Fillable Printable Travel Budget Woeksheet
Fillable Printable Travel Budget Woeksheet

Travel Budget Woeksheet

(Submit with Part 3 Trip Report for Level 4 and 5)
Item Budgeted Amt.
Actual Spent
Plane - airfare $________________ $______________
Bus - charter/rental fee ________________ ______________
Gas and oil ________________ ______________
Tolls ________________ ______________
Train - fare ________________ ______________
Car - rental fees ________________ ______________
Mileage costs ________________ ______________
Gas and oil ________________ ______________
Travel to and from terminal/station ________________ ______________
Housing (include overnight stops while traveling) ________________ ______________
Food (include all meals, snacks) ________________ ______________
Health/first aid ________________ ______________
Entertainment ________________ ______________
Sightseeing/Entrance/Ticket Fees ________________ ______________
Registration/Program Fees ________________ ______________
Souvenirs ________________ ______________
Arrangements (Postage, phone calls, etc.) ________________ ______________
Equipment/Supplies ________________ ______________
Housekeeping/Laundry ________________ ______________
Insurance ________________ ______________
Other (please specify)____________________________ ________________ ______________
Emergency Fund ____________________________ ________________ ______________
TOTAL $________________ $______________
Troop Treasury - Money on Hand $________________ $______________
Contributions from Parents/Girls ________________ ______________
Amount to be Earned* ________________ ______________
Other (Grants, donations, etc.)* ________________ ______________
TOTAL $________________ $______________
*Solicitation, donation, and grant efforts must have prior approval of SUM and Council; applications for money-
earning projects are to be submitted as part of the trip planning process.
Rev. 08/10
Q:\Lisa B Program\Tripping\Level 4\Trip Budget Worksheet