Fillable Printable UCSC Reference Release Form
Fillable Printable UCSC Reference Release Form

UCSC Reference Release Form

Use this form to authorize UCSC staff to provide a rental reference on your behalf.
1) For financial and housing references, fill out this form and give a copy to the Campus Housing Office. Once this
document is on file, both the Campus Housing Office and Housing/Residential Life Office at your community can release
personal information when a landlord calls. If you use any other reference on campus, click on “Individual References” at
the bottom of this form, fill it out and give a copy of it to anyone you list as an individual reference.
2) Fill out the form “How to Check Rental References for a UCSC Student” and give it to potential landlords for
guidance and information needed to check your references.
I hereby authorize the UCSC offices below, and individual staff members, to speak with any potential
landlord, candidly and comprehensively, sharing any and all information about myself, including personal,
financial and contractual information otherwise protected by law or University policy (e.g., student conduct issues,
student employment matters, academic/class matters, etc.).
Cowell College
Kresge College
The Village
Stevenson College
Oakes College
Redwood Grove
Crown College
College Eight
Transfer Community
Merrill College
College Nine
Camper Park
Porter College
College Ten
The Campus Housing Office provides information about
your housing contract and payment history of housing fees
during the time you were a tenant at the University. The
Campus Housing Office must have a copy of this signed
release in order to speak to any potential landlord. You can
also fax it to them at (831) 459-3665.
The Housing/Residential Life Office at the community
where you lived (indicated above) informs potential land-
lords of your eligibility to return to campus housing based
on your conduct while a tenant at the University.
Before disseminating this information, the office will
confirm a copy of this release was submitted to the Campus
Housing Office.
Return completed form to the Campus Housing Office at 104 Hahn Student Ser
Graduate Student Housing Family Student Housing
459-5712 459-4080
Dates/years in residence: _____________________________________________________________________________
Print Name: ______________________________________________ Student ID#: ____________________________
Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ________/________/_________________
University Town Center
Individual References Other UCSC employees (e.g. supervisors, TAs, or professors) can be a reference as to
character, maturity, or academic standing.
Updated 2/15
STUDENTS: Your next step is to take the Online Renters’ Workshop available on CRO’s web site. You will learn:
• How to prepare a Rental Application Packet and maximize your search
• How to protect your security deposit and avoid problems with housemates, landlords, and neighbors
• Which housing situations to avoid
• Tenants’ rights & responsibilities