Fillable Printable Simple Membership Certificate Template
Fillable Printable Simple Membership Certificate Template

Simple Membership Certificate Template

CERTIFICATE #__________
This is to certify that _______________________________is the duly registered
owner of one membership in the EAST MONROE WATER CORPORATION, in
consideration of his having paid to said corporation the sum of $_____________and
other valuable consideration.
Said certificate is subject to the following terms and consideration
(a) This membership certificate, No.____________, is issued and accepted
in accordance with and subject to the conditions and restrictions stipulated
in the articles of incorporation, by-laws rules and regulations and
amendments to the same of the EAST MONROE WATER CORPORATION.
(b) Each member agrees to sell his/her membership certificate to the
corporation for the same amount that was paid. Transfer(s) of membership
certificate(s) shall be made only upon the books of the corporation, by
surrendering the certificate(s) only to persons eligible to become members
and only when the member transferring is free from indebtedness to the
corporation. No offer of assignment of sale shall be made elsewhere.
(c) Upon satisfactory proof of his/her authority each member shall be entitled to
one (1) vote and no more on each matter submitted to a vote at any
meeting of the members. If two or more persons hold a joint membership,
they shall jointly be entitled to one (1) vote and no more on each matter
submitted to a vote at any meeting of the members.
This certificate of membership being duly entered upon the books of the
corporation shall be transferred only upon the surrender of this certificate by the holders
thereof or their legal representatives but only with the approval of the board of directors
of the corporation and only to persons eligible to become members of said corporation
and only when the transferee is free from all indebtedness to the corporation.
Dated this _________Day of___________________,20__
__________________________________ _______________________________
Secretary President