- Worker's Report of Injury - Arizona
- Workers' Compensation Commission Application for Ajustment Claim - Illinois
- Employer's First Report of Injury or Disease - Wisconsin
- Workers' Compensation Claim Form - California
- Employer's First Report of Injury or Occupational Disease - Alabama
- Workers Compensation Inclusion/Exclusion Form - Minnesota
Fillable Printable Supervisor's Injury or Illness Report - Pennsyvania
Fillable Printable Supervisor's Injury or Illness Report - Pennsyvania

Supervisor's Injury or Illness Report - Pennsyvania

Carnegie Mellon University
Human Resources
Benefits & Compensation Office
5000 Forbes Avenue, 319 SCRG
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3730
(412) 268-2047 | Fax: (412) 268-7472
In Pennsylvania, the workers' compensation law provides wage loss and medical benefits to
employees who cannot work, or who need medical care, because of a work-related injury.
Benefits are required to be paid by your employer when self-insured, or through insurance
provided by your employer. Your employer is required to post the name of the company
responsible for paying workers' compensation benefits at its primary place of business and at its
sites of employment in a prominent and easily accessible place, including, without limitation,
areas used for the treatment of injured employees or for the administration of first aid.
You should report immediately any injury or work-related illness to your employer.
Your benefits could be delayed or denied if you do not notify your employer immediately.
If your claim is denied by your employer, you have the right to request a hearing before a
workers' compensation judge.
The Bureau of Workers' Compensation cannot provide legal advice. However, you may contact
the Bureau of Workers' Compensation for additional general information at:
Bureau of Workers' Compensation
1171 South Cameron Street, Room 103
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17104-2501
Telephone number within Pennsylvania (800) 482-2383
Telephone number outside of this Commonwealth (717) 772-4447
TTY (800) 362-4228 (for hearing and speech impaired only)
www.state.pa.us - PA Keyword: workers comp.
I, ___________________________________________________________________________,
employee of ___________________________________________________________________,
hereby certify that I was provided with the above statement on ______/______/________ (date).
Employee signature

1. All employees who are injured on the job and require medical treatment must treat with one of the health care providers
listed on their employers’ panel for a period of ninety (90) days. Should the employee not comply with the foregoing, the
employer will be relieved from liability for payment for the services rendered during such applicable period.
2. Employees faced with an immediate medical emergency may treat with the medical care provider of their choice.
However, subsequent treatment must be obtained from one of the employer's designated health care providers for the first
ninety (90) days from the date of first treatment by that designated provider.
3. Following expiration of the ninety (90) day treatment period, an employee may treat with a non-designated health care
provider so long as the employee provides notice of the change to his/her employer within five (5) days of the first visit to
that provider. Failure to provide such notice may relieve the employer of the obligation to pay for services rendered by the
non-designated provider. All health care providers must provide employers with an initial medical report ten (10) days
following the employee's first visit and on a monthly basis so long as treatment continues.
4. Both designated and non-designated physicians must accept as payment in full the amount due as calculated pursuant to
the provisions of the Act. No provider may charge or accept from an injured worker any greater amount, unless the
treatment was for an injury or illness not covered by the Workers' Compensation Act.
5. Employees who refuse reasonable medical treatment, including hospitalization, surgery, medication and/or supplies will
forfeit all rights to compensation or any increase in disability status resulting from such refusal.
6. Under the provisions of the Act, employers are required to provide injured employees with reasonable hospital and
physician services, medicine, supplies, or orthopedic appliances and prosthesis. If a prosthesis is required, the employer
will provide for training for use of the prosthesis as well as replacement prosthesis. Continuing medical care if prescribed
by a physician will also be covered, regardless of whether loss of earning power occurs.
7. If hospitalization is required as a result of a work-related injury, the employer will pay for semi-private room. Cost for a
private room will be covered only in the event a semi-private room is not available.
8. Should invasive surgery be prescribed by an employer-designated provider, the employee shall be permitted to obtain a
second opinion from a provider of the employee's own choice, at the expense of the insurer. If the second opinion differs
from the opinion of the employer-designated provider, the employee may choose which course of treatment to follow
provided the second opinion provides a specific and detailed course of treatment. However, if the employee chooses to
follow the procedures designated in the second opinion, such procedures shall be performed by one of the employer's
designated providers for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of the visit to the provider of the employee's choice.
This is a summary of some of your rights and duties under the Workers' Compensation Law of Pennsylvania. Questions
concerning the above described rights and duties under Section 306 may be directed to the Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers'
Compensation Help Line at 1-800-482-2383 or (717) 772-4447.
EMPLOYEE PRINT NAME: ________________________________________________________________________
SIGN NAME _________________________________________________________ DATE______________________
SUPERVISOR PRINT NAME: ______________________________________________________________________
SIGN NAME _________________________________________________________ DATE _____________________
Send copy to the Benefits Office. Employee should also retain a copy. Revised 09/2004

Supervisor’s Injury/Illness Report
ATTENTION: This form contains information relating to employee health and must be used in a manner that
protects the confidentiality of employees to the extent possible while the information is being used for
occupational safety and health purposes.
This Injury/Illness Report is one of the first forms you must fill out when a recordable work-related injury or illness
has occurred. Together with other documents, these forms help the University and OSHA develop a picture of the
extent and severity of work-related incidents.
Within 7 calendar days after you receive information that a recordable work-related injury or illness has occurred, you
must fill out this form. According to Public Law 91-596 and 29 CFR 1904, OSHA's record-keeping rule, you must
keep this form on file for 5 years following the year to which it pertains.
Completed by:
Title: If you need additional copies of
this form, you may photocopy
and use as many as you need.
Case number from the Log (to be completed by HR)
Œ Employee / Working Student Information
Please print or type clearly
Last Name, First Name, M.I. r Male r Female
r Employee
r Working student
Job Title
Department Work Phone
Date of Birth Social Security Number
Normal Starting Time ____________ AM or PM
Normal Quitting Time ____________ AM or PM
Date of Hire
(leave blank if unknown)
Home Address: Street
City County of Residence
Zip Code Home Phone
Supervisor’s Name
Supervisor’s Phone Date supervisor was first
made aware of injury/ illness
• Description of Incident
Date of injury/illness:
Time employee began work: _______________________ AM or PM
Time of event: ________________________ AM or PM
r Check if time cannot be determined.
Was Security notified?
r Yes r No
Where did injury/illness occur? (List specific location, i.e. Wean Hall in front of elevator; Baker Hall stairwell, 2nd landing):

Supervisor’s Injury/Illness Report, p. 2
What had the employee been doing just before the injury/illness resulted? (Be specific about equipment and activities,
i.e. walking down steps, heating sulfur with open flame for chemistry experiment; slicing lunch meat with electric slicer)
What happened? How did the injury occur? (i.e. ladder slipped on wet floor and employee fell 20 feet; hand slipped and finger
went into meat slicer, beaker broke and plume of smoke went into face)
What object or substance directly harmed the employee? (i.e. concrete floor, meat slicer blade, chlorine)
Did individual receive supervised training for the type of work
being performed?
r Yes r No
If yes, by whom and when?
How can this type of injury/illness be avoided in the future?
If there was a witness(es) to the incident, please list name(s) and telephone number(s)
Ž Description of Treatment
Was injured employee treated?
r Yes r No
Date treatment was received:
Name of treating physician or other health care professional:
Was employee treated in an
emergency room?
r Yes r No
Was employee hospitalized
overnight as an in-patient?
r Yes r No
Where was treatment given (at worksite or health care facility name and address) – leave blank if unknown.
Nature of injury (sprain, bruise, inhalation of chemicals, etc.)
Specific part of body injured (i.e. left index finger, right knee)
Is/was employee away from work as a
r Yes r No
Last date worked: ________________________________________________
Last day paid in full: _______________________________________________
Date returned to work: _____________________________________________
Number of days missed (Write ‘0’ for none): ____________________________
If the employee died, when did death occur? Date: __________________________________________
• Signatures
________________________________________________ ________________
Injured’s Signature Date
________________________________________________ ________________
Supervisor’s Signature Date
White: HR-Benefits, 319 SCRG; Yellow: Environmental Health & Safety, FMS Bldg; Pink: Employee’s Department.
If you used a photocopied or downloaded form, please forward a copy of the completed form to each destination listed above.
Questions about reporting a work-related injury or illness? Contact the Benefits Office at 412-268-2047. Rev ised 01/02

Any employee injured at work should report immediately to his/her supervisor.
A. If you suffer a work-related injury, your employer or its insurance company must pay for reasonable surgical
and medical services and supplies.
B. To insure that your employer will pay for medical treatment, you must select one of the below-listed
physicians for medical treatment. For a life threatening emergency, report to UPMC-Shadyside Hospital’s
Emer gency Depa rt men t or the nearest hospital.
C. To ensure that your employer or the insurance company will pay for your follow-up medical treatment, you
must select one of the below-listed physicians or practitioners of the healing arts. To schedule an
appointment please call the designated phone numbers.
Doctor: CONCENTRA Medical Center Phone: 412-621-5430
Address: 120 Lytton Avenue, Suite 275, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Doctor: Emergency Medicine Physician Phone: 412-623-2063
Address: UPMC Shadyside Hospital, 5230 Centre Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15232
Doctor: Tri-State Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Phone: 412-696-0300
Address: 300 Chapel Harbor Dr., Suite 300, Pittsburgh, PA 15238
Doctor: Rehabilitation & Pain Specialists Phone: 412-963-6480
(Paul S. Lieber M.D. and Marc J. Adelsheimer M.D.)
Address: 5200 Centre Ave., Suite 612, Pittsburgh, PA 15232
Doctor: Neurosurgery Group of Western Pennsylvania Phone: 412-321-3033
Address: 420 E. North Ave., Suite 302, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Doctor: Brett W. Carothers, D.C. (Chiropractic Medicine) Phone: 412-374-1400
Address: 218 Center Road, Monroeville, PA 15146
D. If you need ongoing treatment, you must receive treatment from one of the physicians listed for ninety (90)
days from the date of your first visit.
E. After this ninety (90) day period, if you still need treatment, you may choose to go to another licensed
physician or practitioner of the healing arts for treatment. You must notify the Benefits Office (Phone:
412-268-2047) of this action within five (5) days of your visit to the practitioner of your choice.
F. If one of the physicians listed above refers you to another licensed specialist, your employer or their insurer
will pay the bill for these services if the treatment is related to the work-related condition or injury.
G. Remember, it is important to tell your employer about your injury immediately!