Fillable Printable Staff Resignation/Retirement Notice
Fillable Printable Staff Resignation/Retirement Notice

Staff Resignation/Retirement Notice

Employees are expected to give their supervisor written notice at least two weeks before
leaving employment from the First Regional Library. The library requires that this written
notice include the employee’s reason for leaving employment, the last day to be worked
(which may be different from the last day of employment), and forwarding address for
purposes of sending the last check and /or W-2 forms. All separation notices are to be
forwarded to the Business Office. Keys must be returned and library record cleared
before last pay check issued.
Name of Employee: _____________________________________________________
Branch Name or Work Location:____________________________________________
Last Actual Day at Work: _________________________________________________
Effective Date of Termination:_____________________________________________
Reason for leaving (continue on back if needed):
Forwarding Address:
Comments (continue on back if needed):
Employee Signature: ____________________________ Date Submitted: ___________
Supervisor Signature: ___________________________ Date of Acceptance_________
Please Forward to Business Office ASAP
Business Office: ________________________________ Date Received_____________
Key(s) returned________ Library Record cleared________Staff Orders paid_________