
Fillable Printable Tips For Qualifying For The California Training Benefits Program (De 2332)

Fillable Printable Tips For Qualifying For The California Training Benefits Program (De 2332)

Tips For Qualifying For The California Training Benefits Program (De 2332)

Tips For Qualifying For The California Training Benefits Program (De 2332)

The California Training Benefits (CTB) program allows you to continue collecting Unemployment Insurance (UI)
benefits while you are in school or training if there are no jobs available that require your current skills or experience,
and retraining or upgrading your skills would make you more employable.
If the Employment Development Department (EDD) determines your training or school attendance meets the CTB
eligibility criteria and you continue to meet all other UI eligibility criteria, you are not required to look for work or be
available for work while you collect UI benefits. To help you assess your potential eligibility for CTB, the EDD offers the
following tips.
Understand how school or training attendance could potentially affect your eligibility to receive UI benefits:
4 Know what is needed for CTB approval by reading this tip sheet.
4 Go online to www.labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov to explore career and employment information and
projected growth occupations when selecting a training opportunity.
The EDD cannot approve your training plan under CTB until after you are enrolled and attending school or training
and have a valid UI claim. The EDD will schedule you for a phone interview or send you a questionnaire for
information to determine your eligibility for CTB. There are two types of approval criteria the EDD uses to determine
CTB eligibility.
Authorized Training
The EDD will approve your CTB participation if you meet all other UI eligibility criteria and you meet one of the following:
4 Your training is authorized and verifiable by one of the following state or federal programs:
Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
Employment Training Panel (ETP)
Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs)
4 You are attending a training program with a training provider on the California Eligible Training Provider List
(ETPL). The ETPL is online at http://etpl.edd.ca.gov/wiaetplind.htm.
4 You are a permanent or probationary teacher laid off from a public school employer within three years of starting
a training program with a provider approved by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for an additional
credential in math, science, or special education.
4 You are a journey-level union member attending union-approved training because of industry demands.
You can learn more about some of these programs by reviewing the EDD website at www.edd.ca.gov or by visiting a
local America’s Job Center of California
Self-Arranged Training
If you secure training on your own and your training does not meet one of the above conditions, the EDD must then
determine if you meet specific criteria to be eligible for the CTB program including all of the following:
4 You must currently be eligible for and receiving UI benefits.
4 You are unemployed, or partially unemployed, for four or more continuous weeks or you are unlikely to return
to your most recent work place for certain reasons. For example, you are unemployed due to a plant closure, a
disability preventing use of your skills, or technological changes in your occupation.
4 You are unemployed due to a lack of demand for your current skills in your local labor market.
4 Your selected training can successfully be completed within two years from the beginning date of CTB approval or longer
when federal extended benefits are in effect in California, even if your UI benefits run out or are no longer available.
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4 Your training occupation is in demand within your local labor market.
4 Your training is full time (typically 20 hours a week or 12 units a semester).
4 Your beginning date of training is three years or more after the beginning date of any prior CTB participation.
Review the law and entire criteria for the CTB program used by the EDD to make determinations at
The EDD also determines if there are job growth opportunities in your most current occupation and the occupation
you are training for by using information on the EDD Labor Market Information website. To qualify for CTB, there
must be limited jobs in your current occupation and your training provides skills for an occupation that is in
demand now and likely to be in the future.
To find out if your training provides marketable job skills to make you more employable, check job growth
occupation statistics by visiting www.labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov. This is the same information used by the EDD to
determine your CTB eligibility.
Once you start school or training, you must notify the EDD of your start date and training plan when you file a claim
(doing so through the EDD website remains the most convenient method), or after you have filed a claim by doing one
of the following:
4 Certify for benefits and indicate you started school or training in the week you actually begin attending school
or training.
Email the EDD at www.edd.ca.gov and select “Contact EDD.
Call the EDD using one of its toll-free telephone numbers.
Once the EDD is aware that your school attendance affects your availability for work and you have a valid UI
claim, additional information is needed by the EDD to determine if you meet the CTB eligibility criteria. You will
either be mailed a notice with the date and time for a telephone eligibility interview, or you will be mailed a
questionnaire to complete and return. It is very important that you provide all the necessary information to help the
EDD determine your CTB eligibility.
Some of the information that is needed is:
Dates of enrollment.
Type of training and training occupation.
Days and hours of attendance and number of units for the entire period of training.
Name, address, and telephone number of the school or training facility.
Name and contact information of the individual who will verify your enrollment information.
Dates of all school or training holidays and school breaks.
Be sure a school contact is willing to verify your training enrollment if you found the training on your own
instead of through one of the designated government programs.
Be sure you sign and deliver the Training Provider Letter (DE 3100D) that you receive in the mail to your school
or training contact person as an authorization to release information to the EDD. This form must be kept on file
with the training provider.
If your training is authorized by the WIA or TAA programs, your program representative must submit CTB
eligibility information on your behalf.
Following your telephone eligibility interview and the receipt of your completed
questionnaire or information from your WIA or TAA program representative, the
EDD will notify you by mail with your eligibility information for the CTB program.
If you are not eligible for the CTB program, you can continue to receive UI benefits
while attending school as long as you certify that you are available to seek and
accept work, continue to meet all other eligibility criteria and your UI benefits have
not been denied or have not run out.
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