Fillable Printable Volunteer Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement
Fillable Printable Volunteer Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement

Volunteer Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement

Volunteering has never been so easy
Confidentiality Agreemen
* This Volunteer Confidentiality
form is designed for formal,
volunteering contexts or
situations requiring a high
degree of confidentiality in
order to protect the volunteer
and the organisation. It is NOT
suitable for general
volunteering programs.
Volunteer Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement*
THIS CONFIDENTI ALITY AND NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT is made on the ___day of _______________20 .
BETWEEN: The ___________________________________________ (insert organisation)
AND __________________________________________________________________ ____ (‘the Volunteer’)
of ____________________________________________________________________ (address)
A The Volunteer is (or will be come) a volunteer for _________________________ ___________________ (organisation) through, and in the course of the
engagement relationship, the Volunteer may learn of, develop and/or receive inf ormation which is confidential to _______________________ (organisation).
B The Volunteer acknowledges the desire and right of ______________________ (organisation) to have disclosed to it all ideas, improvements and works
generated or developed by the Volunteer in the course of his/her engag ement.
C The ______________________ (organisation) and the Volunteer have agreed that the following terms and condition s shall apply to preserve the
confidentiality of ________________________ (organ isation) information.
1.1 Except to the extent that such information is public knowledge or becom es public knowledge other than by breach of this agreement, ‘confidential information’
shall mean for the purposes of this agreement:
1.1.1 all information acquired or developed by the Volunteer in the course of his/her engagement;
1.1.2 all information designated as confidential by ____________________________ __ (organisation) or otherwise imparted in circumstances of confidence by
the ___________________________ (organisation) to the Volunteer; and
1.1.3 trade secrets and any other material or information classifiable in law or equity as confidential informatio n.
1.2 The term ‘confidential information’ extends to all forms of storage o r rep resentation of the information referred to in clause 1.1 including, but not limited to,
spoken works and presenta tions, printed documents, loose notes, diaries, memoranda, drawings, photographs, ele ctroni c, magnetic and optical storage, and
computer printouts.

Volunteering has never been so easy
Confidentiality Agreemen
1.3 In consideration of the supply of confidential information by or on behalf of _______________________________ (organisation) to the Volunteer and in
consideration of the Volunteer being engaged or continuing to be engaged by _________________________ (organisation), the Volunteer agre es that
he/she will preserve and maintain the confidentiality of the information.
1.4 The Volunteer agrees to discl ose to __________________ _________ (organisation) all ideas, improvements and works generated or developed in the
course of engagement with _____ __________________________ (organisation).
1.5 The Volunteer shall not disclose or p rovi de, or allow to be disclosed or provided, the confidential information otherwise than is strictly necessary to enable the
Volunteer to perform his/her duties of engagement.
1.6 If the Volunteer needs to disclose the confidential information to a third party to perform his/her duties of engagement, the Volunteer may do so only with the
express written consent of ______________ _____________ (org anisation) which may require the Volunteer to procure a deed from the third party in favour
of _________________________ (organisation) on the same te rms as this agreement.
1.7 The Volunteer shall use, and shall ensure that any person to whom the confidential information is disclosed uses, all reasonable endeavours and precautions
to protect and preserve the confidentiality of the confidential informa t ion.
1.8 The Volunteer acknowledges that the confidential information remains at all times the exclusive property of ________________________.
2.1 The Volunteer shall se cure and protect the confidential information from unauthorised disclosure, access or use.
2.2 The Volunteer shall not remove the conf idential information from the premises of _________ ___________________ ____ (organisation) without the written
consent of ____________________________ (organisation).
2.3 The Volunteer shall return all copies of the materials including extracts or summaries, however embodied or recorded, referred to in clause 1 to
(a) immediately; or
(b) on demand by ______ _________________________ (organisation ); or
(c) upon termination or completion of engagement with ________________ ____________ (organ isation).

Volunteering has never been so easy
Confidentiality Agreemen
4.1 The Volunteer acknowledges and agrees that his or her obligations pursuant to this agreement shall survive the return of all copies of the confidential
information and the termination or completion of the engagement relationship between the Volunteer and ___________________ ______ (organisation), and
shall continue until such time as the confi dential information becomes public knowledge other th an by breach of this agreement.
3.1 The Volunteer indemnifies ___________________ _____ (organisation) for any loss suffered as a result of brea ch of this agreement or for any disclosure of
the confidential information by a person provided with the confidential information by the Volunteer.
5.2 This agreement shall be governed by and construed according to the law of Queensland the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of
that State.
5.1 If any provision of this agreement is held invalid, unenforceable or illegal for any reason, this agreement shall remain otherwise in full force and effect apart
from such provision which shall be deemed deleted.
__________________________________ Date ___/___/___
_______________________________________name _____________________________________name
_______________________________________signature _____________________________________signature
SIGNED by the above-named Volunteer
The witness must be at least 18 years old, have known
you for more than one year, and must not be a relative.
Date _______/_________/__________ Date ________/___________/__________
(organisation), by its authorised representative.
for and on behalf of