Fillable Printable Short Term Rental Agreement
Fillable Printable Short Term Rental Agreement

Short Term Rental Agreement

Corporate Office
4003 Hartley Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32257
904-268-0035 Fax 904-268-0660 e-mail inf[email protected]m
This agreement made this ___________ day of _________, 20____ between Name(s)
__________________________/ _________________________/ ________________________
(hereinafter called the Tenants) and _________________________________________________
(hereinafter called the Landlord) concerning the short term rental of the property located
All parties agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. Occupancy: The occupancy will be in the form of a Vacation/Short Term Rental only and
not constitute a permanent or primary residence or other tenancy.
Tenants’ occupancy shall begin on ___________ at 4:00 PM, and terminate
on______________ at 10:00AM. The total numbers of occupants are as follows:
Adults_________ Children__________
2. Deposit & Fees: An initial non-refundable booking fee of $25.00 is charged by credit card at
the time of booking. A refundable security deposit is required in the amount of $250.00
(unless individual Owner specifies a different amount) and an initial rental fee deposit of
$100.00. Both deposits are due and payable within 7 business days of booking. The balance
of the rental fee, cleaning fees and 10% tax are due no later than 30 days prior to Tenants
occupancy date and may be held in an interest bearing account at the benefit of the Rental
Management Company. All reservations booked within 30 days or less of occupancy must be
charged to a major credit card. No personal checks are accepted at any time.
If the reservation is cancelled more than 30 days prior to occupancy, the $100 rental fee
deposit will apply to the $100 Cancellation Fee. If the reservation is cancelled within 30 days
or less prior to occupancy, then all rental fees, including the $100 rental fee deposit will be
All or part of the security deposit may be withheld in the event of property damage or unpaid
charges. If damages are incurred than Tenants will be notified within (10) days of vacating
the property as to the amount withheld and the reason. The security or other deposit shall in
no way be used as full or partial payment of rents and fees owed.
RENTAL FEES: The amount(s) as stated below are due as calculated and subject to updates
if changes are made to the Tenants reservations.
Rental Fee and Calculation:
Base Rental Fee $_______________
No. of _____days and dates _________reserved
- Discount (if applicable) $_________
= Total Rental Cost $_________
Initials fees and Deposits Due:
$ 25.00 – Non-refundable Booking fee (IMMEDIATELY)
$250.00 – Refundable Security Deposit (within 7 BUSINESS DAYS)
$100.00 – Rental Fee Deposit (within 7 BUSINESS DAYS)
Balance Due: (30 DAYS prior to occupancy – or IMMEDIATELY if booking LESS
THAN 30 DAYS prior to occupancy)
Balance of Rental Fee $___________
+ Departure cleaning $_________
+ 10% Florida Tax $_________
= Total Balance Due $_________
Payment Method: Visa ___ Mastercard ___ Cashier’s Check ___ Money Order ___
**No Personal Checks Accepted**
3. Rental terms and obligations:
A. Tenants understand that Landlord has hired Signature Realty & Management (herein after
called Rental Management Company) as its management agent. The Rental Management
Company has the right to inspect the premises without prior notice at any time to enforce the
terms of this agreement. Should the Tenants violate any of the terms of this agreement, the
rental period shall be terminated immediately at the sole discretion of the Rental Management
Company. The Tenants agree to vacate the premises at the expiration time and date of this
agreement. The Tenants agree to forfeit and waive all rights to security deposit if they fail to
vacate the premises upon termination of the rental period and are also responsible for any
additional cost or damages occurred by said breach unless written approval to extend their
rental term is agreed to by the Rental Management Company.
B. There is a long distance block on the telephone and a calling card will be required for
long distance toll calls. Emergency medical and police service can be called by dialing 911.
C. Tenants shall maintain the premises in a good, clean, and habitual condition and use the
premises in a careful and lawful manner. The Tenants shall leave the premises in a ready to
rent condition, minus basic housekeeping at the expiration of the rental agreement. Tenants
shall pay for maintenance and repairs should the premises be left in a lesser condition minus
normal wear and tear. The Tenants agree that the Rental Management Company shall deduct
costs of said damages and or services required from the security deposit prior to refund to
D. Tenants shall dispose of all waste material generated during the rental period in a lawful
manner and put the trash in the assigned bins or trash cans provided by Landlord. Excessive
trash that Landlord is required to pay extra to dispose of will be considered damages and
withheld from deposit.
F. There shall be no smoking inside the premises. Smoking is permitted outside the unit or
home as long as it is not in direct conflict with any owner association rules and regulations,
and if so, shall not be permitted.
F. No animals or pets of any kind will be brought onto the premises or property unless
approved in advance and a pet addendum is signed and pet fees collected in advance. Said
violation is grounds for immediate termination and forfeiture of rents paid along with any
additional damages and or cleaning necessary to unit or house at the sole determination of the
Rental Management Company.
G. Tenants shall not sublet the property or allow more than the total number of occupants
noted on the rental agreement herein to sleep or reside in the premises during the rental term.
Tenants expressly acknowledge and agree that this agreement is for transient occupancy of
the property, and that Tenants do not intend to make the property a residence or household.
There shall be no refunds of rents due to shortened stays or ruined expectations because of
weather conditions.
H. Tenants shall behave in a respectable manner and shall not disturb other owners or renters
in surrounding properties. Creating excessive disturbances at the sole discretion of the Rental
Management Company shall be grounds for immediate termination of this agreement and
Tenants shall then immediately vacate the premises and forfeit all rents paid. ‘Quiet hour’
starts at 10 PM and Pools and outdoor noise should be kept to a minimum. Tenants shall use
the property for legal purposes only and other use, such as but not limited to, illegal drug use,
abuse of any person, harboring fugitives, etc. shall cause termination of this agreement with
no refund of rents or deposits.
I. Landlord shall provide towels, linens, cups, knives, forks, spoons, dishes, and other items
as commonly used in a short term rental unit including some personal necessities. No
reimbursement will be made for unused consumables left at the premises. Basic utilities will
be provided by Landlord with the understanding that occasionally outages will occur beyond
the control of the Landlord or Rental Management Company. In no cases will refunds or
compensation be given unless said outage affects the entire length of the Tenants stay.
J. Tenants and Tenants’ Guests shall hereby indemnify and hold harmless the Landlord and
Rental Management Company against any and all claims of personal injury or property
damage or loss arising from use of the premises regardless of the nature of the accident,
injury or loss. Tenants expressly recognize that any insurance for property damage or loss
which the Landlord may maintain on the property does not cover the personal property of
Tenants, and that Tenants should purchase their own insurance for Tenants and guests if such
coverage is desired.
K. It is the Tenants’ responsibility to learn about safety precautions, warning signs of water
conditions, and safety procedures concerning swimming in or being around the pool or
beaches, if applicable. Tenants agree to have responsible adult supervising minors while they
swim in any pool or beaches in connection with the unit or home. Tenants are hereby notified
that pools, rivers, ponds and the ocean can be dangerous and Tenants accept the full risk and
responsibility involved.
L. Tenants agree not to access any locked owner only areas for any reason and will be
considered grounds for immediate termination of agreement and loss of all paid rents and any
other damages that may have been incurred by Landlord at the sole discretion of the Rental
Management Company.
M. Tenants are advised that the property may contain a gas stove and cook top, gas heating,
gas grill, and other gas powered items and will seek help from the Rental Management
Company if the proper operation of such items is not fully understood.
N. Each unit or house is equipped with fire alarm (s), smoke detector(s) and fire extinguisher
(s) and Tenants agrees to notify the Rental Management Company immediately of any
problems with their functionality or use. It is the duty of the Tenants to inform the Rental
Management Company immediately should the fire extinguisher become less than fully
charged. Tenants agree to use the fire extinguisher only for true emergencies and to inform
the Rental Management Company if the fire extinguisher(s) become less than fully charged.
Failure to do so will be a sole burden and cost to the Tenants. Tennant is advised that their
unit or home may or may not have carbon monoxide detector(s) on the premises and accepts
the risk involved in not having one.
O. Landlord shall determine the level of cable TV and or internet access in each unit or
home if any and no refund of rents shall be given for outages, content, lack of content or
personal preferences with regard to said services if offered.
P. Tenants shall see to their own security while in the property by locking doors, windows,
garage doors, etc. Valuable items (as reasonably determined by the Rental Management
Company ) left behind by the Tenants will be held for no longer than two months and a
reasonable effort will be made to contact the Tenants for return. If the item(s) are not claimed
within the time frames noted than they will become the property of the Landlord and or
disposed of.
Q. Tenants agree to pay all reasonable costs, attorney's fees and expenses that shall be made
or incurred by Landlord and or Rental Management Company in enforcing this agreement.
Please fill out and sign 2 (two) copies of this agreement and forward to Rental Management
Company at the following address:
By signing below ( I/We) the Tenants agree to abide by the above conditions and hereby swear
that the information provided herein is true:
Tenant _________________________________/ _____________________________________
Date_______________ Date ______________
Tenant ________________________________/ ______________________________________
Date______________ Date ______________
Rental Management Company representative ________ ________________________________