Fillable Printable Vehicle Bill of Sale - Saskatchewan
Fillable Printable Vehicle Bill of Sale - Saskatchewan

Vehicle Bill of Sale - Saskatchewan

I, ________________________________________________________________________________, of
Full First Name Full Middle Name Full Last Name
________________________________________________________________________________________________ do hereby
Full Street Address City Prov PC
Sell Gift
Vehicles provided as gifts between qualifying family members are not subject to P.S.T. if the Saskatchewan P.S.T. has been
paid in full at least once. If they are not tax paid, then tax applies on the Redbook value. Taxable vehicles qualify for a gift
exemption providing it’s between first degree relatives and the donor previously had the vehicle registered for at least
30 days. Qualifying family members include spouse, common-law spouse or same-sex partners*, parent, step-parent, child,
step-child, brother, sister, step-brother/sister, grandparent, step-grandparent, legal gaurdian, foster parent, father/mother-
in-law, son/daughter-in-law.
*To qualify, common law spouses or same-sex partners must have lived (cohabited) for the preceding two years as partners
in common law, or cohabited for at least one year as parents of a child.
the following vehicle _______________________________________________________________________________________
Year Make Model
(VIN) Vehicle Identification Number (Serial Number)
to _____________________________________________________ ,
_____________________________________ ,
Full legal name of purchaser/receiver of gift Relationship of gift
on ______________________________________ . Amount paid $ ________________________________ .
Date of purchase/gift
Signature of Seller__________________________________ Signature of Buyer __________________________________
A used vehicle being registered in Saskatchewan for the first time, or a vehicle that has most recently been registered in another jurisdiction,
requires a safety inspection. Information can be obtained from your local SGI motor licence issuer.
A vehicle identification number (VIN)/serial number status check can be requested to determine the vehicle’s eligibility for registration and the
previous registration status of the vehicle. Information can be obtained from your local SGI motor licence issuer. There is a fee for this service.
The prospective purchaser can determine whether P.S.T. is payable by visiting, select the on-line services button and then choose
vehicle history. In order to perform the search, you will require the vehicle identification number (VIN)/serial number of the vehicle. There is no
fee for this service. For more information regarding P.S.T. visit Saskatchewan Finance at
The prospective purchaser can determine whether a vehicle is free of liens and encumbrances in Saskatchewan by contacting Information Services
Corporation, Personal Property Registry. In order to perform a search, you will be required to provide the vehicle identification number
(VIN)/serial number of the vehicle. A request for a search can be made in person, by phone or in writing or online at There is a fee
for this service.
Registration fee and licence plate insurance premium rates can be obtained by contacting a motor licence issuer, or by calling SGI toll free at
1-800-667-9868 or by using the rate calculator on SGI’s website at
This form is provided as a courtesy by Saskatchewan Government Insurance to ensure sufficient information is contained within the Bill of Sale to
permit licensing and registration of the described vehicle by the new owner.
• No liability attaches to the Crown through the use of this document in respect of the sale of this vehicle. Any dispute arising from the sale becomes
a civil matter among the parties named on this document.