- Sample Annual Report Template
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- Sample Template for Basic Annual Report
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Fillable Printable Sample Template for Basic Annual Report
Fillable Printable Sample Template for Basic Annual Report

Sample Template for Basic Annual Report

Photo – of people
Letter from the President (sample)
The past year has been an active one for our
organization. I hope that you will review the
statistics and photos we have offered in this annual
In addition to the clients served, our board was
busy in 2004 with efforts to strengthen our
organization that included:
Review and update of mission and by-laws
Review and update of financial reporting
Addition of a conflict of inte rest policy
Addition of two new board members
Development of an organizational plan
As you can see, we believe in operating our
organization as effectively and efficiently as
Our organization provides services to many of the
area’s citizens. We could not do that without the
commitment of our volunteers. Volunteers
provided more than 5,000 hours of service in 2004.
At a minimal $6.00 wage, that is $30,000 worth of
work contributed to serve the residents of this area
We could not operate without financial support;
support that is critical to paying our electric and
heating bills. Area donors contributed more than
$10,000 to support our organization in 2004. That
is a 10% increase from 2003.
To those of you who are not involved, I ask that
you consider volunteering, and/or financially
contributing to our organization.
John Example
Board President
Sample Template for Basic Annual Report
Organization Logo and/or Name
Year Annual Report
Photo –
List of Board members
and any staff members.

2004 Financial Statement
Should be the financial statement that the board
approves at the end of the year.
Need not be detailed, but should contain
information that indicates how your money is
spent and where it comes from.
This is also an indication that your are f iscally
responsible and accountable.
2004 Services Provided
How many people served
Breakdown of children, adults,
families if appropriate
List programs and services of the
List special events and their success
or attendance.
Feel free to shine
Consider a Gift
Consider giving a gift to our organization. We
operate solely to provide service to area
residents; residents who cannot afford to pay for
that service.
Financial contributions are needed for
operations, and as a match for our grant support.
In 2004, we initiated an Endowment Fund. The
purpose of an endowment fund is to provide
support in perpetuity for an organization.
An endowment fund is a permanent fund. The
principle is never used, only the interest is used
to support the organization.
Consider a contribution to increase this fund.
Volunteers, Donors, Supporters
List all volunteer names here. If they have
longstanding service, list the years or hours
contributed behind their name.
List all financial donors here. The amount
does not need to be lists, but those who
contributed the most should be listed first.
List and businesses or individual who
contributed in-kind donations to the
organization of expertise, service, equipment,
or product.
List any grant support you received, whether it
be foundation, corporate, state, or federal.