Fillable Printable Sample Contract Amendment Template
Fillable Printable Sample Contract Amendment Template

Sample Contract Amendment Template

Amendment Number One to Agreement between
University of New Orleans
Contractor’s Name
The parties agree to amend the Agreement between the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University
and Agricultural and Mechanical College, acting for the University of New Orleans, hereinafter referred to as
the “University”, and Contractor’s Name, hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”, dated Contract
Date, as follows:
The section that reads:
“The Contractor shall perform these services described on Attachments A, B, C, and D, according to the
schedule indicated therein or during the period Contract Begin Date, and Contract End Date. Should
there be a conflict between the dates indicated on Attachment A and the dates indicated in this paragraph,
the dates in this paragraph will govern.”
Shall now read:
“The Contractor shall perform these services described on Attachments A, B, C, and D, according to the
schedule indicated therein or during the period Contract Begin Date, and Amended Contract End Date.
Should there be a conflict between the dates indicated on Attachment A and the dates indicated in this
paragraph, the dates in this paragraph will govern.”
The section that reads:
“The price and consideration for which this agreement is made shall be in an amount not to exceed the sum
of $Contract Price, which funds shall be paid to the Contractor by the University in accordance with the
schedule set forth in Attachments A and D.”
Shall now read:
“The price and consideration for which this agreement is made shall be in an amount not to exceed the sum
of $Amended Contract Price, which funds shall be paid to the Contractor by the University in accordance
with the schedule set forth in Attachments A and D.”

The section that reads:
“This agreement shall be effective on the day and date first above written and shall expire on Contract End
Date, unless extended or canceled as provided herein.”
Shall now read:
“This agreement shall be effective on the day and date first above written and shall expire on Amended
Contract End Date, unless extended or canceled as provided herein.”
The section in Attachment A that reads:
“TIME PERIOD: Start Date Contract Begin Date Completion Date Contract End Date
PAYMENT AMOUNT: Not to exceed $ Contract Price”
The section in Attachment A shall now read:
“TIME PERIOD: Start Date Contract Begin Date Completion Date Amended Contract
End Date
PAYMENT AMOUNT: Not to exceed $Amended Contract Price”
The section in Attachment B that reads:
“1. Statement of Work:
The section in Attachment B shall now read:
“1. Statement of Work:
Amended Statement of Work”
The section in Attachment C that reads:
“2. Delivery or Performance Schedule:
Start date: Contract Start Date
End date: Contract End Date”
The section in Attachment C shall now read:
“2. Delivery or Performance Schedule:
Start date: Contract Start Date
End date: Amended Ended Date”

The section in Attachment D that reads:
Option I
(Payment by monthly invoice)
Cost categories:
1. Direct Labor ____________
2. Benefits ____________
3. Travel ____________
4. Equipment ____________
5. Supplies ____________
6. Other Direct Costs____________
7. Total Subcontract ____________
8. Indirect Costs ____________
9. Total Subcontract $
Option II
(Payment by task completion)
Cost per Task:
Task I
Task II ____________
Task III ____________
Task IV ____________
Task V ____________
Task VI ____________
Subcontract $
Option III
One Lump Sum Payment $
II. Budget Justification (hourly rate, per task, etc.):

The section in Attachment D shall now read:
Option I
(Payment by monthly invoice)
Cost categories:
1. Direct Labor ____________
2. Benefits ____________
3. Travel ____________
4. Equipment ____________
5. Supplies ____________
6. Other Direct Costs____________
7. Total Subcontract ____________
8. Indirect Costs ____________
9. Total Subcontract $
Option II
(Payment by task completion)
Cost per Task:
Task I
Task II
Task III ____________
Task IV ____________
Task V ____________
Task VI ____________
Total $
Option III
One Lump Sum Payment $
II. Budget Justification (hourly rate, per task, etc.):

All other terms and conditions of the Agreement dated Contract Date, thereto shall remain in full
force and effect.
This amendment contains or has attached hereto all revised terms and conditions agreed upon by
contracting parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment Number One has been signed by an authorized
representative of each party and is entered into on this day of month 200X.
_________________________________ ______________________________________
Maria M. Rivero
Associate Comptroller - Finance
University of New Orleans
_________________________________ _______________________________________
Contractor’s Signature