Fillable Printable Standardised Power Purchase Agreement for Renewable Energy Generators
Fillable Printable Standardised Power Purchase Agreement for Renewable Energy Generators
Standardised Power Purchase Agreement for Renewable Energy Generators
Standardised Power Purchase Agreement
for Renewable Energy Generators greater than
10 MW
Standardised PPA for large renewable energy generators (greater than 10 MW)
(as “the Seller”)
- AND -
(as "the Buyer ")
Standardised PPA for large renewable energy generators (greater than 10 MW)
THIS AGREEEMENT is made this …………………… of ……………………20…
…………….acompany incorporated in theRepublic of Kenya[a limited partnership incorporated
under the Limited PartnershipsAct, Chapter 30 of the Laws of Kenya] with its registeredoffice at
……………………, and of Post office Box Number………..(hereinafter referredto as “the Seller”),
whichexpression shall, where thecontext soadmits, includeits successors in title andassigns) of
the one part ;
Republic of Kenyawith its registered office at Stima Plaza along Kolobot Road in Nairobi and of Post
Office Box Number 30099 – 00100, Nairobi,(hereinafter referredto as “the Buyer” whichexpression
shall, where the context so admits include its successors and assigns” of the third part.
1.The Buyer is licensed topurchase, transmit, distribute and supply electricity in the Republic of
2.The Seller intends to construct a ……………..MW ……………..power generation plant at
……………… of which ……….is for captive use and the rest for sale to the Buyer and
3.The SellerandtheBuyer haveagreedtoenter into an powerpurchaseagreement (beingthis
Agreement) for the sale of ……..MW to the Buyer pursuant to the Feed – In – Tariffs Policy.
1Defined Terms
In this Agreement, unless thecontext requires otherwise, the followingwords shall havethe
following meanings –
“Appendix A”: Description of the Plant
“AppendixB (1)”: The standardisedtariffs and escalators for purchase and sale of Net Electrical
Output applicable to this Agreement.
“Appendix B (2)”: The computation of Deemed Generated Energy Payments.
“Appendix C:” Designation of the Interconnection Facilities and Requirements
“Appendix D:” Contents of Seller’s Invoice
“Appendix E:” Designated address and contact persons for each Party.
“Appendix F:” Transfer Amount specified in Clause 11.3
“Appendix G:” Particulars of the Lenders
Standardised PPA for large renewable energy generators (greater than 10 MW)
Annual dependable output:
"Change inLaw" means any of the followingevents occurringafter the SignatureDate, and which
despite the exerciseof Prudent Operating Practice by the Seller or THEBUYER (i) results in a
material increasein the operatingcosts orcapital expenditureincurred by the Sellerin performing
its obligations under this Agreement or (ii)imposes requirements for the design, construction,
operation or maintenance of the Plant or the Buyer’s System that are materially more onerous than
the requirements in effectas of the Signature Date, andthat affect the Seller's performanceunder
this Agreement, , or that affect the Buyer's performance under this Agreement:
a. a changein, orin the interpretation (by a governmental authority), applicationor
enforcement of, or theenactment or adoptionof or promulgation, bringingintoeffect of,
repeal, amendment of, any legal requirement; or
b. any changeinany authorization required in connection with this Agreement or any
additional requirements or conditions imposedby any governmental authority in connection
with theissuance, extension, replacement, variation or renewal of any authorization required
in connection with this Agreement provided that in respect of the issuance, extension,
replacement, variation or renewal of any authorizationrequiredin connection with this
Agreement, the Party requiring therelevant authorization has first diligently attemptedto
obtain suchauthorization and if theprocesses required by suchduty of diligencehavenot
been exhausted, suchprocesses havebeen andare still being diligently pursued by that
“Commissioning:” Conduct of testsnecessary to put aunit or the Plant (as the casemaybe) into
operation and the term “Commission” shall be construed accordingly;
"Deemed GeneratedEnergy": Theelectrical energyexpressed in kWh that as a result of the Buyer’s
System Interruption is not generated and/or delivered to the Buyer at the Delivery Point;
"Deemed Generated Energy Payments" has the meaning given in Clause 6.16;
“Default Rate:” Two percentage points above LIBOR;
“DeliveryPoint:” Thepoint of commoncoupling as shown inAppendix C at whichthe Net Electrical
Output from the Plant is delivered to the Buyer;
“Emergency:” A condition or situation that in the reasonable opinion of either Party does materially or
adversely, or is likely materially or adversely to –
a.Affect the ability of eitherParty to maintain asafe, adequateor continuous supply of
electrical energy to its customers; or
b.Does or is likely to present a physical threat to persons or property or security integrity
or reliability of the Buyer’s System or the Plant;
“Effective Date:” Has the meaning subscribed to it in Clause 3.1;
"Environmental Attributes": Any andall Carbon Credits and any and all fuel, emissions, air quality or
other environmental characteristics,credits, benefits, reductions,offsets and allowances arising out
of any international, national or other laws or regulations (and whether now existing or enacted in the
future), including any suchlaws or regulations relating to oxides of nitrogen, sulphur orcarbon,
particulate matter, soot or mercury, resultingfrom thegenerationof energy or theavoidanceof the
emissionof any gas,chemical or other substancetothe air, soil orwater attributable to such
Standardised PPA for large renewable energy generators (greater than 10 MW)
“Feed – In –Tariffs Policy:”TheFeed – In –Tariffs Policy on Wind, Biomass, hydro, Geothermal,
Biogas andSolar Resource GeneratedElectricity first issued by the Ministry of Energy onMarch
2008 and subsequently revised;
“First Commissioning Date:” Has the meaning subscribed to it in Clause 5.6;
“Force Majeure:”Has the meaning ascribed to it in Clause 10;
“Full Commercial Operation Date:”The date notified by the Seller in accordance with Clause 5.7;
“GeneratingLicence:” Has the meaning ascribed to it in theEnergyAct, (or anysimilar licenceor
other authorisation pursuant to legislation replacing the Energy Act;
“Interconnection Facilities:”The point where the Seller’s Net Electrical Output line or electric system
feeds into theBuyer’s electricsystem andfacilities requiredtoconnect the plant to thebuyers
“Interconnection Point”: thepoint at whichtheinterconnection equipment andprotection equipment
is located as shown in Appendix C.
“the Buyer’s System:” Thetransmissionsystem operated bytheBuyer andthedistribution systems,
and ancillary plant and equipment connected to such transmission system;
“kW:” Kilowatt;
“kWh:” Kilowatt hour being three million six hundred thousand(3,600,000) Joulesas definedinISO
“Lenders:”The financial institutions specified in Appendix E, which term includes their successors
and assigns;
“LIBOR:” Means in respect of any day –
a.The rate per annum equal to the arithmetic mean (roundedupwards, if necessary,to
the nearest whole multiple of onesixteenthof one percent (1/16%) of the offered
rates per annum for deposits of aprincipal sum equivalent tothe sum inquestion in
USDollars foraperiod commencing onsuch day and endingseven(7) dayslater
which appear onthe Dow JonesMarkets Screenat or about eleveno’clock in the
morning(11.00a.m) London timetwo (2) business days prior to such day,provided
alwaysthat at least two offered rates appearon theDow Jones Markets Screen
Page; or
b.If at least two(2) offeredrates donot appear on theDow Jones Markets Screen
Pageas contemplatedby the provisoto paragraph(a)of this definition, the rateper
annum,( roundedupwards if necessary, to the nearest whole multiple of one
sixteenth of one percent (1/16%) per annum of theinterest rateper annum offered at
approximately eleveno’clock in themorning(11.00a.m) Londontime by at least
three (3)referencebanks(selected by the Party entitled toreceive thepayment
due)two (2) businessdays prior to suchday and for delivery onsuchday, tomajor
banksin theLondon Interbank Market for deposits in US Dollars in theamount of the
sum in question;
Standardised PPA for large renewable energy generators (greater than 10 MW)
“Long Stop Full Commercial Operation Date”: the date falling within twenty four (24) months after the
EffectiveDate orany extensionthereof fallingwithin thirty six months (36) after the EffectiveDate
agreed between the Parties;
“Mwh:” Megawatt hour being one thousand (1000)kWh;
“Must Take Facility”: A facility where the Buyer must take and purchase the Net Electrical Output, not
exceeding the annual dependable output, equivalent to 75% of net electrical output, to begenerated
at the Plant and deliveredandsold to the Buyer, subject only to such necessary directions or
protocols as may be issued by the Buyer for protection of its electric system.
“Net Electrical Output:” Energy from thePlant measured in kilowatt hours (kWh) which is generated
at the Plant and delivered to the Buyer at the Delivery Point;
“Non – Default Rate:” LIBOR;
“Parties:” the Buyer and the Seller;
“Plant:” All the Seller’s electrical prime movers and generators, together with all protective andother
associatedor auxiliary equipment of the Seller, and rights toown or useland associated with the
electrical primemovers and generators, necessary to producethe Net Electrical Output pursuant to
this Agreement;
“Prudent OperatingPractice:” Inrelation toeither Party, standardsof practice obtainedbyexercising
that degree of skill, diligence, prudence and foresight which could reasonably be expected from a
skilled and experienced person engaged in the same type of undertaking;
“Scheduled Outage:”An outage at the Plant whichis scheduled in advance for thepurposeof
performing maintenance of the Plant;
"Signature Date": The date of this Agreement;
“Large FIT Power Project:” A project of any capacity that generateselectric energy from renewable
energy sources and sells pursuant to this Agreement over ten (10) MW of such output;
“Target Effective Date:” ………….. (Insert actual date);
“Term:” Theperiodfrom the Effective Date until the expiry of this Agreement in accordance with
Clause 2 or earlier termination;
“Tariff:” Thecharge rate per kilowatt hour (kWh) definedin the FiTs tariff policyand specified in
Appendix B: (1);
“The EnergyRegulatoryCommission:”TheEnergy Regulatory Commissionestablishedunder
section 4 of the Energy Act; and
“The Energy Act:”The Energy Act, No.12 of 2006, of the Laws of Kenya.
Standardised PPA for large renewable energy generators (greater than 10 MW)
In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires –
1Referencetoabusiness day is referencetoany day which is not aSaturday,
Sunday or recognised public holiday in the Republic of Kenya;
2Referenceto a day, week ormonth is referencetoacalendar day, week or
3Referenceto Clauses,Appendices orparagraphs or figures are reference to
clauses, paragraphs and figures of and to this Agreement;
4Words inthe singular shall beinterpreted as referring to theplural and vice
versa, andwords denotingpersons shall be interpreted as referring to natural
and legal persons;
5The term including shall be construed without any limitation;
6A requirement that payment bemadeon a day whichis not a business day shall
be construedas a requirement that thepayment be made on the next business
7Headings arefor convenienceonly and shall not affect the construction of this
Agreement; and
8Unlessotherwiseprovidedherein, whereaconsent or approval is required by
oneParty from the otherParty, suchconsent or approval shall not be
unreasonably withheld or delayed.
The Parties’ obligations shall commence from full commercial effective dateandshall unless
earlier terminated in accordance with its term continue infullforceand effect for a periodof
twenty (20) years.
2.Extension of Term
The term may be extendedsubject to agreement inwritingby the Parties to suchextension at least
twelve(12) months prior toits expiry and on such terms as theParties may agree, andprior consent
from the Energy Regulatory Commission.
In accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions this Agreement:
1.The Seller will finance, design, procure, construct, install, test, commission, operateand
maintain thePlant in accordancewith Prudent Operating Practice, supply and install theMain
Metering Equipment and the Back-Up MeteringEquipment, supply and install Buyer’s
Connection Facilities,transfer totheBuyer the Buyer ConnectionFacilities andtheBack Up
Metering Equipment and sell the Net Electrical Output to the Buyer; and
2.The Buyer willtakedelivery of Net Electrical Output and pay Energy Charges for suchNet
Electrical Output.
Standardised PPA for large renewable energy generators (greater than 10 MW)
Except for the Parties’ respective obligations in Clauses 3.2, 3.3 and3.4or as otherwise
provided herein, the Parties’ obligations hereunder shall commence on the date (“the Effective
Date”) on which the last of the following conditions shall have been satisfied –
1This Agreement is approved by the Energy Regulatory Commission.
2The Generating Licence in respect of the Plant is issued to the Seller; and
1The Seller’s Conditions
The Seller shall useallreasonable endeavours to facilitate thesatisfaction of the conditions in
Clause3.1prior to theTarget EffectiveDate or such otherdateas the Parties may agreein
2The Buyer’s Conditions
The Buyer shall use all reasonable endeavours tofacilitatesatisfaction of theconditions in
Clause 3.1 on or prior to the Target Effective Date or such other date as the Parties may agree
in writing.
3Progress Review
The Parties shall jointly review progress made towards achieving satisfaction of the Conditions
Precedent ona monthly basis and shall notify eachother promptly of any anticipateddelay in
the Effective Date occurring beyond the Target Effective Date.
4Non- Satisfaction of Condition Precedent
If any of the Conditions Precedent shall not havebeen satisfiedwithin six (6)months from the
Target EffectiveDate or such later dateas the Parties may agreein writing, then this
Agreement shall terminate at such date, in which event this agreement shall bedeemed null
andvoidab initioand neither Party shall haveany liability whatsoever tothe otherParty under
this Agreement.
1Interconnection Facilities
The Seller shall make all arrangements at its own expensenecessary to transmit anddeliver
the Net Electrical Output totheBuyerat theDelivery Point: the Buyer shallcooperate with the
Seller in these arrangements.
2The Seller’s Responsibility
The Seller shall at theSeller’s own cost design, purchase, construct, operate and maintain the
Interconnection Facilities priorto commissioning; the Seller shall pay for the upgrading of
equipment in the buyersystemnecessary to enablethe delivery of the net electrical output
into thebuyerssystem. The design of the InterconnectionFacilities shall be compliant with the
Buyer’sequipment, transmissionanddistribution requirements and standards, including
interconnection guidelines.
1Upon completion andcommissioning of InterconnectionFacilities, theSeller shall
transfer to theBuyer, and theBuyer shall accept, ownandmaintain theinterconnection
facilities, as beneficial owner all rights title and interestthereinfree of any
encumbrances together with all the applicable warranties and guarantees in respect
thereof andthe Seller shallnot beliable to theBuyer in respect of theInterconnection
Facilities from the date of such transfer, provided that –
2The cost of undertaking the design, purchase, construction, installation, testingand
commissioning of Interconnection Facilities is deemed included in the Tariff;
Standardised PPA for large renewable energy generators (greater than 10 MW)
3The Seller shall at all times,prior tothe transfer to the Buyerof the Interconnection
Facilities in accordancewith Clause 4.2, retain responsibility for ensuring the
Interconnection Facilities meet the Buyer’s specifications.
3The Buyer’s Responsibility
The Buyer shall provideto theSeller thedetails for theInterconnectionFacilities to enable
design, purchase, construction and commissioning of the Interconnection Facilities.
4Connection to the Buyer’s System
The Seller shall liaise with the Buyer for the connection of the Plant to the Buyer System at the
Delivery Point.
The Seller shall keepthe Buyer informed of theprogress of the design, financing, supply,
constructionand installation of the Interconnection Facilities and equipment to beinstalled by
it pursuant toClauses 4.1 and 4.2, andevery monthshall providea progress report in respect
6Monitor Progress
The Seller shall-
1Ensure that theBuyer andany representatives appointed by theBuyer, are afforded
reasonable access to the Site upongiving the Seller reasonablenotice providedthat
such accessdoes not materially interfere with theconstruction works or expose any
person on the Site to any danger;
2Makeavailable for inspectionat the Site copies of all plans and designs, other thanany
proprietary information of the Seller or any subcontractor, in relationto the
construction, or any part thereof; and
3Within three(3) months of thePlant commissioning date, supply the Buyer with one(1)
set of reproducible copies andtwo(2) sets of white print copies or equivalent of all “as
built” plans and designs relating to the operation or maintenanceof the Interconnection
Facilities as the Buyermay reasonably require. TheSellershall also providetothe
Buyer two (2)copies of theoperation andmaintenancemanuals inrespect of the
Interconnection Facilities.
The Seller
1Accepts that any information providedby theSeller under Clause4.5or any
engineering review or inspectionconductedby the Buyerunder Clause4.6is solely for
the Buyer’s own information and accordingly, the Buyer’s review or failureto review or
carry out any inspection under Clause4.6.2 shall not be construed as constituting any
approval or acceptanceof Interconnection Facilities or the Plant, and theBuyer makes
no representation as to theengineering soundness of the Interconnection Facilities or
the Plant nor shallit betreated as havingaccepted Interconnection Facilities or the
Plant as fit to meet the terms of this Agreement.
2Shall in no way represent to any third party that the buyeris responsible for the
engineering soundnessof theplant as a result of any review or inspectiondone by the
3Shall, subject to theother provisions of this Agreement, besolely responsiblefor the
economic and financial feasibility, operational capacity and reliability of the Plant.
Standardised PPA for large renewable energy generators (greater than 10 MW)
1The Seller’s Obligations
The Seller shall carry out commissioning in accordancewith Prudent Operating Practice and
any procedure agreed on by the Parties.
The Seller shall giveat least seven(7) day’s prior noticeto the Buyer of the date
commencement of commissioning and testing of the first unit.
3The Buyer’s Attendance
The Buyer shall, in respectof the Interconnection Facilities, have theright to bepresent at the
Siteon each occasion, on whichthe test is being conducted, andtoinspect andwitness the
test, and to receive, within fifteen (15) days after the test, a written copy of the test reports.
4Appointment of Independent Engineer
The Seller shall not less thanfourteen(14) daysprior tothecommencement of the
commissioning, appoint an independent suitablyqualified professional engineer or firm
acceptableto the Buyer(“ the Independent Engineer”) who shall among other things witness
the commissioning andTesting of the Interconnection Facilities. All fees and costs payable to
the Independent Engineer (includingthoseincurred inmaking suchappointment) shall be
borne by the Seller.
5The Interconnection Facilities
The Seller shall testandcommission the InterconnectionFacilities inaccordancewith the
Commissioningand Testing procedures set out in Appendix C andfurther procedures agreed
or determined pursuant to Clause5.1andin accordancewith Prudent OperatingPracticenot
later than one (1) month before the First Commissioning Date. TheSeller shall before the First
Commissioning Date ensure that the Interconnection Facilities are available for operation.
6First Commissioning Date
The First Commissioning Date shallbethe date notifiedtothe Buyeras the target date for the
start of commissioning of the first unit.
7Plant Commercial Operation Tests
Upon satisfactory completion of the Plant Commercial Operations Test, theSeller shall
procure the issue of acertificate of the Independent Engineer certifying, without any material
qualification, that thePlant’s Commissioning has been completedandthat the Plant is
available forcommercial operation. TheSellershall, upon issue of the certificate, give notice
to the Buyer of a date (“the Full Commercial Operation Date”) beingadate not later than
twenty one (21) days after completion of commissioning.
1The Seller shall ensure that thePlant has adequate protectionequipment prior to
synchronizationwiththe Buyer System. TheSeller and theBuyershall inspectand
verify theprotection equipment of the Plant togetherwith the settingand operation of
the protectionrelay equipment of the Plant andswitchgear prior to synchronization and
commencement of delivery of the Net Electrical Output by theSeller to theBuyer.
Standardised PPA for large renewable energy generators (greater than 10 MW)
NeitherParty shall be liableto the other for any damage which may be caused to their
Plant or equipment during such synchronization.
2The Seller shall notify the Buyer inwritingat least thirty (30) dayspriortosynchronizing
or operating thePlant for the first time in parallel with theBuyer’ssystem, and
coordinatesuchcommencement of operationwith theBuyer at this first time and in
future times that theSellerresynchronizes or begins again to operate after a cessation
of operation in parallel with the Buyer’s grid.
9The Buyer’s Cooperation
The Buyer shall, subject toany constraints on theBuyer System, cooperatewith theSeller so
as toenable the Seller to commissionthe Plant in accordance with this Clause5 and in
particularwill authorize connectionto the Buyer System and dispatchthePlant to the extent
reasonably required by the Seller for such purpose.
10Interconnection Liability
The Seller shall accept all liability andreleasetheBuyer fromand indemnify the Buyer against
anyliability for faults or damageto theSeller’s Interconnection Facility, theBuyer’s electric
system andthe public as aresult of any usageof theSeller’s Interconnection Facility whichis
in any manner inconsistent with Prudent Operating Practice.
11Commissioning and Testing Output
The Buyer shall pay energy charges to the Seller for all Net Electrical Output supplied from the
Plant during Testing and Commissioning at therate of thefeed-in tariff as specified in
Appendix B(1).
12The Buyer’s Right To Terminate
If the Full Commercial Operating Dateis not achieved by the LongStop Full Commercial
Operation Date, other than in the circumstances described in Clause 11.1.1 of this Agreement,
the Buyer shallbe entitled to terminate the Agreement.
1Delivery of Net Electrical Output
From the full commercial operation date and thereafter, the Seller agrees to deliver and sell to
the Buyer theNet Electrical Output for theterm of thisAgreement specified inClause2and at
the price specified in Clause 6.15.
2Acceptance and Purchase of Net Electrical Output
From the full commercial operationdate and thereafter, theBuyeragrees and covenants to
accept into its transmission system and to purchase for the term of this Agreement as
specifiedin Clause 2and at the pricespecifiedin Clause6.15, the Net Electrical Output when
deliveredby theSeller. The Buyer shallpay for theNet Electrical Output as ascertainedand
determined by the metering equipment in accordance with Clause 7.5.
3Environmental Attributes
Any environmental attributes recognizedunder any international, national or otherlaws or
regulations, associated with the ownership or generation of power from the Plant, including but
not limited to carboncredits or attributes created pursuant to the KyotoProtocol orany