Fillable Printable Strategic Plan Template - University of Texas
Fillable Printable Strategic Plan Template - University of Texas

Strategic Plan Template - University of Texas
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Business Affairs 2016
December 2007
Table of Contents
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………... 3
2. Business Affairs Mission, Vision and Core Values………………… 3
3. Strategic Advantages………………………………………………… 4
4. Strategic Challenges…………………………………………………. 4
5. Business Affairs Strategic Initiatives, Goals, Action Items, and
Metrics………………………………………………………………… 4
Business Affairs Goals Related to UTSA Strategic Initiative I:
Enriching Education Experiences to Enable Student
Business Affairs Goals Related to UTSA Strategic Initiative II:
Serving Society Through Creativity, Expanded Research,
and Innovations……………………………………………..
Business Affairs Goals Related to UTSA Strategic Initiative III:
Promoting Access and Affordability……………………… 6
Business Affairs Goals Related to UTSA Strategic Initiative IV:
Serving the Public through Community Engagement…… 7
Business Affairs Goals Related to UTSA Strategic Initiative V:
Expanding Resources and Infrastructure………………… 7
6. Indicators……………………………………………………………... 8
7. Call to Action and Accountability ………………………………….. 9
8. Appendix: BUSINESS AFFAIRS Strategic Planning Process……. 12
Business Affairs 2016
1. Introduction:
Business Affairs is passionate about supporting UTSA in transforming lives through
education. This is accomplished through our partnerships with the University
community to improve service, safety, efficiency, effectiveness and wellbeing of
UTSA employees.
The Business Affairs organization is comprised of five offices: Administration,
Facilities, Financial Affairs, Human Resources, and Police.
The Business Affairs Brand, “Your partner for successful solutions” reflects the
partnerships and alignments we have created and continually foster with our
customers. We strive to fulfill our brand promise, “We are committed to helping you
achieve your goals, through excellence in service – every person, every day, every
job,” with each of our customers/partners.
The Business Affairs organization continually challenges its leaders to promote
change, think and act creatively, and communicate effectively. Since progress can
only be derived through change, the organization is constantly energized through the
creative ideas of the staff. The fundamental goal of Business Affairs is to deliver
quality service through excellence, while exceeding customer expectations. As such,
the organization understands that this can only be accomplished through a cultu re that
promotes and rewards change, creativity and communication.
2. Business Affairs Mission, Vision and Core Values:
Business Affairs’ mission, vision, and core values statements reflect our purpose
(Mission), what we aspire to be (Vision), and the guiding pr inciples that we will use
to reach our goals (Core Values).
Mission Statement
Business Affairs is dedicated to supporting and enhancing th e goals of The University
of Texas at San Antonio while maintaining a visible commitment to excellence. This
will be achieved by providing and implementing programs that enhance the quality
and effectiveness of the institution A best practices environment will be created that
fosters quality, integrity, leadership, flexibility, c reativity, participation and strategic
partnerships with other campus and community constituencies.
Vision Statement
In all we do, we do with excellence…every person, every day and every job.
Core Values
Business Affairs’ core values mirror those of the University’s: integrity, excellence,
inclusiveness, respect, collaboration, and innovation.
3. Business Affairs Strategic Advantages:

Human Capital
o Knowledgeable, dedicated, flexible/adaptable, experienced, professional staff
o Customer/partner focused
o Financial condition
o Growth of the University
o Opportunity for innovation and development
o Community and legislature
o Partnerships within and external to the University
4. Business Affairs Strategic Challenges:
Human Capital
o Upper management diversity
o Resource/workload planning
o Private sector competition for limited resources
o Succession management planning
o Training
o Funding for strategic initiatives
o Funding to meet space demands
o Lack of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP: finance/payroll and HR)
o Availability, integ rity, flexibility, security
o Manually driven
o Decentralized key practices/processes
o Change management for innovation and implementation
o Process/procedures inconsistently documented
o Internal to Business Affairs and external to University Community
5. Strategic Initiatives, Goals, Action Items and Metrics
In order to meet our vision and fu lfill our mission, Business Affairs is committed to
pursuing activities that support the University’s strategic initiatives and foundational
themes with 5 goals. While very unique, the objectives of the diverse goals can be
summarized into the acronym CHIPS, which reflects our 5 basic goals of Customer
Service, Human Capital, Improvement, Partnerships, and Stewardship.
Goals, action items and metrics that support each of the University’s strategic
initiatives are identified below. Some of the goals are included in several initiatives
with different action items.
Goal 1: C
ustomer service

Embracing a culture of customer service and exceeding expectations of
Goal 2: Human capital
Cultivating human capital that is aligned with o u r mission, vision, and values throu gh
the identification, recruitment, retention, management and development of our staff,
and promoting an organizational culture of excellence wherein our employees might
Goal 3: Improvement
Promoting continuous improvement through efficiency, effectiveness, productivity,
use of available technology and the development of technological solutions
Goal 4: Partnerships
Developing and sustaining partnerships and communication
Goal 5: Stewardship
Practicing stewardship, transparency and ensuring comp liance
UTSA’s Strategic Initiative I: Enriching Educational Experiences to Enable
Student Success
Business Affairs Goal 1: Embrace a culture of customer service and exceed
expectations of stakeholders/partners
Action Items:
1. Provide high quality new capital construction and facility renovations
2. Develop and manage a long range Facilities Master (and Renovation) Plan
3. Develop initiatives to increase safety awareness and reduce crime
4. Improve financial & fiscal services to students through new online and email
services, training and other venues
5. Meet the needs of customers with efficient and timely services through
o University’s growth needs and cost estimates
o Crime stat reduction of Part I and Part II crimes
o Number of crime alerts
o Number of crime prevention seminars
o Number of students who use new online features
o Number of Engineering Building II and Combined Science Facility
Renovation outstanding project deficiencies (at the following critical project
points: substantial completion, 3, 6 and 12 months post completion)
o Periodic customer surveys

UTSA’s Strategic Initiative II: Serv in g Society through Creativity, Expanded
Research, and Innovations
Business Affairs Goal 5: Practice stewardship and transparency and ensure
Action Items:
1. Analyze and streamline processes to eliminate redundancy and non-value
added activities
2. Enhance and increase use of technology in all areas
3. Evaluate current process e s to establish baselines
4. Deliver annual customer service surveys
5. Increase customer collaboration and communication
6. Design staff education programs in collaboration with respective departments
7. Communicate crime occurrences and police actions
8. Achieve Police Department accreditation
• Number of annual process improvements
• Customer survey response of process improvements
• Cost savings from process improvements
• Track attendance and feedback from education programs
• Measure effectiveness o f education programs, establish baseline and goals for
• Publish annual Cleary report
• Achieve CALEA Police accreditation
• Increase wireless use of cameras
UTSA’s Strategic Initiative III: Promoting Access and Affordability
Business Affairs Goal 5: Practice stewardship and transparency and ensure
Action Items:
1. Implement a financial assessment process to publish budget to actual data and
uses of funds by division, department
2. Develop facility plans and programs to m eet or exceed code and legal
3. Develop best value services that promote an ethical and fair environment at
affordable costs
4. Identify and facilitate community partnerships
• Customer survey regarding knowledge, understanding of data
• Track program costs to measure effectiveness
• Benchmark costs against peer institutions and/or industry standards

UTSA’s Strategic Initiative IV: Ser v ing the Public through Community
Business Affairs Goal 3: Promoting continuous improvement through efficiency,
effectiveness, productivity, use of technology and the development of technological
Action Items:
1. Provide collaborative support services for community and outreach programs
• Track annual community programs supported
• Periodic survey for compliance and excellence
• Meetings on compliance updates
Business Affairs Goal 4: Developing and sustaining partnerships and communication
Action Items:
1. Develop and support both global and community partnerships that promote
accessible, quality, life-long learning
• Periodic review of support for the Office of International Programs
transactional process
UTSA’s Strategic Initiative V: Expanding Resources and Infrastructure
Business Affairs Goal 1: Embracing a culture of customer service and meeting
expectations of stakeholders
Business Affairs Goal 2: Cultivating human capital that is aligned with our mission,
vision, and values through the identification, recruitment, retention, management and
development of our staff, and promoting an organizational culture of excellence
wherein our employees might excel
Business Affairs Goal 3: Promoting continuous improvement through efficiency,
effectiveness, productivity, use of technology and the development of technological
Business Affairs Goal 4: Developing and sustaining partnerships and communication
Business Affairs Goal 5: Practicing stewardship and transparency and ensuring
Action Items:
1. Create an organizational culture, administrative processes, systems and
structures that value and promote productivity, while optimizing both the
utilization of existing resources and technology and the generation of new

2. Customize, collaborate and communicate the delive ry of services to meet
customer expectations, timely completion, and regulatory compliance
3. Distribute annual customer surveys for all areas to define services and validate
customer expectations
4. Develop and manage an integrated Facility Asset management program to
include condition assess ments, life cycle planning, and comprehensive project
priority planning
5. Establish key performance indicators and monthly operations performance
6. Partner with chief management officers and deans to identify, develop and
implement methods to plan for and proactively meet future staffing needs
7. Complete annual Affirmative Action Plans and disseminate information to
VP’s and deans to assist in hiring decisions
8. Improve processes for succession planning and the identification of skill
competency for all departments
9. Increase and optimize the revenue mix through auxiliary services and
partnership opportunities
• Regular staff meetings that encourage creativity
• Survey of Organizational Excellence departmental results
• Number of process guidelines created
• Time and money saved from process improvements
• Turnover statistics
• Customer survey results
• Average facility condition index for all facilities
• Total backlog of deferred maintenance for all facilities
• Monthly facility performance index results
• Monthly and 12 month running average of work order and preventive
maintenance schedule compliance
• On-time completion percentage for reported correctiv e maintenance calls
• Analyze financial versus non financial measures
6. Business Affairs Key Indicators:
The following metrics will serve as indicators o f Business Affairs’ overall progress in
achieving our vision and meeting our strategic goals. Each indicator will have
associated targets and will be benchmarked against past performance as well as peer
institution performance, as applicable.
Goal 1: Customer Service
o Customer assessments will b e evaluated within 3 months of completion and
recommendations developed
o Subsequent surveys will reflect improved timely and efficient service delivery
and improved customer satisfaction
Goal 2: Human Capital
o Critical skill set and core competency gaps will be identified and succession
plans will be developed for all critical position s
o Staff turnover will decrease
o Exit survey process will provide turnover information useful in planning of
processes, systems, and programs
o Succession plans will be created for all key positions
o Results of Bi-Annual Survey of Organizational Excellence will improve and
action items will be identif ied
Goal 3: Improvement
o CALEA Police accreditation will be achieved
o Reporting system will be utilized by departments for financial planning
o Reduction in number of impaired critical systems
o Facilities new capital and renovation projects will reflect high quality
o Comprehensive facility annual work plans and predictive, preventive and
corrective maintenance activities will be executed and maintained
o Master Plan will provide roadmap fo r resource allocation
o Performance evaluations will reflect “line of sight” to UTSA’s strategic plan
Goal 4: Partnerships
o Participation in community programs will be increased
Goal 5: Stewardship
o Complete compliance to all regulations and codes
o Affirmative Action Plans goals will be measured, reported to CMO and
o Financial reporting system will facilitate oversight and planning processes
o Budget processes will ensure that internal resources are appropriately matched
with the university’s strategies for achieving its goals
7. Call to Action and Accountability for Business Affairs:
For our UTSA 2016 Strategic Plan to be successful, we must follow through to
incorporate the Business Affairs initiatives into our everyday m anagem ent,
operations, and decision making. The intent of UTSA is to operate as an integrated
whole, with each element and component contributing to the University m ission and
vision, collaboratively and in a holistic fashion. This approach will transform the
institution from our present reality toward realization of our future vision. Thus, we
will become a catalyst and crucible for change, inviting and involving all stakeholders
to the table as contributors as well as beneficiaries. This approach reflects the notion
of citizenship imbedded in our statements of mission, vision, and core values.
Citizenship in its truest sense involves a shared responsibility and contribution to the
welfare of our entire community.

An implementation process that will ensure that the strategic plan is carried out
effectively is critical to our success.
Plan Levels Scope Timeframe Lead Responsibility Content
10 years Campus
Management and
Operations (CMO)
and Team 2016
Operational Goals 2 years CMO and Deans
and College
Unit Strategic
5 years Vice Presidents and
Operational Goals 12 months Colleges and
Task Forces Cross-divisional
Short-term Appointed by CMO Priority
initiatives and
• We must integrate UTSA 2016 into our operational planning (unit-level plans and
• We must integrate UTSA 2016 as the guide for our Business Affairs budget
• We must participate in ongoing revision and modification of the Business Affairs
• We must develop an organizational structure to support the Business Affairs plan
and assign responsibilities.
In order for the plan to work, Business Affairs must ensure that an effective system
involving both communication and assessment is established and maintained.
Business Affairs must develop a communication system to inform our personnel of
our fidelity to our mission and progress toward its initiatives, goals and action items.
Routine reporting of metrics on our goals will be a standard part of meeting our goals
and timeliness. Every month there will be a report on one of the initiatives to Team
2016. The report will include progress (metric review) and issues. Twice a year,
progress on all initiatives will be incorporated into a report reviewed by the CMO,
Team 2016 and the Executive Leadership Council. UTSA’s President will present an
annual public “State of UTSA” address that reflects overall progress toward
University initiatives and goals to which Business Affairs contributes.
As a result of our internal system and the public Web site, the university community
will be able to asses s our progress, and senior lead ers will have regular opportunities
to discuss and adjust our initiatives a s needed.
Marketing UTSA:
Business Affairs will contribute information to the CMO and Team 2016 to help
UTSA tell its story and share our 2016 Vision, both of which are essential to attract
top students, faculty, research sponsors, and resource contributors and to gain optim al
buy-in from all UTSA’s community and state stakeholders. Stories demonstrating
UTSA’s values-in-action work to positively reinforce in tegrity, excellence,
inclusiveness, respect, collaboration, and innovation. The UTSA image, branding,
reputation, and prestige will reflect all the aspirational goals outlined in this plan and
inform key audiences about progress, constantly recognizing and celebrating
accomplishments along this journey.
Business Affairs must develop an assessment system to determine our fidelity to our
announced mission and progress to ward our vision. There will be clear lines of
responsibility for managing and reporting the components of our strategic plan, to
include collecting metric data, reporting progress, and resolving issues.