Fillable Printable Sample Letter Request for Proposal
Fillable Printable Sample Letter Request for Proposal

Sample Letter Request for Proposal
January 22 2008
Revised: October 26 2012
Contact Person (Date)
Company Name
RE: (Project Description)
Dear (Contact Person):
This letter is your invitation to submit a bid to furnish labor, materials and equipment to
(short description of the work and where the work site is located), in accordance with
attached Project Description.
A physical inspection of the project site and a review of the Scope of Work with the Parish
Planning and Building Committee is scheduled for (Date) at (Time).
Your proposal should be addressed to the Chairman of the Parish Planning and Building
Commi ttee in a sealed envel ope clearly marked "Personal and Confi denti al. To be opened by
the addressee only". The bid is due no later than (Date) at (Time). Deliver your bid to the
documents are furnished for bidding purposes only and may not be used for any other
purposes. The enclosed bid documents may not be reproduced and must be returned upon
demand. All drawings, schedules and specifications and copies thereof furnished by the
Parish are and shall remain the property of the Parish. They are used only with respect to this
project and are not to be used on any other project.
PHYSICAL INSPECTION: All Architects/Consultants bidding on this project are expected to
vi sit t h e sit e a n d e xa mine the con d it ion s r ela t in g to a n d a ffe ct in g t h e p e r fo rm a nc e of h is wo rk
and to satisfy himself as the character and amount of work to be prepared by the
specifications. No additional allowances will be granted because of lack of knowledge of such
BID SUBMITTAL: The Contractor shall submit his bid with the attached Bid Form.
TIME: Time is of the essence of the contract and the Bidder must state on the Bid Form the
number of calendar days in which he will agree to substantially complete the project.
After all bids have been revi ewed b y the Parish Planning and Building Committee, you wi ll be
adv ised of t he sta tus of y our propo sa l. U n su cc e ssfu l b id d ers a re requ ired t o r et urn a ll bid di n g
January 22 2008
Revised: October 26 2012
The Parish is not obligated to accept the lowest or any other bid. The right to reject any or all
bids and to waive all formalities is hereby reserved by the Parish.
Enclosures: Drawings and Specifications/Scope of Work
Standard Diocesan Contract
Bid Form