Fillable Printable Sample Project Charter Tempate
Fillable Printable Sample Project Charter Tempate

Sample Project Charter Tempate

Project Charter (Version ___4___) Date: __5/19/2011_______
Project Name: Write out the entire, specific name.
Groundwater C ontent Enhanc ement in California Water Plan Update 2013.
Sponsor/Program Manager Paul Massera
Project Manager Abdul Khan
Project Objective Statement:What must the project do? By When? Keep this statement to 25 words or less. Make it SMART
(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based).
Expand information about statewide and regional groundwater conditions in California Water Plan Update 2013 to better
inform groundwater management actions and policies.
Triple Constraint Trade-off
Resources S
Select a different flexibility letter for each constraint
N= Not Flexible
S= Somewhat Flexible
M= Most Flexible
Schedule N
Scope M
Estimated Start Date: 7/1/2010 Estimated End Date: 9/30/2013
1BProject Deliverables: What is the project going to produce? Create a list of tangible products that will result from project.
1.Compile, org an ize, and integrate C al ifornia’s groundwater data, information, and analysis from existin g State, federal,
regional, and local water resource planning activities.
2.Using existing inform ation, pro vid e summary narr atives on the groundwater conditions, institutional frameworks, and
management activities at the statewide and Regional Report level. Based on available data and information, furnish
site specific examples of gr oundwater conditions and m anagement activities at the planning area/groundwater basin
level, inclu di ng the identification of groundwater basins having quantity or quality problems.
3.Identify data gaps for the State’s groundwater basins and p rovide rec ommendations for future data collection efforts,
including funds required to impl ement existing unfunded data collection and reporting mandates.
4.Quantify, qualify, and report the spring-to-spring change in groundwater storage at the planning area or groundwater
basin scale. Qualification of the change in storage information will be made on the basis of availability of data.
5.Case Studies: In groundwater basins having sufficient data and analysis, prese nt Case Studies including
groundwat er budget from various regions of the stat e that demonstrate the benefits, as well as the challenges and
opportunities, associated with the collection and application of groun dwater data, and the integration of local and
regional water management strategies. Case Studies are inten ded to highlight th e successes an d ch allenges of
applying integrated water resource management strategie s within various regions of th e state.
6.Inventory and describe the p ote ntial for conjunctive manageme nt of groundwater an d other suppli es, including the
examination of potential groundwater recharge options, and the potential for developing multi-benefit projects that
could help generate source water for groundwater storage projects.
7.Inventory and describe potential for groundwater banking and integrated flood management. The inventory wil l be at
the planning area/groundwater basin sc ale, and bas ed on availability of existing studies a nd data.
8.Develop preliminary sustainability i ndicators for both groundwat er quantity and quality.
Strategic Fit:What is the Strategic Initiative Identifier for this project?
Supports Water Supply and Balance Team of the Water Plan Update in their work.
Supports California’s Groundwater (Bulletin 118).
Supports resource management strategies such as c onjunctive management and groundwater storage; groundwater
and aquifer remediatio n; recharge areas protection; flood risk management; and pollution preve ntion at the regiona l
Develops and supports recommendations of the Water Plan Update.
Provides linkages to regional reports of the Water Plan U pd ate.

Project Charter (Version ___4___) Date: __5/19/2011_______
0BCustomer: Who are you doing the project for?
Primary Customers:
State Agencies :
State Water Resources Control Board (State Board).
California Publi c Utilities Commissi on (CPUC).
California Department of Public Health (CDPH).
California Governor’s Office.
Local ag encies and regional water planning & manageme nt entities and groups.
Delta Stewa r dship Counci l (DSC).
California Legislature.
California N ative American Tribes.
Groundwater e xperts working on groundwat er issues in the state.
Associatio n of California Water Ag encies (ACWA).
Groundwater R eso urces Associatio n of California (GRA).
Other Stakeholders:
Water Plan Public Advisory Committee (P AC).
State Water Analysis Network (SWAN).
Water Plan State Ag ency Steering Committee.
Federal Agencies.
U. S. Geological Survey (USGS).
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation).
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
General public and individual groundwater users.
Customer Benefits:What customer requirements does this project address? Relate these to: increase revenue, avoid costs, improve
service, and/ or comply with a mandate? Create a short list of customer benefits
Provides access to consolidated groundwater information from various Sta te, federal, regional, and local water
resource planning initiatives in a single document.
Furnishes the status of regional groundwater conditi ons, manageme nt activities, and pr oblem areas to help identify
data gaps to better inform future groundwater monit oring needs and activities.
Provides useful illustr ations of local an d re gional manag ement of groundwater resources through Case Studies.
Helps improve groundwater management by providing access to existing information and data regarding
groundwater resources; annual change in groundwater stor age; inventory and identification of the potential for
conjunctive management, groundwater banking and integrated flood management; groundwater quality, and
Highlights policy needs for the state’s groundwater planning and management.
Successful Completion Criteria:How will the success of the project be determined from the customer’s perspective? Make criteria
measurable so there is no doubt as to the project’s success. Create a short list.
Number of groundwater basins for which annual change in groundwater storage information is developed.
Number of water resource pl anning initiative s from which information has been integrated into th e Water Plan.
Number of water managers working with the Water Plan Work Team to help com pile and develop the enhanced
groundwater content.
Number of comments received on the groundwater content.
Positive surv ey response from members of the Water Pla n Advisory Committee, Regional Forums, and Groundwater
Caucus, associated with their parti cipation and final deliverables of the Gro un dwater Content E nh ancement effort.
Number of entities outside the Water Plan using groundwater inform ation generated by the Water Plan.
Number of citations of the Water Plan groundwater component made i n other studies within and outside DWR.

Project Charter (Version ___4___) Date: __5/19/2011_______
Project Background: What is the primary motivation for this project? Include a brief high level description of the business area, the
current situation, the desired situation, and the gaps that exist. This summary builds on your description in the Project Initiation form.
As part of the Water Pla n Updates 2005 an d 2 00 9 processes, Water Pl an Advisory Committee members as well as other
stakeholders highlighted the need to have access to better informati on about Calif ornia’s groundwater conditions. For
example, the 1-2 million acre-feet of annual groundwater overdraft that is mentioned in b oth Updates 20 05 and 2009 have
raised qu estions for lack of rigorous technical analysis and associated document ation. Water Plan Update 2009, as Update
2005, provided limited quantitative information about groundwater resources in the Water Portfolios developed as part of the
Updates. Changes in groundwater stora ge estimates in Update 2009 do not adequat ely characteriz e actual change in storage
conditions because these estimates represent net ground water uses for many areas of the state. As a re sult, there is a great
need to improve our understanding, quantification, and reporting of groundwater resources in California. In areas that lack
reliable data to analyze gro undwater conditio ns, the goal to better manage the resource will li ke ly remain unattainable. In the
absence of data and analy sis, also ineffectual will be the g oal of effectively using conjunctive management of ground water
with other water suppl ies as part of Integrated Regional Wa ter Management (IRWM) program s and projects.
The most current update of California’s Groundwater (Bulletin 118, published in 2003) provided minimal quantitative
information about California’s groundwater conditions for the 10 different hydrologic re gions of the state. Quantitative
information was limited to basic well statistics, well yiel ds, and supply well water quality. Because of res ource and schedule
constraints, the r e was no attempt to compile data adequately and conduct analysis to capture change in groundwater storage
or furnish d etailed groundwater budgets for any of the groundwater basins or DWR planning areas.
Another issue of concern is how to address long-term sustainability of groundwater from a quantity and a quality perspective.
The major impediment, again, is lack of data and funding to undertake the appropriat e analysis to assess sustainability of the
resource thr ough the development and on-g oing tracking of a set of relevant sustainability indicators.
Update 2013 will address the issue of lack of groundwater data with the vision of achieving a set of short-term goals, while
identifying a broader set of l ong-terms goals to be attained in future Water Plan Updates beyond 2013. The major short-term
goals are: quantific ation of annu al chan ge in ground wat er storage; identification of data gaps; integration of information among
various Stat e, federal, regional, and local planning initiatives; and Case St udies to illustrate utility of groundwater information
for regional and local resource management. The most criti c al long-term goal is to develop detailed water budgets for
groundwat er basins/planning areas in the state.
3BProject Scope:
In Scope: List areas and functionality included in project. Out of Scope: List areas and functionality UnotU included in project.
Integration of groundwater information from
various Stat e, federal, regional, and local planning
activities; narratives on regional groundwater
conditions and management activities;
quantification of annual change in groundwater
storage; and identification of data gaps.
Case Studies with detailed groundwater budgets
for selected groundw ater basins.
Inventory and identification of potential for
conjunctive management, groundwater banking,
and integrated flood management.
Preliminary su stainability indicators for
groundwater quantity and quality.
Additional investigation or data collection.
Updated basin and subbasin groundwater budget type
classificati on; and any ne w det aile d grou ndw a ter
budgets for planning areas, basins, or subbasins in the
Any new detailed an alysis of groundwater quality
Any new detailed analysis of the rate and volume of
groundwater extraction by pla nning area, basin, or
Any new detailed evaluation of long-term decline in
groundwater storage by planning area, basin, or
Evaluation of s ubsidence potential of a planning area,
basin, or subbasin.
An extensive analysis on sustainability indicators for
groundwater quantity and quality.

Project Charter (Version ___4___) Date: __5/19/2011_______
4BDependent Projects: What projects must be underway or completed before this project can be successful?
Dependent Projects:
Water Plan Update 2013 Water Supply and Balance Team work, “Change in Groundwater Storage Component.”
California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) pro gram created by Grou ndwater Level
Monitoring (SBx7-6).
Statewide Integrated Flood Planning.
DWR’s California Central Valley Groundwater-Surface Water Model (C2VS IM).
State Board’s Groundwater Ambi ent Monitoring & Assessment (GAMA) Progr am.
USGS Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM), California’s Central Valley Groundwater Study.
Central Vall ey Regional Water Quality Contr ol Board (CVRWQCB) Central Valley Salinity Alternatives for Long-Term
Sustainability (CV-SALTS).
Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana River Basi n; Water Quality Co ntrol Plan for the San Francisco Bay
Basin; Water Quality Control Plan for the C en tral Coast Region; Water Quality Control Plan: Los Angeles Region;
and Water Quality Control Pla n for th e San Diego Basin.
DWR’s Water Data Library (WDL).
Related Projects:
Regional partnership program through IRWM (Prop 84, Prop 50).
FloodSAFE Flood Management Initiative.
Delta Plan.
Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP).
Sacramento Valley Water Management Pro gram (SVWMP).
Water Transfers Program.
Drought Program.
5BRisks: What characteristics or situations could cause this project to fail? Identify those items which are outside the jurisdiction of project
and could result in a “show-stopper” to the project success. Create a short list.
Limited data (the amount of information ava ilable is generally greatest in northern California and tends to be more
limited t o the south exce pt the adjudicated basins in the so uth).
Political sensitivity associated with the use of and access to gro un dwater data.
Delays ass ociated with data identification, acquisition, evalu ation, analysis, and synthesis.
The continued, focused coordinatio n necessary to facilitate the work done by a l arge group of staff.
Departure of key staff.
Limitations in Water Plan funding th at may prevent full project implem entation.
6BAssumptions and Constraints: What assumptions were made in defining project? Are there constraints to the execution of project?
List assumptions and constraints.
Existing water laws and regulations are in place.
Project deliverables are ba sed on the best existing and ava ilable data, informati on, and analyses.
Water Plan Program Manager views this project as a high priority.
Water Plan funding is availabl e to dedicate staff in the Headquarter and the Regional Offices to work on the project.
Staff in the Head quarter and the Regional Of fices is available to work on the proj ect on a priority basis for duration of
Water Plan Update 2013.
No turnover in key staff.
Concurrent demands on the times of key staff by other projects.

Project Charter (Version ___4___) Date: __5/19/2011_______
This Project Should Have:
Management Plan
PMP will include:
Work Breakdown
Resources Plan
check all that apply
Quality Management
DWR Form
Major High-Level Milestone Targets: What events measure progress? E.g. Initiation Approved, Analysis Complete.
Milestone Target Date
Project objectives, deliverables, and resources needs; roles and responsibilities charts to integrate groundwater
information from various State and federal initiatives; and roles and responsibilities charts for project deliverables.
Project scope with detailed task breakdown, resources needs, and schedule. 02/2011
Project charter revised as per Public AC feedback and formation of Groundwater Caucus 05/2011
Compilation & integration of groundwater information from various State, federal, regional, and local planning initiatives. 12/2011
Narrative documents of groundwater conditions and management activities in each Regional Report. 12/2011
Documentation of data gaps for the State’s groundwater basins. 12/2011
Draft documentation of groundwater data and analysis. 04/2012
Quantification and report on change in groundwater storage for planning areas/groundwater basins. 09/2012
Case Studies including detailed groundwater budget for selected groundwater basins. 03/2013
Inventory and identification of potential for a) conjunctive management of groundwater and other supplies, and b)
groundwater banking and integrated flood management.
Preliminary sustainability indicators for groundwater quantity and quality.03/2013
Public Review draft of groundwater data and analysis. 04/2013
Final documentation of groundwater data and analysis for Water Plan Update 2013. 09/2013
Project Core Team Members
Team MemberPhone/E-mail Role
Abdul Khan Project manager
Dan McManus Co-lead
DWR Northern Regi onal Office staff Technical support
DWR North Central Regional Office staff Technical support
DWR Southern Region al Office staff Technic al support
DWR South Central Reg. Office staffTechnical support
DWR Headquarter Office staff Technical support
DWR Bay-Delta Office staffTechnical support
Other State Agencies’ staff Coordin ation

Project Charter (Version ___4___) Date: __5/19/2011_______
7BCharter Versi on Number: 4
Updated By: Date:
Approved By: Date: