Fillable Printable Retirement Messages Sample
Fillable Printable Retirement Messages Sample

Retirement Messages Sample
Stephen B. Martin
Chief Accountant
Total Solutions Consulting
862 Hollow Road
Eugene, OR 97408
February 11, 2011
Beloved Friends at Total Solutions Consulting
I am so privileged to have the pleasure of working with each of you here at
Total Solutions Consulting. I have enjoyed my 30 years here. Nothing
managed to displace me from this wonderful place I called home for the
past 30 years. You are my ‘family’.
It was a blessing in disguise to stumble into Total Solutions’ employment. I
worked hard to rise to my current position; and I stabbed no one’s back. A
massage and a good shoulder rub, perhaps.
My retirement message is simple. Work hard when you need to; then, you
will be prepared to enjoy the time they call ‘retirement’. Give your best to
the company without calculating your returns; they will come in due time.
The management has been kind to recognize my efforts; for that, I am most
grateful. I pay attention to what is required for the company’s betterment
and where I can, I offered my services. There is no need for any office
politics because the war or business competition is out there. When we
remind ourselves of our purpose here, we shall always stay beside each
other for a good working environment.
Hence, my friends, fellow colleagues and comrades, thank you for being
part of my life. I am moving on to new discoveries, the elderly kind, so they
say but I am sure some shall still excite me.
Thank you for your support, cooperation and forbearance, which are virtues
to harmony at the workplace. I wish you every good health and success in
your future undertakings.
God bless you!
Stephen Martin