Fillable Printable SAAS AGREEMENT - SoftBASE
Fillable Printable SAAS AGREEMENT - SoftBASE


1 SaaS Agreement
March 2012
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is a comprehensive service, described as "Vores SaaS" at , and relates to Cloud
Computing (CC) delivery from the SB ERP-cloud – including the integration to the Google Apps cloud. This agreement defines the
bundle fee and how this may be adjusted and the appendixes defines components and procedures.
User metrics
The customer can choose between 2 metrics: a) the number of Named Users (NU’s) - and b) the number of Concurrent Users
(CU’s) . The customer may before any calendar quarter decide to change metric from being NU-based to be CU-based; if so, the
minimum number of CU’s for the first quarter will be equal to the former number of NU’s - and thereafter subject to adjustment
according to the procedure outlined below (with first measurement related to first quarter on CU-terms).
The number of NU’s and CU’s relates to ERP-users only – there as Google Apps accounts for email, document management, office
et cetera shall be licensed separately from Google Apps Partner on a Named User (NU) basis.
Adjustment of fee
The fee per NU is 50 € per month and applicable for 5 – 15 NU’s (2012). The fee per CU is 70 € per month and applicable for 10+
CU’s (2012). Theese fee’s may be increased, with a maximum of 3 % per calendar year – and with a 3 month warning (ex. VAT). The
Google Apps fee as is 40 € per NU per year and is subject to Google fee policy only (ex. VAT).
The customer may before any calendar quarter increase or decrease of the number of NU’s – with effect from the next quarter.
The customers with CU-based fee, the measured highest number of CU’s in the 4
calendar quarter will trigger a proportional
increase or decrease of the SaaS fee for the following year. The measurement will exclude 3 peakday values before setting the level
for new fee. The operational service will technically not be limited by the defined number of CU’s – applicable for fee setting only.
Specific for EXAMPLE
The service period will start nn.nn.2012 and the facility will be available for upstart activities 2 weeks before; the setup charge will
amount to NNNN € (ex. VAT). Setup shall be guided by Activity list(s); provided as an element(s) from a parallel Consulting
For EXAMPLE these additional legal units are covered by this agreement: subsidiary A, subsidiary B . . .
Initial number of NU’s = 5; fee per month = 5 x 50 € = 250 € (minimum)
Initial number of CU’s = 10; fee per month = 10 x 70 € = 700 € (minimum)
SaaS fee is invoiced primo each calendar quarter for 3 months and payment due according to invoice (for upstart in mid of
calendar quarter the fee for the period up to the next calendar quarter will be added to the invoice for setup fee).
EXAMPLE may after 1 year give notice of termination before any calendar quarter – and the contract shall then expire at the end of
the following 2
calendar quarter. SB may after 4 years give notice ultimo any month and terminate the service 12 months later -
if so, SB will on request offer continued service on standard terms as applicable at that point of time.
These appendixes shall be considered as an integral part of this agreement: a) Product Definition ERP b) Integration Definition G-
Apps c) Software Definition Oracle d) Hosting Definition e) Release & integration Service f) Error Reporting & Response.
Date: nn.nn 2012
Date: nn.nn 2012