Fillable Printable Trade Adjustment Assistance (Taa) Workforce Innovation And Opportunity Act (Wioa) Co-Enrollment/Referral Form De 8308.Docx
Fillable Printable Trade Adjustment Assistance (Taa) Workforce Innovation And Opportunity Act (Wioa) Co-Enrollment/Referral Form De 8308.Docx
![Trade Adjustment Assistance (Taa) Workforce Innovation And Opportunity Act (Wioa) Co-Enrollment/Referral Form De 8308.Docx](/resources/formfile/images/gov1218/trade-adjustment-assistance-taa-workforce-innovation-and-opportunity-act-wioa-co-enrollmentreferral-form-de-8308-docx-page1.png)
Trade Adjustment Assistance (Taa) Workforce Innovation And Opportunity Act (Wioa) Co-Enrollment/Referral Form De 8308.Docx
DE 8308 Rev. 6 (6-15) (INTERNET) Page 1 of 2 CU
Name: Social Security number:
Last First MI
Number Street (Apt. #) City State ZIP Code
Phone Number:
(Area Code) Phone Number (Area Code) Phone Number
I consent to the sharing of information between the Employment Development Department (EDD) and
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program. I understand that the information shared will be used
solely in assisting me with the development of an individual/training plan.
Customer Signature: Date:
Appointment Date:
Appointment Time:
Report To:
Organization Contact Person
Area Code
Phone Numbe
Purpose: (Please check 1 or more)
Assessment WIOA registration CalJOBS
Training Counseling Workshop
Job referral Orientation Supportive services
Testing Other:
Co-enrollment (See Page 2 for more co-enrollment details)
Co-enrollment Approved By:
Co-enrollment Date:
Co-enrollment Approval Signature:
Co-enrollment Denied By:
Co-enrollment Denial Date:
Co-enrollment Denial Reason:
TAA INFORMATION (To be completed by EDD only)
Petition Number: Certified Pending
Company Name
Date Filed
Impact Date
Date Certified
Termination Date
REFERRAL OUTCOME (See Page 2 for referral outcome details)
Name of Referrer: Signature of Referrer:
EDD Rep WIOA Rep Date: Phone Number:
DE 8308 Rev. 6 (6-15) (INTERNET) Page 2 of 2
The purpose of the referral form is to assist both WIOA and EDD partners in the referral of potentially eligible TAA and
WIOA customers for co-enrollment. When the form is submitted for services, the form must be returned with the
outcome noted. The form can be submitted/returned in person or by fax.
Information to be completed by the referring agency or the client. The customer must sign the release of information
before any information can be shared between the Local Workforce Development Area (local area) and the EDD.
To be completed by a local area or the EDD, depending on which agency does the initial referral. An appointment date
and time will be completed as scheduled by the referrer. Reporting instructions are to be completed showing the name of
the organization (the EDD or local area), the agency contact person, and the address of the agency.
The agency contact person should complete all the appropriate items in the “REFERRAL INFORMATION” section. If the
purpose of the referral is not one of those listed, then “Other” should be checked and an explanation of the purpose of the
referral inserted. The referrer completes the name of the organization, name and title of staff being referred to, his/her
telephone number, and the date of referral.
If the referral is coming from a local area case manager, attach the following documents to the referral form:
Assessment and/or testing results (Wonderlic, Choices, etc.).
WIOA application.
Reason for WIOA/TAA co-enrollment if other than payment of training costs.
TAA INFORMATION (To be completed by the EDD only) (Section 3)
If the EDD is the referring agency, EDD staff will complete this section showing the pertinent information. The status of the
petition is obtained from the Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA) conference board located on EDDNet. The customer
information is obtained either from the customer’s approval letter from Special Claims Office 850 or from the
Unemployment Insurance claim notes.
OUTCOME (Section 4)
The OUTCOME section is to be used to exchange information between local area and the EDD regarding status in WIOA
components, enrollment in training, completion of training, job placement, or other activities that are relevant to case
management. It is imperative that both the local area and the EDD work closely together to meet the goals of each of their
respective programs. Both the local area and the EDD must agree on a client’s training program before training is
approved and training begins.
The signature and phone number are to be completed by the referring agency representative.