by
[HELP 3.3] - [Remove the references to [Round 1] or [Round 2] if only one round is being used in
the process.]
3.3.1Public Notice
[HELP 3.3.1]
The RFP, including all Addenda and attachments, ispublished in the Oregon Procurement
Information Network (ORPIN) at RFP documents will not be
mailed to prospective Proposers.
Agency shall advertise all Addenda on ORPIN. Prospective Proposer is solely responsible for
checking ORPIN to determine whether or not any Addenda have been issued. Addenda are
incorporated into the RFP by this reference.
3.3.2Questions / Requests for Clarification
[HELP 3.3.2]
All inquiries, whetherrelating to the RFP process, administration, deadline or method of
award, or to the intent or technical aspects of the RFP must:
Be delivered to the SPC via email, facsimile, hard copy
Reference the RFP number
Identify Proposer’s name and contact information
Be sent by an authorized representative
Refer to the specific area of the RFPbeing questioned (i.e. page, section and
paragraph number); and
Be received by the due date and time for Questions/Requests for Clarification
identified in the Schedule
3.3.3Pre-Proposal Conference
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RFP [###-####-##]– [RFP title]
[HELP 3.3.3] - [OPTION 1 – no pre-Proposal conference]
A pre-Proposal conference will not be held for this RFP.
[OPTION 2 – pre-Proposal conference – if mandatory, state mandatory in this section and
include a minimum Proposer requirement as having attended the mandatory pre-Proposal
A pre-Proposal conference will be held at thedate and time listed in the Schedule.
Prospective Proposers’ participation in this conference is mandatory/highly encouraged but
not mandatory.
The purpose of the pre-Proposal conference is to:
Provide additional description of the project;
Explain the RFP process; and
Answer any questions Proposers may have related to the project or the process.
Statements made at the pre-Proposal conference are not binding upon Agency. Proposers
may be asked to submit questions in Writing. at Pre-Proposal Conference
[HELP] - [Include specific instructions on how, where, when, etc. the conference will be
held and how Proposer may participate.For example in person, by phone, webinar, if you
require an RSVP, etc.]
3.3.4Solicitation Protests to RFP
Prospective Proposer may submit a Written protest of anything contained in this RFP,
including but not limited to, the RFP process, Specifications, Scope of Work, and the
proposed Contract/Price Agreement. This is prospective Proposer’s only opportunity to
protest the provisions of the RFP, except for protests of Addenda or the terms and
conditions of the proposed Contract/Price Agreement, as provided below. to Addenda
Prospective Proposer may submit a Written protest of anything contained in the
respective Addendum. Protests to Addenda, if issued, must be submitted by the
date/time specified in the respective Addendum, or they will not be considered. Protests
of matters not added or modified by the respective Addendum will not be considered. must:
Be delivered to the SPC via email, facsimile, hard copy
Reference the RFP number
Identify prospective Proposer’s name and contact information
Be sent by an authorized representative
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