Fillable Printable Sample Interoffice Memo
Fillable Printable Sample Interoffice Memo

Sample Interoffice Memo

Interoffice memorandums (memos) are used by employees within an organization to communicate with one
another. A memo heading consists of four standard parts: TO, FROM, DATE, and SUBJECT. (See illustration of an
interoffice memo.)
The memo is usually keyed on a preprinted form with the organization’s name printed at the top of the page. If the
headings TO, FROM, DATE, and SUBJECT need to be keyed, use the format guides presented below.
Memo margins.
Top margin
Side margins
Bottom margin about
Spacing. Begin all lines of the heading at the left margin. Leave one space above and below each part of the heading
and below the subject. Use default tabs as shown below.
Tab twice to key recipient’s name.
1 Double Space gives one blank line
Tab twice to key sender’s name.
1 Double Space gives one blank line
Tab twice to key date.
1 Double Space gives one blank line
Tab once to key subject.
1 Double Space gives one blank line
Body. Begin all paragraphs of the memo at the left margin and key them SS with one blank line between
Reference initials. If someone other than the originator keys the memo, the keyboard operator’s initials are keyed
one line below the body of the memo. In addition to the standard parts, an interoffice memo may include the
following special parts.
Distribution list. When a memo is sent to more than one person, a distribution list is used. Format the TO heading
as shown in the example below:
TO: Kayla Breckenridge
Paul Cooper
Sandra Cox
Michael Williams
Attachment/Enclosure notation. If another document is attached to a memo, the word Attachment is keyed at the
left margin one line below the reference initials. If a document is included but not attached, the word Enclosure is
used. If no reference initials are used, the notation is keyed one line below the last line of the body.
Copy notations. A copy notation indicates that a copy of the memo is being sent to someone besides the addressee.
Key c followed by the name(s) of the person(s) who are to receive a copy. Place the copy notation one line below
the enclosure notation or the reference initials.

Sometimes the writer of the memo wants to send a copy to someone without disclosing this to the addressee of the
memo. In this case, key bc (blind copy) followed by the name(s). The blind copy notation is keyed only on the copy
or copies, not on the original.
Interoffice Memo
One Inch Bottom Margin
TO: Maria Gutierrez, Secretary
FROM: Jackson Phipps, President
DATE: Current Date
SUBJECT: Next FBLA Meeting
Our next Future Business Leaders of America meeting is scheduled for this Friday at 6:30 in SSS 400F.
Please put up the posters to remind members.
Based on the attendance at our last meeting, you should have 45 copies of the attache d agenda and
the minutes to distribute. We will be going over five more competitive event descriptions at the
meeting. You can make copies of the descriptions from the FBLA‐PBL National Site (
The events that we will be covering at this meeting are:
Future Business Leaders
Electronic Career Portfolio
Word Processing I
Business Communication
Thank you again for all the time and effort you devote to our organization. You set a great example
for other FBLA members at Science Hill High School.
Double Space Leaves One Blank Line
Double Space Leaves One Blank Line
Double Space Leaves One Blank Line
Double Space Leaves One Blank Line
Double Space Leaves One Blank Line
Double Space Leaves One Blank Line
One Inch Left Margin
Double Space Leaves One Blank Line
One Inch Right Margin
Two Inch Top Margin
E‐mail (electronic mail) is a popular way for business people to communicate both inside and outside their
organizations because of its speed in creating and sending messages. The delivery of e‐mail can take
place within minutes of its creation, whether the receiver is in the same building as the sender or
thousands of miles away. The format of an e‐mail message is similar to an interoffice memo but may vary
slightly depending upon the software that is used.