Fillable Printable Sample School Safety Plan Template
Fillable Printable Sample School Safety Plan Template
Sample School Safety Plan Template
Safe Havens International presents:
Sample School Safety Plan Development Templates
All materials contained in this sample are copyrighted and maynot be reproduced without express
written permission from Safe Havens International.
©2008 Safe Havens International Inc.
Terms of Use Agreement
By purchasing the School Safety Plan Development Templates, the client agrees totheterms as set forth
in the Terms of Use Agreement. For the purposes of this document, the term “client” refers to any user
whodownloads thisfile.
Safe Havens International Inc. retains the copyright to all material deliveredtotheclient.
Permitted Uses
The client has unlimited reproductionand distribution rightswithin its organization for additional training
and presentation to other staff only. The client may modify, change, alter, or otherwise tailor the templates
to fit itsorganization’s needs.
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The client is prohibited from sharing, trading, selling, or otherwise makingthe templates available, either
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may bedisclosed, including images, toa third partywithout explicit written permission from Safe Havens
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with the Terms of Use Agreement.
Safe Havens International Inc. provides these sample pagesfor the client to use forevaluation ofthe value
of the overall set of templates. These sample pages should not be used to create oradd to a fully integrated
localemergency operations plan without the full set of templates. The sample andthe templates are in no
way designed as a substitute for consultation by qualified public safety andemergency management
officials. The templates are designed as astarting point to assist school and emergency response officials
in the development ofa customized school safety plan that is appropriate to address local risks and
resources. Safe Havens Internationalmake no claim in regards to the accuracy orvalidity of the materials
or information provided and have noliability in respect to such materials or information orany actions
arisingfrom their use.
About the Templates
The school safety plan development templatesare designed to allow school officialsto work
closely with local emergency responseand community serviceofficials todevelop a custom four
phase all hazardsschool safety plan as recommended by the United States Department of
Education and Jane’s Information Group.
Portionsof the templates weretestedby several client districtswhowererecipients of United
States Department of Education crisis planning grants.Preliminary tests by theseschool systems
indicate that the templates allow school and local publicsafety and public serviceofficials to
develop a customized four phase plan with about a 75% reduction in the time and effort required.
Evaluatorsalso reported that theplan sectionsthey developed using the templates were also of
much higher quality.
The full packageofschool safety plan development templates, which is over300 pageslong,
A user guide.
A prevention and mitigation plan development template.
Response plan templatesincluding master responseprotocols. Includesintegrated flipcharts
fora variety ofcategoriesofemployees including lead administrator/crisisresponse team
members, transportation personnel, faculty/staff,custodians andan after hours eventflip
chart.Each flip chart template is derived from and integrated with the master protocols.Also
includes14 differentlogsand tracking sheet template.
A recovery plan template: TheUnited States Department ofEducation andtop recovery
experts including Marleen Wong recommend that districts develop a recovery plan and train
staff in its use.
A tactical site survey checklist template
An exercise package for planning and conducting emergency drills and exercises using a
progressiveexercise program as recommended by the United States Department of Education,
the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Jane’s. The exercise packageincludes more
than thirty drills, tabletop exercises and functionalexercises complete with messaging slips.
The packagealso includes a variety of exercise design and evaluation forms and checklists.
Thissection will enable a district with an aggressive exercise program to conduct one drill per
school month forthree yearswithout repeating a scenario.
Survey and feedback forms for staff, students, and parents.
Included in this sample are some excerpts from the templates that should provide a strong ideaof
the comprehensive nature ofthe templatesand their ability toassist a district with the
development of a complete crisis plan. There are 14 different sample sections included in this
Sample Description Page
1. Section fromthe Prevention/Mitigation Plan Template............................................4
2. FunctionalProtocol:Remote Evacuationand Family Reunification.........................6
3. IncidentSpecific Protocol:Bomb Threats/Suspicious Packages ..............................7
4. Lead Administrator/CrisisResponse Team Member: Remote Evacuation
and Family ReunificationProtocol........................................................................10
5. Transportation Flip Chart:Remote Evacuation and
FamilyReunification Protocol...............................................................................11
6. Faculty/StaffFlip Chart: Remote Evacuationand
FamilyReunification Protocol...............................................................................13
7. Custodian’s Flip Chart: Remote Evacuation and Family Reunification Protocol....14
8. After Hours Activities Flip Chart:Remote Evacuation and
FamilyReunification Protocol...............................................................................15
9. ResponsePlan Templates: IncidentTrackingSheet...............................................16
10. Recovery Plan Templates: Death Notification Protocol.......................................18
11. Section fromComprehensive Tactical Site Survey Template...............................20
12. Sample Itemsfrom the ExercisePackage.............................................................22
13. Sample Questionsfor Participants to UseinFunctional Exercises.......................25
14. Sample ExerciseChecklists: Emergency Programs..............................................26
Ifyou are interestedin the templates for yourdistrict orstate, pleasecontact Safe Havens
International todiscuss pricing and package offers.
Safe Havens International, Inc.
An IRS approved non-profit
School & Community Safety Center
P.O. Box 27390
Macon, Georgia, 31221-7390
Phone: (478) 994-1417
Fax:(404) 759-2790
1. Section from the Prevention/Mitigation Plan Template
E.Interior Physical Security andSafety Measures
1.Security cameras provide coverage forkey indoor areas at all middle and high schools.
2.All school lockersare kept lockedat all times, and studentsare required to use school
3.The school system has established a procedure forrandom locker inspections to deter
students from keeping weapons in lockers.
4.The school system hasestablished a random metal detection policy. Random metal
detection screening is conducted at each middle and high school several timeseach year.
5.Drug and bomb detection dogs are utilized several times each year to check student
lockers and public areasfor drugs,firearms, and explosive devices as a deterrent
6.The number oftrash containers inusein each school has been minimized. Trash
containers are not situatedin areas thatare out ofview.This has been doneto reduce the
number ofpotential hidingplaces for explosive devicesand contraband.
7.All schoolsrequire that studentsand school employeeswearstandardized identification
badges with a photograph.
8.All schools have avisitor badgesystem inplace.
9.Each school testsall fire alarm pullstationstwice each year to ensure thatthey function
10.Fire department fire prevention bureau personnel conduct a fire prevention seminar for
the staff at each school andfacility onceannually.Topicsinclude the proper use offire
extinguishers,fire evacuation procedures,common fire code violationsinschools, and
special concerns for cafeteria personnel.
11.Each school tests the building intrusion alarm system twice each year.
12.The police department crime prevention bureau conducts a crime prevention seminar for
staff at each school and facility once annually.
13.Each school hastaken stepsto properly secure all desktop computers,VCR’s and
television sets. Security measuresinclude stepsto secure computers against theft and
unauthorized access.
14.All television sets that are notwall mounted are either bolted to carts orsecured using
safety straps. District policyprohibits students from being used tomove television carts
15.Each school has developed a system to ensure that rooms that are notin useare kept
16.The district has a system in place to ensure thatserial numbersare on file forschool
system property.
17.Valuable school property has been clearlymarked to identify it as school property.
18.Each school has established a system to locate, photograph, remove, and report all graffiti
to law enforcement in atimely manner.
19.The district usesan internet filtering system. These filtering systemsprevent access to
sites containing pornography, hategroups, and sitesrelating to weapon and bomb making
materials. The filters are tested through useto make sure they work whilenot blocking
sites needed by students for schoolwork.
20.Each school has developed a system to restrict accessto the building during the day by
keeping specified doors locked when not in use.
21.Every school has a designated room that isheavily secured.High value equipmentis
moved to theserooms for storage during extended holidays and summer breaks.
22.The district safety design team has conducted a CPTED (crime prevention through
environmental design) and targethardening assessment of each school and facility.
Changes have been made as appropriate based on the team’s recommendations. Team
members have received formal training on CPTED.
23.The district safety design team evaluatesall building construction and renovation plans
early in the design process and makes recommendations to enhancethe level of safety
through design features (CPTED and target hardening).
24.Local emergency management, fire serviceand law enforcement officialshave an
opportunity to review building construction and renovation plans early in thedesign
process. These officialsare afforded an opportunity to make comments on safety and
emergency management concerns.
25.The district requiresthat thearchitectural firm awarded a buildingconstruction or
renovation project must have at least one CPTED-trained design team member.
2. Functional Protocol: Remote Evacuation and Family
Thistype ofevacuation isused for any evacuation where students and staff willneed to be
moved to a remote site forreunification with family members and lovedones.
Alert Signal
Announcement over the public addresssystem “All staff initiatea Code Blue – emergency
evacuation in effect at thistime,evacuate to site __________________located at
____________________. Pleasesweep all routes and the site. We will beimplementing the
Remote Evacuation and Family Reunification Protocol fromthat location”
Lead administrator Response
1.Notify the central office of your decision to implement the familyreunification protocol.
Provide a brief description of the incidentand specify the staging areaso busescan be
dispatched to the appropriate location.
2.Request that law enforcement officialsdispatch uniformed personnel tothe stagingarea.
3.Activate appropriate crisis teams.
4.Make the announcement by public addresssystem, runners, e-mail or whichever means is
most practical “All staff initiate aCode Blue – emergency evacuation in effect at this time,
evacuate to site __________________located at ____________________. Please sweep all
routes and the site. We willbe implementingthe Remote Evacuation and Family
Reunification Protocol from that location”
5.In certain situations, it may notbe practical or safeto order a generalevacuation (such as
during a hostage situation or if anarmed intruder may still be in the area). In such instances,
coordinate with public safety officials for law enforcement officialstoconduct the
evacuation room by room.
6.Designatea staff member toserve asyour representative at the family reunification center.
Instruct them to take student information from oneof theEmergency Evacuation Kits with
7.Notify the appropriate crisis team member toserve as yourrepresentative at the staging area.
1.Follow non-fire evacuation procedures and guide students to the designated on campus
evacuation site. Prepare studentsfor boarding of buses.
2.Ensure that anyspecial needspersons in your area of responsibility areassisted during the
3.Once students and other personsfromyourarea of responsibility haveboarded a bus, assist
the bus driver by taking roll and completingthe driver’s evacuation roster.
4.Follow the instructions of Family Reunification Staff when youarriveat the Family
Reunification Site. You may be asked to assist in staffing the site.
3. Incident SpecificProtocol: BombThreats/Suspicious Packages
A bomb threat/suspicious packagesituation is one that involves the threat ofan explosivedevice
that has been placed in, around,or near afacility ,or the detection of a suspicious package that
could contain an explosive device.
Alert Signal
Announcement over the public addresssystem “All staff initiatea Code Blue – emergency
evacuation in effect at thistime,evacuate to site __________________located at
____________________. Pleasesweep all routes and the site.”
“All staff initiate a sweep in place, pleasereport your status upon completionof the sweep”
Lead administrator Response
Upon receipt ofa bombthreat,the lead administrator should call 911and request that fire,law
enforcement and emergency management personnel respond. Ifa threat hasbeen received by
phone, provide the completed bomb threat checklist (seeAppendix A) to the first law
enforcement officer to arrive on the scene. Make sure thatcall tracing procedures havebeen
implemented (keep the phone that the callwasreceived on off the hookso that the call can be
traced – ifanother call comes in afterward this is no longerpossible).Consult with responding
public safety officials and quickly determine whether it is best under the circumstancesto sweep,
evacuate and search or to sweep in place. Available informationshould be evaluated toweigh the
potential risksofexplosive devices inside the building,explosivesdevicesoutside the building
(including the possibility ofa vehicle bomb), explosivesdevicesplaced in or nearevacuation
routes or sites or other hazards such as persons with firearms who plan to shoot at evacuees. If
multiple bomb threatsare received overtime, besure to rotate evacuation routesand sites to
make it more difficult for someone to pattern yourevacuation responsesand target evacueeswith
explosives, firearmsor chemical agents.
If thesweep and evacuateoption isselected:
1.Notify staffto sweep and evacuate make public address announcement: “All staffinitiate a
CodeBlue– emergencyevacuationin effect at this time,evacuatetosite
__________________located at ____________________. Pleasesweep all routesand the
site.” If multiple threats are received over a relatively short time period,besure to rotate
evacuation routes and sites.
2.Have the evacuation route and site swept for suspiciouspersons, objects (which could
contain an explosive device) or othersafety hazards prior to the evacuation if appropriate.
3.Have designated staff or public safety officials direct students safely across any streets that
must be crossed by evacuees.
4.Remind staff members and students not to utilize cellular or digitalphonesorportable radios
unless a life-threatening emergency exists.
5.Request that uniformed personnel escortstaff and students to the evacuation site and remain
with them until and unlessthey are instructed toreturn to the building.
6.Leavethe facility and take theemergency evacuation kitand makeresponding publicsafety
officialsaware of the contentsof the kit.
7.Check with staff to seethat all evacuees are accounted for. Immediately notifyresponding
public safety officials if any persons are not accounted for.
8.Assist responding public safety officials withthe second sweep of the facility.
9.Consult with public safety officials beforeauthorizing evacueesto return to thefacility.
10.You may determine that it is appropriate to closethe facility forthe remainder of the day. If
so, begin notification ofparents and guardians and implement youremergency release
If thesweep and remain in place optionis selected:
1.Make intercom announcement: “All staffinitiate a sweep in place, please report your status
upon completion of the sweep.”
2.Escort public safety officials through the building to verifythat allareas have been swept by
staff. Makesure thatall areas inside and around the facility have been swept.
3.Assist public safety officialsin conducting the second sweep of the facility.
4.If anysuspiciouspackagesare noted by staff orpublic safety officials, make sure thatall
staff and students are moved awayfrom the itemand that it is not disturbed inany way.
5.Consult with public safety officials to see if thefacility should be evacuated, if the decision is
made to do so, implement the Non-Fire evacuationplan.
Sweep and evacuate procedures:
1.If the sweep and evacuate option isannounced, staff should quickly scan their areaof
responsibility forany packages or items that could contain an explosive device (objects that
they do not recognize as normallybeing present).
2.If no such itemsare noted,staff should use masking orduct tape tomake a slash acrossthe
entrance door to the area (/) to indicate to public safety officials they have swept the areaand
no suspicious items were noticed.
3.If any suspicious itemsarenoted, they should notbe disturbedand the staff membershould
notify the lead administrator or designee upon evacuation fromthe area.
4.The staffmember should then follow the non-fireevacuation protocol. Have students bring
their book bags and other hand carried articles with them.
5.Refrain from using cellular ordigitaltelephones or portable radios during these situations
unless a life-threatening emergency exists. In some extremely rare instances, radio frequency
energy can trigger an explosive device to detonate. Explain to studentsthat any electronic
communication devices that are observed in use will be seized.Explain to the students that
the use of such devices can pose a safety hazard.
Sweep and remain inplaceprocedures:
1.Staff members should scan their area of responsibility forany packagesor itemsthat could
contain an explosive device (objects that they do not recognize as normallybeing present).
2.If nosuch items are noted, staffshould make aslash with masking or ducttape acrossthe
entrance door to the area (/) to indicate to public safety officials that they have swept the area
and no suspicious itemswere noted.Takearoll to account forall personsinyour area of
responsibility in case evacuation is ordered at a later time.
3.If any suspicious items are noted,they should not be disturbed.The staff member should then
direct all people in the area to follow them to thelead administrator’s office and inform the
lead administrator or designee of his or her observations.
4.Follow the lead administrator’sinstructions.
4. Lead Administrator/Crisis Response Team Member: Remote
Evacuation and Family Reunification Protocol
Thistype ofevacuation isused for any situationinwhich students and staff needto be moved to
a remote site for reunification withfamilymembers and loved ones.
Alert Signal
Announce over the public addresssystem “All staff initiatea Code Blue – emergency evacuation
in effect atthis time, evacuate to site__________________located at ____________________.
Please sweep all routesand the site. We will beimplementing the Remote Evacuation and
Family Reunification Protocol fromthat location”
Lead administrator Response
1.Notify the central office of your decision to implement the familyreunification protocol.
Provide a brief description of the incidentand specify the staging areaso that buses can be
dispatched to the appropriate location.
2.Request that law enforcement officialsdispatch uniformed personnel tothe stagingarea.
3.Activate appropriate crisis teams.
4.Make the announcement by public addresssystem, runners, e-mail or whichever means is
most practical “All staff initiate aCode Blue – emergency evacuation in effect at this time,
evacuate to site __________________located at ____________________. Please sweep all
routes and the site. We willbe implementingthe Remote Evacuation and Family
Reunification Protocol from that location”
5.In certain situations, it may notbe practical or safeto order a generalevacuation (such as
during a hostage situation or if anarmed intruder may still be in the area). In such instances,
coordinate with public safety officials for law enforcement personnel to conductthe
evacuation room by room.
6.Designatea staff member toserve asyour representative at the family reunification center.
Instruct him or her to take along student information from one of the Emergency Evacuation
7.Notify the appropriate crisis team member toserve as yourrepresentative at the staging area.
5. Transportation Flip Chart: Remote Evacuation and Family
Reunification Protocol
Thistype ofevacuation isused for any evacuation where students and staff willneed to be
moved to a remote site forreunification with family members and lovedones. Transportation
personnel need to be familiar with twovery different scenarios for this protocol,relocationfrom
an affected school, and relocation from an affectedbus.
Alert Signal
Notification by dispatcher or in person notification by route supervisor
For an incidentinvolving yourbus:
Driver Response
1.Follow non-fire evacuation procedures and guide students to an appropriate evacuation site.
Prepare students to board another bus.
2.Ensure that anyspecial needspersons areassisted during the evacuation.
3.Once students have boarded a bus, assist the bus driver by takingrolland completing the
driver’s evacuation roster.
4.Follow the instructions of Family Reunification Staff when youarriveat the Family
Reunification Site. You may be asked to assist in staffing the site.
Route Supervisor Response
1.Notify dispatch and thecentral office ofyour decision to implement the family reunification
protocol. Provide abriefdescription of the incident and specify the stagingarea so a bus can
be dispatched to the appropriate location.
2.Request that law enforcement officialsdispatch uniformed personnel tothe stagingarea.
3.If youmust stay at thescene, designate a staffmember to serve as your representative at the
family reunification center.
When one or more schools are affected by a crisis:
Driver Response
1.When you are notified thatyour assistanceisneeded forimplementation of the family
reunification plan,make sure that you have copiesof student family reunification rosters.
2.Follow directionsprovided by route supervisors and public safety officials as to thebest
approach to the affected school or its evacuation area.
3.Try to calm students as they boardthe bus.
4.Once loaded, proceed safely tothe family reunification site. Understand thatevacuees may
be traumatized by events and may be in an excited and emotionally distraughtstate.
5.Have a staff member fillout the student transportroster.If nostaff member is present,ask a
student to perform this task and note thename of the student who completed this task onthe
6.Do not stop thebusor open the door to allow evacuees to meet family members.
7.When you arriveat the family reunification site, follow the instructions of publicsafety and
crisisteam personnel. Provide the roster(s) to the Crisis team member that meetsyour bus.