Fillable Printable Tenant Lease Form - Utah
Fillable Printable Tenant Lease Form - Utah

Tenant Lease Form - Utah
Tenant, ________________________, agrees to rent from Owner,
_______________________, the premises located in the City of
_________________, County of __________, State of Utah, located
at _____________________________(address) Apt. #_____ consisting
____Bedroom(s) ____Bathroom(s) ____Kitchen ____Living Room
____Family Room ____Storage Unit ____Other
(specify)______________ upon the following terms and conditions:
Received from ____________________________, tenant(s),the
sum of $__________ paid by ___Cash ___Check ___Money
Order___Other (_______________) (specify if Other) as payment to
be applied as follows:
Rent for period from ______to ______.............. $__________
Last Month's Rent...................................$__________
Refundable Security Deposit.........................$__________
Non-refundable Deposit..............................$__________
TOTAL.............................................. $__________
1. TERM: This agreement shall begin on ____________, 20__
and continue (check one of the following)
______ on a lease basis until _______________, 20__; OR
______ on a month-to-month basis until either party terminates by
written notice 15 days prior to the end of the rental period.
2. RENT: Rent shall be $________ per month, payable in
advance on the _____ day of each calendar month to Owner or
Owner's agent at the following address:
___________________________________________. If rent is not paid
within five days after due date, Tenant agrees to pay a late
charge of $10.00.
3. USE and OCCUPANCY: Leased premises shall be used as a
residence by ____adults and _____children. No additional
occupants will reside there without written consent of Owner.
This agreement is between each tenant individually and Owner. In
the event of a default by one tenant the remaining tenant shall
be responsible for their pro-rated share of the monthly rent and
responsible for all other provisions of this agreement.
4. UTILITIES: Owner shall be responsible for the following
utilities and services: ____Water ____Sewer ____Gas
____Electricity ____Other (specify)___________________________.
Tenant shall be responsible for the following utilities and
services: ____Water ____Sewer ____Gas ____Electricity ____Other
(specify) ___________________________.
5. DISCLOSURE: Owner shall provide name, address and
telephone number of Owner and responsible agent to Tenant. Owner
shall keep this information current.
6. PETS: Resident shall be allowed to bring the following
pets onto the premises:_______________________.
7. ORDINANCES AND STATUTES: Tenant and Owner shall comply
with all laws, health codes, and regulations of all municipal,
state and federal governments which apply to leased premises and
this relationship.
8. ASSIGNMENT and SUBLETTING: Tenant shall not assign or
sublet leased premises without prior written consent of Owner.
acknowledge the premises as being in the condition indicated on
the attached checklist, if signed by each of them. It is presumed
that any malfunction of equipment or appliance was not caused by
Tenant and is the responsibility of Owner. Tenant shall maintain
the premises in a clean and safe condition and shall be
responsible for any damages beyond normal wear and tear resulting
from actions of Tenant(s) or knowingly permitted by her invitees
or guests. Tenant shall not paint or otherwise modify the
premises without prior written consent of Owner. Tenant shall not
remove furnishings or fixtures belonging to Owner at any time.
Tenant shall properly dispose of all garbage, use appliances and
equipment in a reasonable manner, and maintain appliances and
fixtures in a reasonable manner.
Owner shall provide exits, light, ventilation, heating,
plumbing, water, adequate lighting, electricity, adequate locks
and keys, reasonable insulation, a mailbox, garbage receptacles,
smoke detectors and fire extinguishers as required by code. Owner
shall maintain the structure and appliances provided by the
owner, shall maintain the surrounding grounds and common areas
and keep sidewalks and driveways clear of snow and ice. On move
in, Owner shall furnish light bulbs of prescribed wattage,
thereafter, light bulbs will be replaced by Tenant.
10. ENTRY AND INSPECTION: Tenant shall permit Owner or
Owner's agents to enter the premises at reasonable times
(generally only between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.) and only after
receiving 48 hours written notice, for the purpose of inspecting
or showing the premises to prospective Tenants or purchasers, or
for making necessary repairs. In the event of an emergency, such
notice shall not be required. Tenant shall not add or change
locks without prior written consent of Owner and without
providing Owner keys.
11. POSSESSION: If Owner is unable to deliver possession of
premises as agreed Tenant shall not be liable for rent until
possession is delivered and Tenant shall have the right to
terminate this agreement without penalty. Owner shall be liable
for all actual damages caused by the failure to deliver
possession as agreed and shall immediately repay to Tenant all
prepaid rent and deposits.
12. DEPOSITS: The security deposit agreed upon shall secure
performance of Tenant's obligations. Owner may apply part or all
of the deposit to Tenant's obligations after vacating provided
Owner provides Tenant with prior written notice. Tenant shall
provide Owner with a new address at time of vacating. Any
refundable deposit shall be delivered or mailed to Tenant at the
new address within 30 days of termination of tenancy or 15 days
after receipt of Tenant's new mailing address, whichever is
13. WAIVER: Acceptance by Owner of partial rent payments
shall not be a waiver of Owner's right to the full amount of rent
in future months. Other provisions which are not reasonably
enforced shall be deemed waived.
14. NOTICES: All notices shall be given in accordance with
local ordinance and state law. Where requirements are not express
in the law, notice shall be made by certified mail to the
premises or any other place designated by Tenant.
15. HOLD OVER: If Tenant remains in leased premises
following the termination of this agreement and Owner accepts
Tenant's rent for that month, this tenancy shall continue as a
month-to-month tenancy with the terms of this agreement in
16. REIMBURSEMENT BY TENANT: Tenant agrees to reimburse
Owner for any damages caused by Tenant's negligent or intentional
acts or those of Tenant's guests or invitees. Tenant shall not
be responsible for the acts of vandals or uninvited guests.
Reimbursement is due and payable within 30 days of written
notice. Failure to demand reimbursement within 30 days of
knowledge of such costs shall be deemed a waiver of this
provision and Owner may not thereafter demand payment.
17. REPAIRS AND MALFUNCTIONS: Owner shall commence repair of
conditions posing a threat to safety or health of Tenant no later
than 24 hours after notice is given by Tenant to Owner or Owner's
agent. Owner shall complete repairs within the time periods
noted below and within a reasonable time for conditions not
Inoperable toilet............................24 hours
Broken exterior door or lock.................24 hours
Disconnection of utilities caused by Owner...24 hours
Inoperable Hot Water Source..................24 hours
Inoperable Heating Source....................24 hours
Leaking plumbing or fixtures.................48 hours
Inoperable kitchen appliances or fixtures....48 hours
Inoperable electrical fixture................72 hours
Other repairs affecting health or safety.....72 hours
18. REPAIR AND DEDUCT: If necessary repairs are not timely
made in accordance with paragraph 17, Tenant shall have the right
to have the repairs performed, by a licensed contractor where
required by law, and deduct the cost of those repairs from the
monthly rent in an amount not more than 2 times the monthly rent.
This provision shall not apply to any damages caused or repairs
necessitated by negligent actions of Tenant(s), her invitees or
19. RETALIATORY EVICTION: Owner may not terminate this
agreement or bring or threaten an eviction because the Tenant has
in good faith complained of building, housing, health or similar
code violations to any agency or organization, complained of
unreasonable rent increases, requested repairs, become a member
of a tenant's organization or exercised any right or remedy
provided by law. Owner and Tenant agree that Tenant's remedy in
case of an attempted retaliatory eviction shall include but not
be limited to dismissal of the eviction action, and the renewal
of this lease, in the case it has expired, for a term of not less
than 3 months after the code violations complained of are
remedied and tenant has had a reasonable opportunity to locate
other suitable housing.
20. HABITABILITY: Owner warrants that the premises are fit
for human habitation. If Tenant or any governmental agency gives
Owner notice that health or safety problems exist on leased
premises, rent shall abate from that time in an amount reflecting
a diminution in value of the premises as a result of the
offending conditions and shall continue to be abated until those
conditions are corrected.
21. OWNER DISCLOSURE: Owner discloses the following current
termination notices from utility providers to the dwelling unit
or to the common areas of the building:
Owner discloses the following current uncorrected building
or health code violations that were included in a deficiency list
or notice from a government entity:
Disclosure of the conditions and notices above does not
constitute a waiver of the Owner's responsibility to correct
these conditions and to provide habitable premises.
23. NONDISCRIMINATION The undersigned Owner treats all
persons fairly and equally without regard to race, color,
religion, sex, familial status, handicap, national origin, source
of income or sexual orientation and in compliance with State and
Federal Fair Housing Acts.
24. MEDIATION TO RESOLVE DISPUTES Owner and Tenant agree
that in the event there is a dispute as to the meaning of any
terms of this agreement or prior to initiating any eviction
action, they will utilize mediation to attempt to resolve the
dispute before involving the court. In the event that mediation
is required, the parties agree to participate in good faith and
to equitably divide the cost of the mediator.
25. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: The foregoing represents the entire
agreement between the parties and may be modified only by a
writing signed by both parties.
Undersigned Tenants acknowledge receipt of a copy of this lease.
Date_____________ _______________________________Tenant(Sign)
Date_____________ _______________________________Tenant(Sign)
The Owner of these premises is:
Their address is: ______________________________________________
Their phone number is: _______________
Owner's representative, agent or manager for this premises is:
Their address is: ______________________________________________
Their phone number is: _______________
Rent for this premises shall be paid in the following manner:
This agreement was prepared by Utah Legal Services, Inc. as
a service to tenants and landlords. Feel free to duplicate it,
but users may want to check with the nearest Legal Services
Office to be sure that this form is current and complies with any
changes in the law. This agreement is designed to be used with a
2 page Checklist of Apartment Condition which should be attached.
If not, contact the nearest Legal Services office for a copy
before completing this agreement.
Utah Legal Services, Inc.
205 North 400 West 893 24th Street, Suite 300
Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 Ogden, Utah 84401
(801) 328-8891 (801) 394-9431
1-800-662-4245 1-800-662-2538
455 N. University Ave., #100 965 South Main, #3
Provo, Utah 84601 Cedar City, Utah 84720
(801) 374-6766 (801) 586-2571
1-800-662-1563 1-800-662-1772
J:\COMMON\FLYERS\residential rental agreemen1.doc