- Application for Certified Copy of Marriage Certificate - Kansas
- Non-Resident Marriage License or Certificate Application Form - Maryland
- Application for License and Certificate of Marriage - California
- Application for Certified Copy of Marriage License - Maryland
- Application for Marriage Certificate - Alaska
- Application for Marriage License or Certificate - Colorado
Fillable Printable Sample Template of Application for Marriage Certificate
Fillable Printable Sample Template of Application for Marriage Certificate

Sample Template of Application for Marriage Certificate
A man and woman wishing to have their marriage certificate filed in the Cherokee Nation
District Court must be married within the Cherokee Nation and have their marriage vows
solemnized by a Minister, Spiritual leader, or Justice/Judge of the Cherokee Nation who
has a license to perform marriage issued by the Cherokee Nation Court Clerk.
Persons who desire to obtain a license to perform marriages through the Cherokee Nation
shall file an application along with credentials and a $25.00 filing fee with the Court
Clerk. A notice will then be posted in a public place for 30 days after which should there
be no objections filed, a license to marry will be issued to the applicant.
The following items are to be brought to the court clerk’s office when applying for a
marriage certificate:
Picture ID for both the man and woman
Proof of Cherokee citizenry from at least one of the parties
A 10.00 filing fee is to be paid to the court clerk upon certification of the marriage
Woman’s name:_______________________________________________________
Current Address:_______________________________________________________
City:__________________ State:______________ Zip:_________County_________
Age:____________ Tribe:___________________
Man’s Name:__________________________________________________________
Current Address:________________________________________________________
City:__________________ State:_____________Zip:__________ County:__________
Age:____________ Tribe:__________________
Person(s) performing ceremony:_________________________________________
Currently licensed through Cherokee Nation? Yes____ No _____
Date of Ceremony______________ Place of Ceremony ___________________