Fillable Printable Top 10 Things You Should Know (De 8813)
Fillable Printable Top 10 Things You Should Know (De 8813)

Top 10 Things You Should Know (De 8813)

GA 003 C
The EDD is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and
services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
1.Accurately Report the Reason You Are Unemployed.
Accurately report your reason for separation from your job when
you initially le or reopen your claim for benets. It is important that
you provide the UI ofce with the precise reason for your separation
so that we can best assist you and help you to avoid fraud.
2.Report Any Wages You Are Earning. You must report your
gross wages (before your taxes are taken out) for each week you
work and certify for benets, even if you don’t get paid until later.
Be sure to accurately report on all earnings during your weekly
claim certication – even those from part-time or temporary work.
If you collect more UI benets than you are eligible for because
you fail to report earnings, you may be committing fraud and may
be prosecuted.
3.Register with the California Employment Development
Department’s (EDD) CalJOBS
. You must register with
, the EDD online labor exchange system, by entering
your résumé in order to be eligible to collect UI benets. If you
are not required to register, you still may seek help in nding
a job from the EDD. The EDD provides valuable resources
that are available for your use, including job referrals, résumé
building and re-employment services.
4.Be Available for Work. In order to collect benets, you must
continually verify that you are able, available and willing to accept
suitable work. Possible conicts like attending school during
work hours or limitations with child care or transportation could
limit your work availability and be an eligibility issue. Report such
issues on your claim forms.
Top 10 Things You
Should Know . . .
About the Unemployment
Insurance System When
Filing Your Claim
Insurance (UI) provides
temporary nancial
assistance to qualied
individuals who have
lost their jobs through
no fault of their own and
who continue to meet
eligibility requirements
of state law.
The program is not a
right to all who have
lost their job.
Keep these top 10 key
facts in mind when you
are ling for UI benets
to ensure accurate
and quick payment
of benets if you are
For more information,
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5. Actively Search for Work. Except when someone is exempt by law, you must search
for work each week that you le a claim for benets. If you do not search for work during
a week in which you le a claim, benets may be denied until you show that you have
started looking for work.
6. Develop an Effective Work Search Plan. Many UI claimants do not have an effective
plan for searching for work. The EDD is a great place to learn about different kinds of
jobs, their availability, and how to get training. Contact the EDD for more information and
assistance with planning an effective work search.
7.AvoidErrorsandEnsureProperPaymentofBenets. To prevent errors in payment
of UI benets that may result in an overpayment, it is important that you read all of the
information that is provided to you when you le your claim for benets. Improper
payment of benets will cause a delay or denial of future benets.
8. Don’t Delay – As Soon As You Begin Working Again, Report Your Return to Work
and Wages.As soon as you begin working, be sure to notify the EDD UI program on
your bi-weekly certication in the week in which you worked. Do not wait until you
receive your rst paycheck to report your return to work. The UI program uses state and
national resources to track new hires, so it is in your best interest to report your return to
work immediately to avoid the serious consequences of an improper payment.
9. Follow the Rules to Prevent Yourself from Committing Fraud.Anyone who collects
UI benets is legally responsible for making sure he or she follows the requirements set
by state law. Failure to follow the rules can result in serious consequences.
Consequences for not following UI regulations can include prosecution by government
authorities, repaying the benets with penalties, forfeiting a future income tax refund,
losing future eligibility to collect UI benets, and a possible jail sentence.
Know Your Responsibilities and Ask for Help.As a recipient of Unemployment
Insurance benets, you have a legal responsibility to know and follow all rules and
reporting requirements. Navigating through the UI system can be confusing. If you
have a question about your responsibilities or the requirements of receiving benets
that is not covered in your claimant handbook, AGuide to Benets and Employment
Services, you may contact the UI program at, “AskEDD” or call one
of the toll free numbers.
Top 10 Things You Should Know . . .
About the Unemployment Insurance System
When Filing Your Claim
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