
Fillable Printable Risk Assessment Worksheet and Management Plan

Fillable Printable Risk Assessment Worksheet and Management Plan

Risk Assessment Worksheet and Management Plan

Risk Assessment Worksheet and Management Plan

Risk Assessment Worksheet and Management Plan
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Customer/Project Name:
The Basics
There are four steps to assessing and managing risks, and effective risk management requires all four of them.
Identify the risks
Qualify the risks
Assess each risk for impact to the project if it does occur
Assess the likelihood of the risk occurrence
Plan for risks by creating a watchlist of risk triggers and how to handle the risk if it does occur
Monitor and manage risks
To adequately analyze risk, you'll need a detailed plan. So, the best time to perform an initial risk analysis is just prior to
starting the project. Don't make the mistake of thinking that risk analysis is a one-time task. You'll want to reevaluate the
risk management plan and your risk analysis from time to time throughout the project and whenever major deviations from
the plan occur.
Identify Risks
There are numerous ways to identify risks. If you have a limited amount of time, the best ways to identify risks are to:
Review the following project risk assessment
Review the project schedule task list looking for:
Tasks for which your team has no expertise. The duration and cost estimates for these tasks are more likely to
be inaccurate.
Duration and cost estimates that are aggressive. Ask the estimators how confident they are in their estimates,
especially for critical path tasks.
Situations where you have a limited number of resources that can do particular tasks and where those
resources are fully allocated, over allocated, or may become unavailable. A resource can become unavailable
when it leaves your organization or because of other commitments within the organization.
Tasks with several predecessors. The more dependencies a task has, the greater the likelihood of a delay.
Tasks with long durations or a lot of resources. The estimates for these larger tasks are more likely to be
Brainstorm and talk with the experts
All of your project risks may not be apparent from analyzing the project schedule. It's worth your time to call
a brainstorming meeting with key project resources and ask where they see the most risk to the project. You
may be surprised at what you uncover.
If you have some experienced project managers available, have them review your schedule. Also, talk with
people who have expertise in particular areas of the project. For example, if you're planning to use an outside
contractor, talk to people who have used that contractor or other contractors.
Qualify Risks
As you go through the following risk analysis, you will be asked to qualify the risk probability and impact in terms of Low,
Medium, and High. Qualifying risks is a discipline unto itself and the accuracy of your results is commensurate with the
techniques you use and your historical experience with risk analysis.
Before you begin any qualification analysis, you will want to determine your organization’s tolerance to risk. Can the
organization operate in a high-risk environment or are they conservative and want only low-risk projects? If you work for
a small company, an additional project cost of $250,000 or a delay of two 2 months may put your entire company at risk. If
you work for a large organization, these overruns may be acceptable for a project. How much cost and delay is acceptable?
Remember that this isn't your preference; it's just the bottom-line numbers you can tolerate. Determine and write down the
company’s risk tolerance.
Next, you will want to qualify each risk item by asking:
What is the impact to the project if the risk item occurs (Low, Medium, High)?
What is the probability or likelihood of the risk item occurring (Low, Medium, High)?
Review archived projects to see if similar tasks from the past have taken longer than your estimates or
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have cost more.
Find out your team's confidence level. If the resources that will do the work aren't comfortable with your
cost or duration estimates, then the risk is more likely to occur.
Once the impact and probability has been determined, you will want to prioritize which risks are going to be actively
managed focusing on the following order in priority (you might want to modify this priority table according to your
organization’s sensitivities):
High Medium Low
High 1 1 2
Medium 2 3 4
Low 4 5 6
Managing Risks
Once you've identified and qualified the risks, you need to plan to manage them. Because risk planning can take a lot of
time and energy, you may want to plan for only the high-priority risks (priority 1) or the medium to high-priority risks
(priorities 1 to 3). Planning entails:
Identifying triggers for each risk
Identifying the plan for each risk
Identify Triggers
Triggers are indicators that a risk has occurred or is about to occur. The best triggers tell you well in advance that a
problem will occur.
To identify triggers, talk with the people who are most likely to cause the risk to occur and those who are most likely
to feel its impact. Ask them how they would know that the problem is occurring. Start with how they would know
that the problem has already occurred, and then work backward to determine how they would know before the
problem actually occurred. As the project manager, consider how the risk would be reflected in the project schedule.
Would the project schedule show overtime for a specific resource on earlier tasks? Would the project schedule show
delays in specific tasks?
For each risk you're addressing, create a watchlist that shows the possible triggers, when they are likely to occur, and
who should watch for the trigger.
Identify Plans
Once you've identified triggers and created your watchlist, you need to create action plans to manage your risks. You
can choose to manage risks in one of four basic ways:
Avoidance – You can change the project plan and project schedule to eliminate the risk or to protect the project
objectives from its impact. More in-depth planning or requirements gathering may be one way to avoid a risk
later in a project. Reducing scope to avoid high-risk activities, adding resources, or adding time may be other
ways to avoid risk. For example, if you're dependent on a single resource with specific expertise, consider training
another resource in that expertise.
Transference – Risk transference is seeking to shift the consequence of a risk to a third party together with the
ownership of the response. It does not eliminate the risk. You can buy insurance to cover the cost of a risk item
occurring. Another transference technique is to enter into a fixed price contract, which transfers the risk to the
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performing party.
Mitigation – Mitigation seeks to reduce the probably and/or consequences of an adverse risk event to an
acceptable threshold by taking actions ahead of time, thereby decreasing the likelihood of the problem occurring.
Many times, it is much more effective to reduce the probability of a risk even occurring than trying to repair the
consequences after it has occurred. For example, if you're dependent on an outside vendor making its delivery
dates, your contract with the vendor might include penalties for late delivery, in order to offset your potential
losses. Risks that seem large enough to threaten the project should lead to an “early prototype or pilot” effort
being before full implementation.
Acceptance – The final technique of dealing with risk is to respond to the risk item with a contingency plan should
the problem occur. For example, if a task is at risk of being delayed, your plan may be to add additional resources
to the task. Your contingency plan should include any work that must be done ahead of time to make the
contingency successful. For example, you'll want to make sure that the additional resources are available in case
you need them.
Keep in mind that risk management plans can have unexpected ramifications. The prudent project manager might want to
model each plan in their project-scheduling tool to see the plan's impact on the project. Look for new risks that occur as a
result of the project schedule and address them.
Monitor and Manage Risks
Your risk management plan is in place. Now your job is to make sure you and others on the project team act on it. Take any
actions necessary according to the risk response you have chosen. Monitor your watchlist to see if triggers are occurring,
and implement contingency plans as needed. Be sure to reassess your risks regularly. You might find the following ideas
useful for monitoring your risks:
Move your High Risk items into your Issues Matrix to be visited during each project status meeting
Include a Risks section in status reports and request that resources identify any assumptions they are making, as
well as any new risks they see
Set up regular meetings with team members to reevaluate the risk management plan and to identify new risks to
the project
Each time your project's actual progress varies significantly from the project schedule, reassess the risks and
reevaluate your risk management plan
With a little preplanning and thought, you can significantly decrease the risks to your project.
Risk Analysis Plan
Proceed through the following list and assess each item for risk using previous experience with similar products, expert
opinions on relevant technologies, and brainstorming with a cross-functional group and assess the severity of the risk for
each item.
Risk Factor Impact Description
(L, M, H)
(L, M, H)
A) Budget
1) Estimated total budget
for project
L) Less than $100,000
M) $100,001 to $700,000
H) More than $700,000
2) What is the level of
confidence in the accuracy
of the budget estimate
L) High
M) Medium
H) Low
3) What is the possibility of
budget overrun?
L) Not likely
M) Moderately possible
H) Highly probable
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Risk Factor Impact Description
(L, M, H)
(L, M, H)
B) Duration
1) What is the estimated
elapsed time to complete
the project?
L) Less than 2 months
M) 2 months to 6 months
H) More than 6 months
2) What is the level of
confidence in the accuracy
of the project schedule
L) High
M) Medium
H) Low
3) What is the degree of
flexibility in the schedule
and completion date?
L) High flexibility
M) Moderate flexibility
H) Limited or no flexibility
4) What is the life
expectancy for the
L) Less than 2 years
M) 2 to 5 years
H) More than 5 years
Risk Factor Impact Description
(L, M, H)
(L, M, H)
C) Project Team Staffing
1) What is the expected
maximum size of the
project team?
L) 4 or less
M) 5 to 10 members
H) Over 10 members
2) Is the project staffing
level (or expected level)
adequate for the project?
L) Adequate level of staffing
M) Slightly understaffed, anticipate minor impact on
project schedule
H) Severely understaffed, will lengthen project schedule
3) What percentage of the
project team can be staffed
from existing personnel?
L) 80-100%
M) 50-79%
H) 0-49%
4) Due to specialized skill
requirements, budget
constraints, etc.; how
difficult will it be to obtain
additional permanent staff
or contractors?
L) Not difficult
M) Somewhat difficult
H) Very difficult
5) Project Manager
availability: full versus
part time
L) Full time basis
M) Full time w/ minor responsibilities elsewhere
H) Equally involved on 1 or more other projects
6) Shared work experience
of team
L) All have worked together before
M) Some have worked together before
H) None have worked together before
7) Number of times team
has implemented this
L) More than once
M) Once
H) None
8) Physical location of
project team
L) Single location (building)
M) Most of team in single location
H) Most of team in multiple sites
9) Contract Help
L) No contract help needed for solution
M) The Company is prime with 1 subcontractor
H) The Company is prime with multiple subcontractors
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Risk Factor Impact Description
(L, M, H)
(L, M, H)
D) Client-User Staffing
1) What is the expected
maximum size of the client
project team?
L) 4 or less
M) 5 to 10 members
H) Over 10 members
2) Is the client-user staffing
level (or expected level)
adequate for the project?
L) Adequate level of staffing
M) Slightly understaffed, anticipate minor impact on
project schedule
H) Severely understaffed, will lengthen project schedule
3) What percentage of the
client-user team can be
staffed from existing
L) 80-100%
M) 50-79%
H) 0-49%
4) Due to specialized skill
requirements, budget
constraints, etc., how
difficult will it be to obtain
additional permanent staff
or contractors?
L) Not difficult
M) Somewhat difficult
H) Very difficult
Risk Factor Impact Description
(L, M, H)
(L, M, H)
E) User Departments
1) How many departments
or organizations can be
described as primary users
for this project?
L) 1
M) 2
H) 3 or More
2) How many departments
are involved as secondary
users in this project (e.g.,
primary to get information
for secondary reports.)?
L) None to 1
M) 2
H) 3 or more
2) Number of different
physical locations to
implement system
L) 1 site
M) 2 to 3 sites
H) Over 3
Risk Factor Impact Description
(L, M, H)
(L, M, H)
F) Administration and Control
1) Has a project process
and related standards been
established for this type of
project (i.e. application
infrastructure, etc.)?
L) Yes, project team trained and has applied methodology
in past projects
M) Yes, first time use by project team
H) No, unknown risks & no applied methodology
2) Project Management
change control
management procedures
L) Well defined & accepted
M) Established but unclear
H) Nonexistent
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3) A quality assurance
process has been defined
and is in place?
L) Well defined & accepted
M) Established, but unclear
H) Nonexistent
4) Will the solution be
implemented in well-
defined phases?
L) Yes
H) No
5) Has a version control
system been established for
L) Yes
H) No
6) Has a collaboration
system been established for
documentation and project
L) Yes
H) No
7) Will the development
effort be continuous?
L) Yes
M) No, limited to moderate impact
H) No, considerable impact
8) Has the joint client-
user/project development
team been identified and
established for the project?
L) Yes, with active participation from all departments
M) Yes, with part-time participation
H) No
9) Has a formal review and
approval process been
established for the project?
L) Yes, formal procedures
M) No, informal procedures
H) No procedures
10) Number of clients or
departments involved in
final solution
L) Single department or company requesting solution
M) Two departments in same company requesting solution
H) Multiple departments or more than one company
requesting solution
11) Number of other
projects this project
depends upon
L) 0
M) 1
H) 2 or more
12) Number of other
projects dependent on this
L) 0
M) 1
H) 2 or more
Risk Factor Impact Description
(L, M, H)
(L, M, H)
G) User Support
1) Is there a client analyst
(subject matter expert-
SME) assigned to the
L) Yes, active participation
M) Yes, minimal participation
H) No
2) How knowledgeable is
the SME in the proposed
solution area?
L) Substantial experience in the area
M) Understands concepts, but has no experience
H) Limited
3) Does the client’s top
management support the
L) Well supported
M) Somewhat supported
H) Limited support
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Risk Factor Impact Description
(L, M, H)
(L, M, H)
(See table)
H) Project/Development Team Qualifications
1) What is the experience of
the project manager with
projects of similar type?
L) Demonstrated performance within this company
with similar solutions
M) Demonstrated performance within this company but
with different type of solutions
H) Prior experience with similar solutions but no
experience at this company or no prior experience
2) What is the experience of
the project manager with
projects of similar size?
L) Demonstrated performance within this company
with similar solutions
M) Demonstrated performance within this company but
with different type of solutions
H) Prior experience with similar solutions but no
experience at this company or no prior experience
3) What is the project
team’s demonstrated
performance in
implementing project of this
L) Excellent
M) Adequate
H) Limited
4) What is the project
team’s demonstrated
performance in
implementing project of this
L) Excellent
M) Adequate
H) Limited
5) What is the project
team’s functional knowledge
of the client’s business in the
solution area?
L) Excellent or Good
M) Fair
H) Poor
6) Project Team expertise
L) No subject matter expert required for solution or
subject matter expert on staff already
M) Local subject matter expert required for solution
H) Out of District or location subject matter expert
required for solution
Risk Factor Impact Description
(L, M, H)
(L, M, H)
(See table)
I) Functional Requirements
1) The new solution may be
described as:
L) Replacement of an existing automated system
M) Replacement of an existing manual system
H) Totally new system
2) What percentage of the
new solution’s functions are
one-for-one replacements of
the existing system’s
L) 67-100%
M) 34-66%
H) 0-33%
3) To what degree can the
user requirements definition
be based on existing system
L) To a large degree
M) To a moderate degree
H) To a minimal degree or no existing documentation
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4) New solution relationship
to client’s business strategy
L) Tightly coupled to business strategic plan
M) Somewhat coupled to business strategic plan
H) Minimally coupled to business strategic plan
5) To what degree has the
project team documented
the client’s requirements?
L) Well understood and documented
M) General understanding but not documented
H) Not well documented
6) To what degree will the
client-user depend on the
technical staff to define
system requirements
(system inputs, outputs,
processing requirements,
data base contents, etc.)?
L) Minimal dependence
M) Moderate dependence
H) High dependence
7) How well defined is the
project scope?
L) Well defined and documented
M) General understanding but not documented
H) Not well defined
8) How likely to change are
the project scope and
L) To a large degree
M) To a moderate degree
H) To a minimal degree
9) How diverse are the
requirements of the
different client-user groups?
L) Identical requirements or only one user group
M) Similar requirements
H) Somewhat diverse requirements
10) How well are the project
deliverables or objectives
L) Well defined and documented
M) Defined in name, but not content
H) Vague
11) How well defined are the
benefits of new solution?
L) Defined, quantified or strategically important
M) Defined in general, not quantified
H) Not defined, unclear
Risk Factor Impact Description
(L, M, H)
(L, M, H)
(See table)
J) Impact on User Operations
1) To what degree will the
client depend on the new
solution for normal
L) Not required for normal operations
M) Moderately dependent
H) Extremely dependent
2) Will change in the client
organization be required as
a result of the new solution?
L) Minimal or no change
M) Moderate change
H) Major change
3) To what degree will the
new solution impact client
operations and procedures?
L) Minimal change
M) Moderate change
H) Major change
4) What is the general
attitude of the operational
client to the new solution?
L) Positive
M) Neutral, Somewhat skeptical or unknown
H) Negative
5) How familiar is the client
with the technology being
L) Very familiar
M) Somewhat familiar or unfamiliar, but easy to adapt
H) Unfamiliar, requires extensive user education
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Risk Factor Impact Description
(L, M, H)
(L, M, H)
(See table)
K) Sponsorship & Commitment
1) Project Sponsor
(Champion) is:
L) Identified, enthusiastic, strong user influence, and
supports the project
M) Identified but passive
H) Unknown
2) What is the experience of
the project sponsor with
projects of similar type?
L) Extensive experience within this company with
similar solutions
M) Extensive experience within this company but with
different type of solutions
c) Prior experience with similar solutions but no
experience at this company
d) No experience
3) What is the experience of
the project sponsor with
projects of similar size?
L) Extensive experience within this company with
similar solutions
M) Extensive experience within this company but with
different type of solutions
H) Prior experience with similar solutions but no
experience at this company or no experience
Risk Factor Impact Description
(L, M, H)
(L, M, H)
(See table)
L) Project Technology (Hardware & Software)
1) How experienced is the
project team with the
hardware being used?
L) Very experienced
M) Moderately experienced
H) Slightly or not experienced
2) How experienced is the
project team with the
software being used?
L) Very experienced
M) Moderately experienced
H) Slightly or not experienced
3) How experienced is the
project team with the
development tools and
techniques being used?
L) Very experienced
M) Moderately experienced
H) Slightly or not experienced
4) To what extent will the
success of the new solution
depend on technology with
which the project team has
limited experience
(including hardware,
software, development tools
and techniques)?
L) Not at all or not enough to cause a problem
M) To a moderate extent
H) To a great extent
5) Are backup personnel
available with similar
experience and skills?
L) Yes
H) No
6) Requirements for
hardware/software for
L) None
M) Existing plus additional
H) All new
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7) Hardware/software
available for testing
L) Guaranteed
M) Reasonable assurance
H) No assurance
8) Hardware/software
ordered and available
L) Hardware/software onsite
M) Hardware/software ordered with firm delivery date
H) Hardware/software not ordered or no delivery date
Risk Factor Impact Description
(L, M, H)
(L, M, H)
(See table)
M) Technical Approach
1) Is the solution a network
L) No
M) Networked to a central system
H) Networked to multiple types of systems
2) The development effort on
this solution would be
described as:
L) Primarily a package implementation, with only
minor modifications to the package anticipated
M) Software packages will be skeletons for new
H) Primarily new development
3) Is the success of the system
dependent on hardware new
to the organization?
L) Not dependent
M) Somewhat dependent
H) Heavily dependent
4) Is the success of the system
dependent on software new
to the organization?
L) Not dependent
M) Somewhat dependent
H) Heavily dependent
5) To what degree will the
success of the system depend
on technology with which the
vendors have limited
L) Limited degree or not applicable
M) Moderate degree
H) Significant degree
6) What is the expected
vendor support of the
L) Good or not applicable
M) Limited problem
H) Serious problem or unknown
Risk Factor Impact Description
(L, M, H)
(L, M, H)
(See table)
N) Development Environment
1) Will the project team have
difficulty obtaining adequate
hardware resources, software
resources, or development
L) No problem anticipated
M) Limited problem
H) Serious problem
2) To what extent are
changes in development
hardware or software
expected to impede progress
on the subject?
L) Limited impact
M) Moderate impact
H) Considerable impact
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Risk Factor Impact Description
(L, M, H)
(L, M, H)
(See table)
O) Technical Requirements
1) What is the anticipated
complexity of the conversion
L) No conversion effort required or straightforward
M) Average
H) Complex
2) Will the new solution be
required to meet stringent
performance requirements
(e.g., response time,
L) Reasonable expectations
H) Stringent requirements
3) How important are the
considerations to the new
L) Limited importance
M) Moderate importance
H) Extreme importance
4) With how many different
existing applications or
systems must the new
solution interface?
L) None or 1
M) 2 to 4
H) More than 4
Risk Factor Impact Description
(L, M, H)
(L, M, H)
(See table)
P) Account Readiness
1) The account environment
is ready for the new
L) Yes
M) Maybe, with some changes
H) No
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