Fillable Printable Syndicate Agreement for the National Lottery
Fillable Printable Syndicate Agreement for the National Lottery

Syndicate Agreement for the National Lottery
for the
We, the under mentioned signatories are desirous of establishing a Syndicate for the National
Lottery subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. The name of the Syndicate shall be [Name to be inserted]
2. The signatories to the Syndicate shall be called “Members” and shall remain Members
until they either resign, fail to pay contributions in the proscribed form or breach any
other terms and conditions herein elucidated.
3. The person elected to manage the Syndicate shall be [Insert in the name of the Manager]
and shall be known as the Syndicate Manager.
4. The Syndicate Manager shall have the responsibility of collecting all contributions,
placing and recording bets together with recording each respective Members stake in the
5. The Manager shall also be responsible for establishing a system to identify the numbers to
be entered by the Syndicate for each National Lottery draw, collecting any Syndicate wins
and distributing such in direct proportion to each Members percentage entitlement.
6. Members shall pay to the Syndicate Manager their respective stakes at least 3 weeks in
advance and such funds will be held on trust by the Manager for the Members.
7. The Syndicate Manager shall place the Syndicates bets on the following day(s) [Insert in
chosen day(s)] each week.
8. Should any given Member fail to pay the required contribution in a timely manner then
but at his/her total discretion, the Manager may personally without compromising the
individual rights of the Member make-up that Members contribution where such Member
is known to be ill, on holiday or having genuine extenuating circumstances.
9. Where paragraph 8 is employed then the Member must reimburse the Manager
immediately upon demand.
10. A Member may be removed from the Syndicate where he or she (a) Indicates that he or
she wishes to resign as a Member (b) Where payment has not been made for 2
consecutive weeks, or (c) Reimbursement was not made pursuant to paragraph 9.
11. It is agreed that subject to acting honestly and in good faith the Syndicate Manager shall
be exonerated from any personal liability that may otherwise have arisen from failure to
adhere to the terms of this Agreement.
Signed by the Manager & Members this day of 200
Witnessed by:
(Full name and address)

(Manager must confirm the leaving date using a red pen)
Name Stake % of Prize