Fillable Printable Two Weeks Notice
Fillable Printable Two Weeks Notice

Two Weeks Notice
Letter of Resignation Example - Two Weeks Notice
Your Name:
Your Address:
Your City, State, Zip Code:
Your Phone Number:
Your Email:
City, State, Zip Code:
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:
I am wri!ng to announce my resigna!on from Company Name, e*ec!ve two weeks from this date.
This was not an easy decision to make. The past ten years have been very rewarding. I've enjoyed
working for you and managing a very successful team dedicated to a quality product delivered on !me.
Thank you for the opportuni!es for growth that you have provided me.
I wish you and the company all the best. If I can be of any help during the transi!on, please don't
hesitate to ask.
Your Signature (hard copy le1er)
Your Typed Name