Fillable Printable Short Term Rental Contract Form - Florida
Fillable Printable Short Term Rental Contract Form - Florida

Short Term Rental Contract Form - Florida

Short Term Rental Agreement
This short term rental agreement, executed (date) ______________,201__ in consideration o f the following covenants,
agreements, limitations, conditions by the parties, hereto for themselves, their successors, legal representatives and
assigns, hereafter called the “Landlord”, doth lease unto: (print Name, Identification Number [ID = driver’s license, SS#,
or passport #] physical home address, and phone nu mber of all tenants who will occupy the property.
Tenant #1
Tenants Name______________________ _________________Address____ _____________________ ______________
City______________________________ ____________Stat e______________Zip Code_______________________
Tenant ID#___________________________ ________Tenant Phone#_______________________________________
Tenant #2
Tenants Name______________________ _________________Address____ _____________________ ______________
City______________________________ ____________Stat e______________Zip Code_______________________
Tenant ID#___________________________ ________Tenant Phone#_______________________________________
Tenant #3
Tenants Name______________________ _________________Address____ _____________________ ______________
City______________________________ ____________Stat e______________Zip Code_______________________
Tenant ID#___________________________ ________Tenant Phone#_______________________________________
Tenant #4
Tenants Name______________________ _________________Address____ _____________________ ______________
City______________________________ ____________Stat e______________Zip Code_______________________
Tenant ID#___________________________ ________Tenant Phone#_______________________________________
Tenant #5
Tenants Name______________________ _________________Address____ _____________________ ______________
City______________________________ ____________Stat e______________Zip Code_______________________
Tenant ID#___________________________ ________Tenant Phone#_______________________________________
Hereinafter jointly, severally and collectively called the “ T enant(s)”, for the property located at 5300 Ocean Beac h
Boulevard, Condo ______, Cocoa Beach, Florida 32931, and is occupied only for residential purposes, for the terms of
this short term rental agreement commencing _____________ __________@3pm to ____________________
@ Approximately 11:00am. The rental rate is quoted as USD$___________ _____. Tenants are required to pay a
refundable security deposit of $300. Tenants are also r equired to pay a cleaning fee of $95 and the 11.5% Florida
Sales Tax. The security deposit (which is not taxable) is due and payable within 7 days of the confirmation of the rental
period by Landlord. The rental fees, taxes and cleaning fees are due and payable thirty (30) days prior to check-in date.
Upon departure of the Tenant, the landlord will initially assess premises for damage to said premises. Any damages will be
deducted from the tenant’s security deposit. In the event that the damage to the landlord’s property exceeds the security
deposit, the Tenants agree to pay additional damage amounts 30 day s from date the invoice is mailed by Landlord. By
signature of this agreement, Tenant’s agree to have the disputed matter settled through binding arbitration in Cocoa Beach,
Florida for settlement of any disputed amounts. Excluding the provisions for damage, the Landlord agrees to refund the

Tenant’s security deposit as soon as possible aft er departure date, and no later than 30 days of the ending date of this rental
1. Providing always, that the Tenants hereby abide by the covenants as follows and agree to pay 100% of the rent, cleaning
fees, taxes, and security deposit prior to check-in.
2. Tenants agree that the premises can be used and occupie d by the Tenants named on this lease.
3. Tenants agree to reimburse for any and all repairs to the said premises including but not limited to wiring, electrical
repairs, plumbing, appliances, etc. when da mage was ca used by the negligence or fault of the tenants.
4. Tenants agree to surrender and deliver up said pre mises at the end of this rental agreement, without demand, in as good
order and condition as when entered upon.
5. Tenants agree and understan d that the Landlord has a vested interest in the security, upkeep and condition of the
premises and agrees to notify the Landlord as soon as reasonably possible of any and all repairs, defects, maintenance or
any drastic changes in the condition of the property. Tenants agree to permit the Landlord or agent of Landlord, without
notice, at any reasonable time to enter said premises for the purposes of exhibiting the same or making repairs on behalf of
the Landlord’s interest in said property .
6. Tenants agree not to use the demised pre mises or per mit the same to be used for illegal, immoral or improper purposes
and agree not to make or permit to be made, any disturbances, noise, or annoyance whatsoever detrimental to the premises,
or the comfort land peace of the inhabitants in the vicinity of the premises. House Parties are not allowed under any
circumstances. If Tenants are found in violatio n, occupancy will be terminated immediately with no refund.
7. Tenants agree they are coming in with no pets and none shall be allowed t o enter or occupy the premises. Any pets
brought on to the property by the Tenants will be considered a breach of this c ontract and tena nts agree to immediately
vacate the premises. The Tenant agrees to be responsible for all damages caused by pets and agree to forfeit their security
deposit in the event that an unapproved pet is found on the premises.
8. Tenants agree that smoking is Not allowed on said premises. If smoke is detected in the premise s the Tena nts will
forfeit 100% of their security deposit.
By signature below, the Tenants covenant that the Landlord shall not be held liable for any damage or injury to the tenants,
his agents, family or guests or to any other persons entering the premises, (whether or not prior written approval has been
obtained by the Landlord). The premises is defined as the whole of the residence, pool, surrounding land, or any
equipment, appliances, community areas therein, and Tenant further agrees to and does hereby indemnify the Landlord
against such liability. And Tenant further agrees to indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from all claim of every kind in
nature rising out of injuries to any persons or property occurring during the time in which Tenants are occupying the
premises. Tenant hereby releases Landlord from any liability from any claims that may arise in favor of the Tenant,
Tenant’s family or Tenant’s guests during the term of occupancy. These terms, conditions, covenants and provisions in
this agreement shall be governed by the laws and the State of Florida. All Tenants and Landlord must date and print their
name clearly, and sign as an indication that the y have read and agree to the terms of this rental agreement.
I am over 25 years old. I have read this agreement and I agree with all of its terms and conditions. All eligible Tenants
must sign below. Children with adults do not need to sign.
Printed Name Signature
You should copy or download two copies of this lease, one to be filled out and sent with your $300 deposit.