Fillable Printable Student Reference Request/Letter of Recommendation Authorization Form
Fillable Printable Student Reference Request/Letter of Recommendation Authorization Form

Student Reference Request/Letter of Recommendation Authorization Form

Michigan State University
Student Reference Request / Letter of Recommendation
Authorization Form
References/Recommendations which are made from the recommender’s personal observation or knowledge do not require
a written release from the student who is the subject of the reference/recommendation. However, if the student wishes the
recommender to include personally identifiable information from the student’s education record (such as grades, GPA,
etc.), the student must provide a signed release.
Student Name ____________________________________________ Student Number_____________________
I request ___________________________________________________ to serve as a reference for me to:
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Organization/School: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ___________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________________________________________________________
The purpose(s) of the reference is/are (check all that apply):
application for employment
all forms of scholarship or honorary awards
admission to another education institution
other (please explain): _________________________________________________________________
The reference may be given to the recipient in the following form(s) (check one or both options):
The following information may be disclosed from my educational records at Michigan State University for the purpose
of the reference: _________________________________________________________________________________
I waive / do not waive my right to review a copy of this letter at any time in the future.
Student’s SignatureDate