Fillable Printable Sample Roommate Agreement
Fillable Printable Sample Roommate Agreement

Sample Roommate Agreement
THIS AGREEMENT MADE THIS ____ DAY OF _______________, 20___,
1.____________________________________ 4.____________________________________
2.____________________________________ 5.____________________________________
3.____________________________________ 6.____________________________________
WHEREAS, the parties hereto have on the ____ day of _____________________, 20___, signed a lease
for (address)__________________________________________________________ for a term lasting from
____________________________ to __________________________; (a copy of which is attached hereto), and
plan to reside on said premises as roommates; and,
WHEREAS, the said roommates wish to provide for the sharing of responsibilities in the renting of
said premises;
1. Each of the roommates agrees to follow the rules and conditions set out in the attached lease and in
this Roommate Agreement.
2. Each of the roommates shall pay monthly rent as follows (fill in the specific dollar amount each
roommate is to pay per pay period):
a.___________________________________ d.____________________________________
b.___________________________________ e.____________________________________
c.___________________________________ f.____________________________________
3. The roommates shall pay an equal share (fill in percentage, i.e., 1/3, 1/4) ____, on a monthly basis,
of the following expenses incurred relating to the premises including (as applicable under the lease): electric,
gas, heat, basic telephone service, water, garbage pick-up and sewage, and (check if applies): cable__; food__;
cleaning and/or other contracted for services (specify)___________________________________________;
4. Each roommate shall pay for the long distance telephone calls he or she makes.
5. Each roommate shall be solely responsible to pay promptly any fines, fees or other charges assessed
by the landlord for the said roommate's violation of the lease, including late payment of rent, bounced check
charges, pet clause violation, key replacement, illegal parties, etc., and shall hold the other roommates
harmless thereon.
6. Each roommate shall be solely responsible for intentional or accidental damages they or their
guests cause to the premises, including charges assessed by the landlord for the roommate's failure to remove
his or her property at the end of the lease, and shall hold the other roommates harmless thereon.
7. Each roommate agrees not to take or use, without consent, the personal property of any of the
other roommates, including food, clothes, utensils, jewelry, motor vehicles, T.V. and stereo, and the like.
8. If pets are permitted under the lease, each roommate owning or taking care of a pet shall be solely
responsible for any additional pet deposit as may be required by the landlord, and shall be solely responsible
for all damages caused by said pet.
9. Each roommate agrees that they shall remain liable for rent for the entirety of the lease period,
whether or not the roommate remains a resident of the said premises, unless the roommate is released from
the lease by the landlord and unless the other roommates agree in writing to assume the roommate's share of
10. Not withstanding the provisions of Paragraph 9 above, a roommate shall not be required to
continue to pay rent upon vacating the premises during the term of the lease if such leaving is due to criminal
acts being directed against said roommate by another roommate or roommates or the material breach of the
Roommate Agreement by the other roommate(s). In such case, the roommates causing the roommate to
leave shall be responsible for the departed roommate's rent.
11. Each roommate agrees that each of the other roommates shall have the right to sublet his or her
share of the premises to another person provided the sublease is executed in writing and in accordance with
the original lease and this Roommate Agreement. Roommates shall be given the opportunity to meet the
prospective sublessee in advance and shall be entitled to a copy of the Sublease Agreement.
12. A roommate's right to sublet, as outlined in Paragraph 11 above, shall be further limited as
13. The roommates agree that each roommate shall be allowed to have an overnight guest provided
said guest(s) does not disrupt the other roommates' right to the full and peaceable enjoyment of the premises.
No roommate shall be allowed to have another person live in the apartment on a sustained or permanent
basis without the approval of all of the roommates and without consent of the landlord, if required by the
14. Additional Agreements: ___________________________________________________________
_________ ______________________________ _________ _______________________________
Date Roommate Date Roommate
_________ ______________________________ _________ _______________________________
Date Roommate Date Roommate
_________ ______________________________ _________ _______________________________
Date Roommate Date Roommate
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