Fillable Printable Sample Progress Report Template
Fillable Printable Sample Progress Report Template

Sample Progress Report Template

Illawarra Region Innovation and
Investment Fund
Progress Report
For the period:
Project Title:
IRIIF Reference:

Sample Progress Report Template
IRIIF Progress Report September 2012 Page 2 of 5
Reporting Obligations
The IRIIF Funding Agreement (Agreement) outlines your reporting obligations and, at
Schedule 3, specifies the format and due dates of reports.
Before completing your report, it is recommended that you review the Agreement to again
familiarise yourself with the reporting obligations, milestones and the payment schedule.
The Quarterly Progress report requires you to report progress towards the completion of
Performance Milestones as specified in Schedule 2 of your Agreement and progress
towards the agreed additional FTE jobs target.
Subject to the report being satisfactory, payments for the IRIIF will be made on a
reimbursement basis in accordance with the Payment Table at Schedule 2 of your
Submission of Report
The report and attachments may be submitted electronically, faxed or sent by post. A
signed, completed report, must be at the NSW office of AusIndustry no later that the due
Document Checklist :
Progress Report
Expenditure Summary
Evidence for Approved Capital Items N/A
Submission :
By Email: [email protected]
By Facsimile: 02 9226 6002
By Post: AusIndustry
IRIIF Program Manager
GPO Box 9839
Need Help?
If you have any questions about completing this report, please contact AusIndustry on 02
9226 6000 or [email protected].

Sample Progress Report Template
IRIIF Progress Report October 2012 Page 3 of 5
1. Progress against performance milestones
With reference to the agreed milestones please describe the activities undertaken in the
period of the project since the last report.
Please provide copies of any published reports, promotional material, media publicity,
pamphlets or other documentation regarding the project.
2. Activities in addition to the grant (as applicable)
If applicable, describe any significant project related activities undertaken during the report
period, such as indirect jobs, not covered by the grant.
3. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Jobs
Provide a summary of the full time equivalent jobs created during the reporting period and
from the date of the Agreement.
FTE Jobs Created Total additional FTE
During the reporting period
Since project commencement
Target FTEs on completion of project (as per Agreement)
Note: Please refer to Guide to Managing Your Grant for the definition of full time equivalent
(FTE) jobs.
Comments on progress towards target FTEs:

Sample Progress Report Template
4. Milestones
Please fill in the table below and comment on each performance milestone.
Milestone % complete
Actual Outcome / Reasons for Delay / Impact
on Project
Percentage complete at the end of the review period for this report.
Planned achievement date as per Funding Agreement or agreed variance.
Latest expected achievement date (if not already achieved).
Date when the milestone was achieved (if already achieved).
For each milestone that will not be achieved by the agreed date, please describe;
The proposal to ensure that the planned outcomes will be achieved; and
The expected effect the delay will have on the project.
IRIIF Progress Report October 2012 4

IRIIF Progress Report October 2012 5
5. Major Contractors
Please provide details of major contractors used throughout the reporting period.
Name of Contractor Duration of engagement and services provided
I declare that the information submitted in this progress report is, to the best of my
knowledge, true and complete and confirm that the funding has been expended for
the purposes agreed in the IRIIF Funding Agreement.
Signature: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Name (please print): ..………………………………………………………………………
Title: ………………………………………………………………………………………..
Date: …………………………………………………………………………………………
The declaration must be signed by the Authorised Representative as stated in the