Fillable Printable Safety Planning Guide
Fillable Printable Safety Planning Guide

Safety Planning Guide
Everyone deserves relationships that are healthy, safe and supportive. If you are
in a relationship that is hurting you, it is important for you to know that the abuse
is not your fa ult. It is also important for yo u to start thinking o f w ays to keep
yourself safe from the abuse, whether you decide to end the relationship or not.
While you can’t control the other person’s abusive behavior, you can take
action to keep yourself as safe as possi ble.
A safety pl an is a practical guide that helps l ower your risk of being hurt by your
abuser. It includes information specific to yo u and your life tha t will help keep
you safe. A good safety plan helps you think through lifestyle changes that wi ll
hel p keep you as safe as possible on campus, at work, at home and other
place s that you go on a daily basis.
Take some time for yourself to go through each section of this safety pl an. You
can complete this on your own, or you can work through it with someone else
that yo u trust.
• In order for this safety pl an to work for you, you’ll need to fill in personalized
answers, so you can use the information when you most need it.
• Once you complete your safety plan, be sure to keep it in an accessible but
secure location. You might also consider giving a copy of your safety plan to
so meone t hat you t rust .
• Getting support from someone who has experience working those in abusive
relationships can be very useful.
VIP Center sta ff are also available to work th rough thi s safety plan with
you, answer quest ions and help find addi tional resources you may need.
Adapted from, U K Vi ol ence Interventi on and Prevention Center, Rev. 9.19.11
Answering the following questions will help create your own safety plan:
1. What situation s are yo u most afraid of ?
2. What kinds of things have you thought of that may help you with these things
you fear the most?
3. What kinds of things have you tried to prote ct yourself in the past? Which of
these things have worked and which would you use again?
4. What types of arrangements can you make to improve your safety at work or
school? (change your routes, screen your calls, change arrival and departure
times, safety while traveling, etc.)
5. What kinds of these can you do to improve your safety in your home?
(change l ocks, buy safety devices, inform neighbors and l andlord to call the
police if they hear a disturbance, purchase a cell phone, etc.)
6. Does the abuser have access to your phone, address , email or other ways to
contact you? Can/should these be changed?
7. Are there other people or pets whose safety you are also concerned about
as a result of this situation? (roommate, dating partner, coworker, etc.)
8. What kinds of legal resources in your community are available to you?

Staying Safe on Campus or a t Work
Th e safest wa y for me to get to class/w ork i s:
These are c ampus/work places where I often r un into my
abuse r: _______________________________________________.
I will try and avoid those places as much as possible or
try to go when s/he won’t be there.
There may be plac e s wher e it is imposs ible to av oid my
abuser. If I need to go to one of th os e places I can make
sure a friend c an go with me. I will ask__________________
or _____________________________________
I c an as k ______________________ to help scr een my c all s.
If I feel threatened or unsafe, I c an go to these public
areas where I feel safe (VI P, cafeteria, the Stu d ent
Center, etc. ):
If a problem arises on my way home from work I ca n:
I could talk to the
followin g pe o ple if I
need to rearrange my
schedule in or der to
avo i d my abu ser; or if I
need help stay ing safe
on campus or at wor k :
Campus police
Work place Secur ity
Staying Safe in My Home
I can tell these people (roommates, neighbors, friends) about what is going on :
__________________________________ and ________________________________________.
There will be times when I am home alone. If I feel unsafe during those times, I can
hav e peo ple stay with me. I will ask:____________________________________________,
________________________________ or ____________________________________________.
The safest way for me to leave my ho me in an emergency is : ____________________
If I have to leave home in an emergency, I shoul d try to go to a place that is
public, safe and unknown by my abuser. I could go here:
___________________________________ or __________________________________________
I will use a c ode wor d so I can alert my family, friends, roommates and/or
neighbors to call for help without my abuser knowing about it. My
code w ord is: _________________________________________________________________.
I w ill keep a spare set of keys here : _____________________________________________.

Staying Safe Em otionally:
My abuser o fte n makes me feel bad by sayi ng
Whe n he/s he does this, I will think of the se re asons why
I kn ow my abuse r is wr on g:
I will do thin g s I e njoy, lik e:
___________________ and ____________________________.
I will j oin clubs or o rgan iza ti ons tha t intere st me ,
l ike: ______________________________________________ or
If I f eel dow n an d rea dy to re turn to a p o ten ti ally
abusi ve situ ati o n , I can
I can read ____________ ___________ ___________________
to help me feel s trong e r and more supported.
If I feel confused,
depre ssed or scared,
I ca n call the following
friend s o r family
Name: ________________
Phone #: ______________
Name: ________________
Phone #: ______________
Name: ________________
Phone #: ______________
Name: ________________
Phone #: ______________
Getting Help in the Community:
For emerg enci es cal l 911 and give your loca tion
Campus police st at ion: 2 57-SAFE
Location: Corner of Rose St. and Euclid Ave.
Violence Intervention and Prevention Ctr.
Location: Lower level, Frazee Hall
Phone: 257-3574
Othe r: _____________________________________
Phone #: ___________________________________
Locatio n: ___________________________________
Othe r: ______________________________________
Phone #: ___________________________________
Locatio n: _______________________________ ____
For immediate sup p ort, I ca n
call the following friends or
family membe rs at any time
of day or night:
Name: _____________________
Phone: _____________________
Name: _____________________
Phone: _____________________
Hotlines that can help:
We bsites with helpful and
suppo rtive i n fo rmation:

These are things I c an do to help keep myself safe everyday:
• carry my c ell phone and important telephone number s with me at all times.
• keep in touch with someone I trust about where I am or wh at I am doing .
• sta y o ut of isolated places .
• alert wo rk or campus security ab out w ha t is ha p p ening so tha t my abus er is not allo w ed
in my bui lding.
• avoi d places w h ere my abuser o r his/h er friends and family ar e lik ely to be .
• keep the d oors and win dows loc ked where I live , es pe c i ally if I am alone.
• will avoid speaking to my abus er. If it is unavoid able, I will make sure there are people
around in c ase the situation becomes dangerous.
• call 911 if I feel m y safety i s at r i sk .
• rememb er tha t the abuse is not my fault and that I des erv e a safe and healthy life.
These are things I c an do to help keep myself safe in my social life:
• ask my friend s to kee p the ir c ell phones with them while they are with me in case we g et
s e p arate d an d I need help.
• I f possible, go to d ifferent mall s, bars, banks, parties, grocery stores, movie theaters,
r estaur a nts, e tc. tha n the ones my a bus er g o es to or k no ws a b out.
• no matte r w h ere I go , I will be aware o f h o w to leave safely in case o f an emer g en cy.
• leave if I feel u ncomfortabl e in a si tuation, no matter what my fr ie n ds ar e doing .
• If I plan on drin ki ng , I will be sur e to have a sobe r fr ie n d to hel p in a volatile s ituation.
• spend time with people who make me feel safe, supported and good about myself.
These are things I c an do to stay safe online and with my cell phone:
• keep my cell phone charged and program in important number s .
• I will not say or d o anything online that I would n’t in pe rs on.
• set all m y onl ine profiles to be as private as they can b e.
• save any abusive, threatening or harassing com ments, posts, or texts.
• never give my pas sword to anyone.
• I f the abuse and harassment does not stop, change my usernames, email add resses,
and/or cell phone number.
• I will no t answe r calls from unknown, bloc ked or priv ate number s .
• see if my phone c ompany c an bloc k my abus er ’s phone number from calling my phone.
• I will no t com mu nicate wi th my abu s er us ing any type of technology, ev en responding to
m essages, texts or emails can lea d to more pr ob lems.

Specific safety concern I have:
Possible way to handle it:
Possible resource to help: ___________________________________________________
Specific safety concern I have:
Possible way to handle it:
Possible resource to help: ___________________________________________________
Specific safety concern I have:
Possible way to handle it:
Possible resource to help: ___________________________________________________