Fillable Printable Roommate Contract - University of Wisconsin Milwarkee
Fillable Printable Roommate Contract - University of Wisconsin Milwarkee

Roommate Contract - University of Wisconsin Milwarkee

Roommate Contract
We have signed a lease at on .
(Address) (Date)
All roommates will share the responsibilities of renting as outlined below. It is for this reason that we are signing this
I. Roommates
The roommates of the above rental unit are:
II. Terms
This agreement is to begin on _______________ for a term lasting from _____________ to _____________.
I fully understand and accept the rules and responsibilities of this agreement.
III. Security Deposit
The security deposit for the rental dwelling is a total of $
Roommate #1
will pay $ .
Roommate #2
will pay $ .
Roommate #3
will pay $ .
Each roommate is responsible for charges associated with the damages he/she or his/her guests cause. All other
charges will be split amongst all roommates. The amounts will be paid back upon return of the security deposit 21
days after we move out.
IV. Rent
Total rent amount for the rental dwelling is $__________________________________________.
Roommate #1
will pay $ .
Roommate #2
will pay $ .
Roommate #3
will pay $ .
The rent payment is due on the ______ of each month.
If rent is not paid by the date posted, there will be a fee of $
(according to lease).
The rent payment includes the following utilities
V. Utilities (Check and complete appropriate statements)
Utilities not covered by rent:
All persons will share equally in the payment of utilities.
All roommates will agree to pay the person designated below (bill payer) on or before the date specified.
Gas/Electricity Bill will be paid by (name): Amount to be Paid:
Date bill will be paid:
Date $ is due to bill payer:
Water/Sewer Bill will be paid by (name): Amount to be Paid:
Date bill will be paid:
Date $ is due to bill payer:
Other Explain:
(Cable, Internet, Etc.) Bill will be paid by (name):
Amount to be Paid:
Date bill will be paid:
Date $ is due to bill payer:
VI. Amenities (Check and complete appropriate statements)
Amenities not covered by rent:
All persons will share equally in the payment of utilities.
All roommates will agree to pay person designated below (bill payer) on the date specified by all.
Internet Bill will be paid by (name):
Date bill will be paid:
Date $ is due to bill payer:
Cable Bill will be paid by (name):
Date bill will be paid:
Date $ is due to bill payer:

VII. Moving Out
When a roommate moves out the landlord must be given _____ days notice, by each tenant. If proper notice is
not given, the roommate will continue to pay his/her share of rent until the end of the lease. No financial loss
should be left for the remaining roommates.
When moving out: (Check appropriate statements)
All roommates agree to move out at the same time on
If for any reason a roommate must move, he/she will continue to pay his/her share of the rent and bills
until the end of the lease, unless a replacement or subletter is found. Replacement roommate must be
agreed upon with all roommates.
If any damage is done to the rental unit, whoever caused it (or whoever’s guest caused it) must pay for
Cleaning of the rental will be shared by all renters before anyone moves.
VIII. Personal Property
All roommates agree to refrain from borrowing roommates’ personal property without prior consent.
IX. Cleaning and Yard work
All roommates agree to share the responsibilities of cleaning and maintenance of the property (if applicable in lease).
The roommates have decided to develop a schedule of cleaning duties and yard work.
The roommates have decided to work together at a designated time to complete the cleaning duties and yard
X. Additional Terms and Agreements
In addition to the items mentioned above, the following items have been known to cause conflict between
roommates. If you foresee any of these being a problem, write out additional agreements.
Overnight guests
Clean-up after parties/guests
Use of TV/cable
Use of stereo
Behavior of guests
Food/groceries/household supplies
Quiet hours (studying/sleeping)
Compliance with landlord’s rules
Shared/Common Areas
XI. Renter’s Insurance
All roommates agree to obtain their own renter’s insurance policy.
XII. Roommate Mediation
Often the basis of disputes is a lack of communication or a mismatch of expectations between roommates. When you
feel you can no longer handle your roommate conflict alone, you can seek assistance from the Campus Mediation
Center. They are located in Merrill Hall G33.
Signatures of Roommates
By signing below, you agree to all of the terms and conditions stated above.
Name: _________________________________________ Date: _______________
Name: _________________________________________ Date: _______________
Name: _________________________________________ Date: _______________