Fillable Printable South Dakota Child Support Order State Guide
Fillable Printable South Dakota Child Support Order State Guide

South Dakota Child Support Order State Guide

The information below applies only to South Dakota
Changing a Child Support Order in Your State
Prepared October 2013
South Dakota
Ofce of Child Support Enforcement
Administration for Children & Families
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
1. How can I nd out if I have a “IV-D” child support case in this state?
Contact the SD Division of Child Support (DCS):
Phone: 605-773-3641
Email: [email protected]
Address: Division of Child Support
Richard F. Kneip Building
700 Governors Drive
Pierre, SD 57501
If the DCS has an active case, we can provide parents the amount and date it was last modied. Another option is
to contact the Clerk of Court in the county the order was issued. Contact information for SD Clerk of Courts can be
found at .
2. How can I contact my child support agency?
Contact the SD Division of Child Support:
Phone: 605-773-3641
Email: [email protected]
Address: Division of Child Support
Richard F. Kneip Building
700 Governors Drive
Pierre, SD 57501
Contact information for child support eld ofces can be found at
3. If I am incarcerated, are there any barriers to having my order changed?
No. However, South Dakota law prevents modifying the ordered child support amount below an obligation
computed from full time employment at minimum wage. Under SDCL 25-7-6.4, there is a “rebuttable presumption
of employment at minimum wage,” including while incarcerated. Under SDCL 25-7-6.10 (6), courts may deviate
from the guidelines schedule due to voluntary unemployment or underemployment, unless it is due to incarceration.
However, courts have the authority to order a child support amount less than the minimum guideline amount.
4. Do you provide any materials online that I can use to ask for a change to my child support
Yes. There is modication guide online titled, “How do I modify my support order?” which provides modication
information. The modication guide can be found at:
There is also packet of forms online titled, “Petition for Modication” which provides all necessary forms that need to
be led. The Petition for Modication form can be found at: . This
form provides instructions, a modication process owchart, the petition for modication, a checklist, and a nancial
These forms are attached.

Changing a Child Support Order in Your State
Prepared October 2013
South Dakota
Ofce of Child Support Enforcement
Administration for Children & Families
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
5. Do you have any printed materials I could read to learn more about child support for
parents who are incarcerated?
The South Dakota Modication handbook references incarceration on page 8. It is available here
formspubs/docs/CS/DCSModicationHdbk.pdf , and is attached.
6. When can I ask to have my order changed?
If the child support order was established or last modied before July 1, 2009; or more than three years have
passed since establishment or modication of the order, you do not have to demonstrate any “change of
circumstances” within the petition to modify. If the order was established after July 1, 2009, and is less than three
years old, you must demonstrate a substantial change in circumstances before modication is appropriate.
7. How do I request the change?
In South Dakota, the Circuit Court is the only entity with the authority to modify a child support obligation. Either
parent may le a petition to modify a child support order. An overview of the modication process can be found at .
For further information on the modication process, please call the DCS Modication Unit at 605-773-4724.
In lieu of the submitting a petition for modication, parties with child support cases being enforced by the DCS may
submit a request for review to the DCS. In response, DCS will request nancial information from both parties. Upon
receipt of nancial information, a child support specialist will conduct a review to determine whether or not the order
should be modied. If the review determines the order should be modied, the child support ofce will complete the
Stipulation for Modication. If either parent fails to provide nancial information or sign the stipulation, one of the
parents must complete the petition for modication to request the change.
8. What is the process after I’ve asked to have my order changed, and how long does it
The steps for the modication process if ling the petition is necessary are outlined below:
• Petition, nancial statement, a copy of the court order, and other attachments are led with the Department of
Social Services (DSS).
• DSS forwards the documents to the clerk of courts in the county where the court order is led. All documents
become permanent part of the court le.
• The Circuit Court judge appoints a referee to conduct a hearing on the petition for modication. NOTE: The $50
ling fee must be made payable to the Clerk of Courts (check or money order only – DO NOT send cash) before
the Court will appoint a referee to conduct a modication hearing, unless the Petitioner is exempt from, or the
court has waived, the ling fee.
• The referee sends notice to the parties with a scheduled hearing date, and a request for the non-petitioning party
to submit nancial statement and other information. If the Petitioner does not appear at the hearing, the referee
may dismiss the request for modication.
• The referee conducts a hearing, using the child support guidelines, to determine whether the child support order
should be changed. The parties may provide testimony or evidence to the referee for consideration of deviations
or other allowable factors.
• Based upon the ndings of the referee, the referee enters a report recommending the amount of the monthly
support obligation. This report is led with the Circuit Court, and a copy is served on the custodial parent, non-
custodial parent, and the assignee, if applicable, within 60 days from date of hearing.
• Any of the parties may le written objections to the referee’s report with the Circuit Court within ten (10) days from
the date of service (mailing) of the report. A transcript of the referee’s hearing is generally required. If a transcript
is desired, it must be ordered from the referee within ten (10) days of the day the referee mails the report.

Changing a Child Support Order in Your State
Prepared October 2013
South Dakota
Ofce of Child Support Enforcement
Administration for Children & Families
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
• If no objections are led within ten (10) days, the Circuit Court may enter its order. If the Circuit Court modies the
referee’s recommended order without a court hearing, either party may le a written objection to that modication
with the Circuit Court within ten days of service of the order.
• If objections are led within ten (10) days by one of the parties, the other party shall have an additional ve (5)
days from the date of service of the objections to le additional objections with the court. The Circuit Court then
schedules a hearing to consider the objections to the referee’s report. After the hearing, the Circuit Court enters an
order to adopt the referee’s report, modify it, or reject and remand it for further hearing by the referee.
• After entry of the Circuit Court order, the Department of Social Services serves both parties with a copy of the
order by certied mail, and les proof of service with the court.
• Either party can appeal the Circuit Court order to the South Dakota Supreme Court within thirty (30) days of entry
of the circuit court order.
9. Is this process different if the other parent agrees to the change in advance?
Yes. If one of the parties requests the DCS conduct a review and modication of the order is recommended and
the other parent agrees to the modication and signs the stipulation, the need for ling a petition for modication
(described above) is eliminated. DCS would le the modication with the clerk of courts and request the clerk to
obtain the circuit court judge’s signature. DCS will not stipulate to an amount that is below the guidelines.
10. Does it cost anything to try to have my order changed?
There is not an initial cost to request a review and possible modication of the order. If either party refuses to sign
the stipulation and agreement, a Petition for Modication must be utilized. A $50 ling fee is required to be paid to
the Clerk of Courts to le a Petition for Modication. The petitioning parent is not subject to the $50 ling fee if he/
she is a recipient of assistance benets. The parent may also le a motion requesting the court to waive the $50
ling fee.
11. If I am incarcerated, do I need to do anything else to have my order changed?
No. Individuals, whether incarcerated or not, have the right to request to appear at the modication hearing via
phone. The Notice of Hearing advises the parties of this option.
12. If I am incarcerated, does my state have any programs to help me with child support?
DCS is partnering with Lutheran Social Services (LSS) of South Dakota to improve inmate abilities to successfully
meet their social and nancial responsibilities upon reintegration. LSS was awarded a Responsible Fatherhood
Grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Ofce of Family Assistance through September
2014. The objective of this project is to improve the success of inmates in meeting their responsibilities upon
release from prison.
In addition to the LSS project, a Child Support staff person located in Yankton, SD makes presentations for
incarcerated individuals at the Human Services Center/Yankton SD and educates them about the modication

Changing a Child Support Order in Your State
Prepared October 2013
South Dakota
Ofce of Child Support Enforcement
Administration for Children & Families
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The federal Ofce of Child Support Enforcement prepared this guide; however, your local
child support agency can provide the most current information. This guide does not have
any binding legal authority and does not constitute legal advice. You may wish to consult a
lawyer before using the forms or information provided.
13. Can I get help with child support questions from other sources?
Access to Justice, Inc. (A2J) was formed by the State Bar of South Dakota in 2005 to supplement the state’s two
legal services programs. A2J is able to provide sample legal documents and arrange assistance from a mentor or
law student to help lawyers who volunteer to handle state pro bono cases. The phone number for Access to Justice
Inc is (605) 791-4147. Email address is
14. Is there anything else I should know about trying to change my order?

Sup port Or ders :: Child Supp ort http s://dss. sd.go v/child support/services/mo difysupp orto rder.asp
C hi l d S u pport Servic e s
H o w do I mo di fy my support o rder?
Filing a petition to change a child support order
In S outh Dakota, the Circu it Court is th e only en tity with auth ority to modify a c h ild su p port
obligation . This is u s u ally done in res pon s e to a petition f iled b y one of th e parents . Eith er p aren t
or a representative may file a petition to modify their ch ild su p port order. A s u pport order may
be modified without showing any change in c ircumstances if the order was entered prior to July
1, 2009.
An order entered after July 1, 200 9 may be modified only:
1. If it was en tered three years or more from th e date th e petition is f iled; or
2. Upon showing a substantial change in circumstances has occurred since the entry of the
Petition for Modificatio n Form
Petition for Modification F orm
T hese f o rms a re also avai l ab l e from local offices throu gh ou t the state or by calling th e
Division of Child Support at 605-773-3641 .
A petitioner mus t provide the comp lete address of the oth er parent. Please n ote that you r
addres s may be releas ed to the non-petitionin g party during modification proceedings . This
release may b e neces sary even i f there is an exi sti ng p ro t ect i on ord er i n p l ace.
Th e c ompleted, notariz ed petition, along with a finan c ial statemen t, verif ication of in c ome, Ch ild
Su p port Order Filing Data form UJS /DSS 0 8 9 , copy of th e mos t rec en t Sou th Dakota court order
or decree establishing child support and other necessary attachments must be filed with the:
South Dakota Department of Social Services
Divis ion of Ch ild S upport, Mod i f ic at ion S ec ti on
700 Governors Drive
Pierre, SD 57501
Completed petition filed with Clerk of Courts
Wh en th e petition and attac h ments are received by the Department of S ocial Services, the forms
are reviewed f or completen es s an d f orwarded to th e Clerk of Cou rts in th e coun ty wh ere th e
su pp ort order was entered. Petition and all attach men ts mu st be on 8 ½ x 11 s iz e paper. If on
any oth er siz e paper, the petition will be return ed.
A $ 50 f iling fee is required t o b e p aid to t h e Clerk of Cou rts b y the p etit ion i n g p arty prior to the
Circu it Cou rt Ju dge appointin g a ref eree. However, the petition ing p arty or movin g p arty is n ot
s ubj ec t t o the $ 50 f iling fee if he/ s he is a recipien t of as s istan c e b en ef it s un d er S DCL Tit le 2 8 (i.e.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (T ANF), SNAP (food stamps), Medicaid, child care
as sis tanc e, energy ass istan c e, etc.). The petitioner may also file a motion requ es ting th e c ourt to
waive t h e $5 0 filin g fee by c ompleting and attach in g th e F iling F ee Waiver Request form, wh ic h is
inc lud ed with th e petition . If th e petitionin g party or moving party is n ot a rec ipient of Title 28
ben efit as in dicated above, or if th e Filin g Fee W aiver REq uest is n ot inc lu ded with th e petition ,
the petition er sh ou ld attach to th e petition a $5 0 c h ec k or money order payable to the Clerk of
Courts. DO NO T a tta ch cash. If th e paymen t is made ou t to an en tity other than th e Clerk of
Court, th e p etit ion will b e returned an d will res ult in a delay in f iling .
If th e court den ies th e filin g f ee waiver requ es t, the petitioner will be requ ired to pay the $ 5 0
filin g f ee. If the petitioner does n ot pay th e $ 5 0 f ilin g fee to the Clerk of Cou rts within 1 0 days,
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Sup po rt Orders :: Child Supp ort https://dss po rto rder.asp
the petition will be returned to th e petition ing party an d th e modification ac tion will not be
referred to the referee.
Referee conducts modi fication heari ng
Th e c ourt appointed ref eree will s en d a notic e of th e modification h earing to both parties by mail
and request the respondent to submit financial and other information to be considered in
es tablish ing th e c h ild s u pp ort oblig ation. The notice will advise the parties of th e time an d plac e
of th e h earing . This u s u ally occ u rs within 3 0 days f rom the date th e petition is filed. This
timeframe may vary depend ing on th e workload of the referee an d th e location of th e hearin g.
Th e h earin g may be held in th e cou nty of the paren t res pon din g to th e p etition or in the cou n ty
wh ere the referee is located . Th e pe tit ione r m u s t appea r at the heari ng in per s on or by
te l epho ne or the re feree may di smi ss t he modificatio n re quest.
The ref eree will des ig nate the loc at ion of the hearin g , typ ic ally a privat e of f ice or loc al
courthouse. Referees may hold hearings by phone if either party lives a long distance from the
hearin g s ite. Distan t parties wh o wish to take part by ph on e mus t make arrang emen ts with th e
referee in advance of the hearing. The referee or the court may assess costs under certain
circu mstances.
A t the h earin g , the ref eree will ob tain in f ormation an d testimony f rom the paren t s regardi n g
their financial resources and circumstances in order to determine the child support obligation as
p rovid ed un der t h e ch i ld su pp ort g uid elines an d l aws . T he paren t s sh ould pres ent any iss ues and
evidenc e th ey want th e ref eree to cons ider in s ettin g th e s u pp ort order, i.e. deviation s or
ad dit i o nal fact o rs t hey want co ns i dered i n establi shing th e o b l i g a t i on.
It is not necessary for eith er party to obtain legal counsel for a modification hearing. However,
they may do so if th ey des ire, at th eir own expens e. Pers on s n ot licens ed as attorn eys b y the
Sou th Dakota Bar As soc iation may not represen t th e parties at a modific ation hearin g.
Once a petition is filed with the Clerk of Courts, the parties may not enter into a
voluntary agreement for payment o f child support without the referee’s written
Referee submits a recommended order to th e court
A f t er the modific ation h earing, th e ref eree will p rep are an d file a rep ort an d a rec ommen d ed
order f o r sup port wi th t he Circuit Co urt. Both part i es are sent a copy of t he referee’s rep o rt and
the recommended order, us ually within 6 0 days f rom the date of h earing.
In determin ing the su pport obligation, th e c ombined month ly n et inc omes of both paren ts an d
nu mber of c h ildren mus t be us ed in determining th e obligation and d ivided proportionately
between the parties based on their respective net incomes. The amount of child support to be
paid by th e noncu stodial parent is determined by finding the category on the child support
payment s c h edule c losest to the combin ed mon th ly n et in c omes for both paren ts an d
apportioning that amount between the parents on the basis of their respective incomes.
If the obligation using only the noncustodial parent’s monthly net income is within the bolded
areas of th e s c hedule, that amou nt mu s t be c ompared to th e nonc u s todial parent’s proportionate
share using both parents’ monthly net incomes. The lesser amount establishes the noncustodial
parent's c h ild su pport order.
The referee may also consider deviations provided by the parents and additional iss ues raised by
either party such as child care costs, health insurance coverage, abatements for visitation or
shared parenting and travel costs for shared parenting time.
Child su p port referees are un der th e auth ority of th e Un ified Ju dicial S ystem (UJ S) . If you h ave
iss u es or c onc erns related to the action s of a referee, con tact UJS at (6 0 5 ) 7 7 3 -3 4 7 4 . The
Division of Child Support cannot address issues or concerns related to the actions of a referee.
Filing objections to the referee’s report
Within 1 0 d ays of the referee’s rep o rt a nd reco mmended order, eit her p a rt y may fil e o bj ect i o ns
contesting the recommended child support order. Objections must be in writing and filed with the
Clerk of Cou rts in th e cou nty th at iss u ed th e order being modified. The Circ uit Court may requ ire
a tran s c rip t of th e referee hearing to be f iled with th e written objections .
If objections are filed within 10 days by one of the parties, the other party must have an
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Sup po rt Orders :: Child Supp ort https://dss po rto rder.asp
add itional five days from the date of s ervic e of th e objections to f ile ad dition al objections with the
cou rt. Th e Circu it Court then s c hedules a h earing to c ons ider the objec tion s to the referee’s
repo rt. This hearing is b as ed s olely on the rec ord es t ab lis hed at t he ref eree’s h earin g . T h at is ,
t he Court may not consider any new evidenc e o r i nf o rmat io n, onl y the issues an d evidenc e
presented at th e ref eree’s modification hearin g. Af ter the court h earing on th e objections , th e
Circuit Court may adop t, modify, or rejec t and remand t he ref eree’s re p o rt with i ns t ruc t i ons t o
t he referee f o r furt her h e aring .
Cou r t ente rs th e modifi ca ti on order
If nei t her p a rt y f i l es obj ecti o ns to t he ref eree’s rep o rt and recommend ed o rder wit hin 10 d ays of
the referee’s report, th e Circu it Court will en ter th e order. If objections are filed, th e c ou rt will
enter an order af ter th e court hearing on th e obj ec tion s . A c opy of th e ord er will be sent to both
parties by c ertified mail.
A party wh o disagrees with th e c ourt order may app eal the decision to the South Dakota
Su p reme Court within 30 d ays.
Central Payme nt Cen te r
The Department of Social Services is the central payment center for the state and handles all
disbursements. Once the modified order is filed with the Clerk of Courts, all future child support
paymen ts mu st be made payable to the Division of Child Su pport and mailed to:
Ch ild S u p port Payment Center,
700 Governors Drive, Suite 84,
Pierre, SD 57501
M odi fic a ti on of O rde rs from O th e r S ta te s
Und er th e provis ions of th e Uniform Interstate Family Su pp ort Ac t, an order for c h ild s u pport
is su ed in an ot h er st at e may be reg is t ered in Sou th Dakot a f or mod if icati on if certain con d i tions
are met as specified by South Dakota law . (
SDCL 25-9B-611 or 25-9B-613).
For further in f ormation about modification of out-of -s tate child support ord ers, c ontac t your
attorney or the
Division of Child Su pport at 605-773-3641.
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© 2011. South Dakota Dep artment of Social Services. A ll R ig hts Reserved .
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DSS-SE-415 (07/2013)
South Dakota allows either the custodial or non-custodial parent to petition for modification of a South Dakota child
support order. In limited circumstances, another state’s child support order may be modified if registered in South
Dakota. Please contact the Division of Child Support or your attorney for more information regarding modification of
out-of-state child support orders. You are the Petitioner and the other parent is the Respondent.
If the support order was established or last modified: (1) before July 1, 2009; or, (2) more than three years have passed
since establishment or modification of the order, you do not have to state any change in circumstances within the petition.
If the order was established after July 1, 2009, and is less than three years old, you must state a substantial change in
circumstances before modification is appropriate. (SDCL 25-7-6.13 and 25-7A-22)
In any petition for modification, state law provides that the referee and court may consider health insurance coverage,
child care expenses, and immediate wage withholding as part of any decision.
Make certain you complete all sections within the petition and financial statement. The petition must be signed before a
RESULT IN THE PETITION BEING RETURNED TO YOU. All pages, including attachments and petition must
be printed single sided. If the petition or attachments are printed double sided (front to back), the petition will be
returned to you. Petition and all attachments must be on 8 ½ x 11 size paper. If on any other size of paper, the
petition will be returned to you.
A $50 filing fee is required to be paid to the Clerk of Courts by the petitioning party. However, the petitioning or moving
party is not subject to the $50 filing fee if he/she is a recipient of assistance benefits pursuant to Title 28, Public Welfare
and Assistance (i.e. Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Medicaid,
Child Care Assistance, Energy Assistance, etc.). (SDCL 16-2-29(4)(a)) The Petitioner may also file a motion requesting
the court to waive the $50 filing fee by completing and submitting the enclosed Filing Fee Waiver Request form with this
petition. If you are not a recipient of Title 28 benefits as indicated above, or if you do not submit the waiver request form,
attach a $50 check or money order payable to the Clerk of Courts. DO NOT ATTACH CASH. If you are filing more
than one petition, a separate $50 payment must be attached to each petition. If the payment is made out to an
entity other than the Clerk of Court, the petition will be returned to you and will result in a delay in filing.
Mail your petition, financial statement, and supporting attachments to: Modification Section, Division of Child
Support, 700 Governors Drive, Pierre, SD 57501-2291. If you have any questions, call the Modification Section at
(605)773-4724. A brochure explaining the process is also available at the local office of the Department of Social
Services and at the nearest Division of Child Support.

SDCL 25-7A-22 provides for a process for the custodial parent, non-custodial parent, or an assignee to file a petition to
increase or decrease South Dakota support orders based upon a change in circumstances. This process involves the
Department of Social Services, referees appointed by the Unified Judicial System, and the Circuit Courts. The steps for
the modification process are outlined below.
1. Petition, financial statement, a copy of the court order, and other attachments are filed with the Department of
Social Services (DSS).
2. DSS forwards the documents to the clerk of courts in the county where the court order is filed. All documents
become permanent part of the court file.
3. The Circuit Court judge appoints a referee to conduct a hearing on the petition for modification. NOTE: The $50
filing fee must be made payable to the Clerk of Courts (check or money order only – DO NOT send cash) before
the Court will appoint a referee to conduct a modification hearing, unless the Petitioner is exempt from, or the
court has waived, the filing fee.
4. The referee sends notice to the parties with a scheduled hearing date, and a request for the non-petitioning party to
submit financial statement and other information. If the Petitioner does not appear at the hearing, the referee may
dismiss the request for modification.
5. The referee conducts a hearing, using the child support guidelines, to determine whether the child support order
should be changed. The parties may provide testimony or evidence to the referee for consideration of deviations
or other allowable factors.
6. Based upon the findings of the referee, the referee enters a report recommending the amount of the monthly
support obligation. This report is filed with the Circuit Court, and a copy is served on the custodial parent, non-
custodial parent, and the assignee, if applicable, within 60 days from date of hearing.
7. Any of the parties may file written objections to the referee’s report with the Circuit Court within ten (10) days
from the date of service (mailing) of the report. A transcript of the referee’s hearing is generally required. If a
transcript is desired, it must be ordered from the referee within ten (10) days of the day the referee mails the
8. If no objections are filed within ten (10) days, the Circuit Court may enter its order. If the Circuit Court modifies
the referee’s recommended order without a court hearing, either party may file a written objection to that
modification with the Circuit Court within ten days of service of the order.
9. If objections are filed within ten (10) days by one of the parties, the other party shall have an additional five (5)
days from the date of service of the objections to file additional objections with the court. The Circuit Court then
schedules a hearing to consider the objections to the referee’s report. After the hearing, the Circuit Court enters
an order to adopt the referee’s report, modify it, or reject and remand it for further hearing by the referee.
10. After entry of the Circuit Court order, the Department of Social Services serves both parties with a copy of the
order by certified mail, and files proof of service with the court.
11. Either party can appeal the Circuit Court order to the South Dakota Supreme Court within thirty (30) days of entry
of the circuit court order.


DSS-SE-415 (07/2013)
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INFORMATION ON PETITIONER (Person completing this form):
MAILING ADDRESS (if different than Residential Address):
MAILING ADDRESS (if different than Residential Address):
Address current as of (month, year): Email:
I am the (select one) ☐parent, ☐guardian, or ☐custodian of the following child(ren):
and (select one) ☐is, ☐ was, or ☐ was not the spouse of Respondent.
On (date of order), (name of parent) was
ordered to pay child support for the above-name child(ren). A copy of the order, judgment, decree or
administrative order, including the stipulation and agreement, is attached.
The accompanying financial documents will be treated as confidential by the court and will not be
available to the public as defined by SDCL 15-15A-2(1)-(3). Please note that the other party to this action
is not considered ‘the public’ and may have access to this information.