Fillable Printable Transfer Application Sample
Fillable Printable Transfer Application Sample

Transfer Application Sample
Ms. Debra J. Harter
Manager-Human Resource
Williams Group of Companies Pvt. Ltd
2290 Denver Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90017
19 September 2010
Dear, Ms. Debra
I am Ms. Della R. Rider working with this company since 4 years as a
senior accountant and I enjoy every moments of all these years in this
company. I share impressive relation with all my colleagues as well as with
my senior staff. I am satisfied with the work and work environment which I
got here. But now I want myself to be transferred to our New York branch I
have a valid and genuine reason behind this. As I am getting married to a
man who resides at New York since his childhood and also work there in a
company named as Franco New York Pvt. Ltd. He cannot leave his job for
me as he stays there with his family. I am aware of it that our company
owns one of its branch there in New York hence I want to make an
application to you that kindly transfer me to that branch. I expect you will
understand my situation and response the needful for the same.
Thanking You
Yours Sincerely,
Ms. Della R. Rider