Fillable Printable Sears Employment Application Form
Fillable Printable Sears Employment Application Form

Sears Employment Application Form

Last Name: First Name:
Number Street Apt. No.
City Province Postal Code
Telephone: Home: ( ) Cellular: ( )
Email Address: Business: ( )
Are you legally eligible to work in Canada? Yes No
(If “Yes” proof required upon offer of employment)
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence for which a pardon has not been granted? Yes No
Have you ever been employed by Sears Canada Inc? Yes No
If ‘Yes’ please advise: Unit: Start Date: Leaving Date:
What kind of work are you interested in?:
Are you a student? Yes No Part-time Student Full-time Student
Note: For many positions you are required to be available for a minimum of three occasions per week. Please check
your availability below:
Personal Data
(Applicants must be a minimum of 16 years of age to apply)
Position being applied for: Would you accept: Full Time
Part Time Seasonal
All Days Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
Spoken Written
To determine your qualifications for employment, please provide below and on the reverse, information related to your
academic and other achievements including employment history as well as voluntary work.
Education –
(Last School Attended)
Public School High School College University Other Explain:
Name of School Grade completed Year Completed:
or Degree Received: Month Year
Other courses, workshops, seminars, volunteer work Licenses, Certificates, Degrees
10811 REV. 06/05

Type of Business Reason for leaving
I hereby declare that the information contained in this Application for Employment is true and complete to my knowledge.
I understand that a false statement may disqualify me from employment, or may cause my dismissal for cause.
I hereby consent to the collection, use and disclosure of the information provided in this Application for Employment for
the purposes of verifying any such information whether to hire me.
I hereby authorize Sears Canada Inc. (“Sears”) and/or a firm retained by Sears to use and/or disclose the information
mentioned in this Application for Employment for the purposes of verifying any such information,
I hereby authorize Sears and/or a firm retained by Sears to collect my personal information and/or conduct any
investigation relevant to my application for employment for the purposes of Sears’ determination with respect to my
application for employment.
I acknowledge and consent to this investigation being carried out by telephone or in writing with others at educational
institutions, former employers, or my current employer, who are all hereby authorized to disclose the information to Sears.
Signature Date
Have you attached an additional sheet/resume?
Work Related Skills/Previous Employment
(Beginning with present/last employer)
Name and Address of present/last employer
Present/last job title
Name of Supervisor
Final Salary
Period of employment
From: To:
( )
May we approach for references
Yes No
Name and Address of previous employer
Previous job title
Name of Supervisor
Final Salary
Period of employment
From: To:
( )
M ay we approach fo r r e fe r e n c e s
Yes No
Type of Business Reason for leaving