Fillable Printable Tim Hortons Employment Application Form
Fillable Printable Tim Hortons Employment Application Form
Tim Hortons Employment Application Form
Be a Storefront Employee
Be a Production Employee
Be an Shift Supervisor
Work Full-time
Work Part-time
Be an Assistant Manager
Be a Store Manager
First Name: Last Name:
City: Postal Code:
Phone Number: ( ) Email:
Are you legally eligible to work in Canada? YES NO
Have you ever worked for a Tim Hortons before? YES NO
If so, which store did you work at? Location: Store #:
Why did you leave?
What civic or athletic activities are you involved in?
Please exclude any reference to any organization which could indicate race, religion, marital status, age, colour, gender, ancestry, political beliefs, sexual
orientation, place of origin, physic al d isab il it y, mental disability or hand icap .
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
MY EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Are you currently working? YES NO
Where have you worked? Where else have you worked?
Company: Company:
Address: Address:
Supervisor: Supervisor:
Phone Number: ( ) Phone Number:( )
Position: Position:
Duties: Duties:
Reason for Leaving: Reason for Leaving:
Can we contact them? YES NO Can we contact them? YES NO
The undersigned acknowledges t hat the forego ing sta tements a nd information fu lly and truthf ully set fort h the tr ue and accura te personal information of the
applicant as of the date hereof. The undersigned further acknowledges that for the purposes of determining the suitability of the undersigned for the
position applied for, an investigation may be made with respect to relevant information. The undersigned hereby consents to The TDL Group Corp. or its
affiliates or agents collecting and retaining such information and conducting further investigations with respect to relevant information. The undersigned
further consents to the upda ting of this inform ation from tim e to time, as nece s sary.