Fillable Printable Youth Employment Opportunity Program (De 8714W)
Fillable Printable Youth Employment Opportunity Program (De 8714W)
Youth Employment Opportunity Program (De 8714W)
The EDD is an equal opportunity employer/program.
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Purpose of Program
The Youth Employment Opportunity Program (YEOP)
provides services to youth, ages 15 through 25, to assist
them in achieving their educational and vocational goals.
The program emphasizes education, assessment, and peer
advising. The YEOP specialists assist youth in attaining
their goals through a variety of services:
• Peer advising allows youth clients to interact with
individuals having similar life experiences and
perspectives as they identify their occupational
interests and develop career goals.
• Referrals to supportive services are necessary to
enable an individual to participate in the program
and may include transportation, child care, housing
assistance and clothing.
• Job referrals and placement services in employment
that consider the interests and abilities of the youth
clients while meeting the needs of the local labor
• YEOP Workshops that prepare students for the hiring
process with résumé writing, interview preparation,
and assistance in developing educational and
occupational goals.
• Referral to training providers including Regional
Occupational Programs, General Educational
Development Test centers with the purpose of
receiving the California High School Equivalency
Certifi cate, and post-secondary education.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible youth include individuals, ages 15 through
25, who are at risk of not achieving their educational
goals.This includes high school dropouts and potential
Some high risk characteristics include:
• Youthful offender.
• Poor literacy skills.
• Teen parent.
• Limited English skills.
• Foster or homeless youth.
• Gang member/associate.
• Member of a minority group.
• Economically disadvantaged.
• Youth with a disability.
Mentors and YEOP Specialists
Two major components of the YEOP program are mentors
and youth employment specialists.
Career Employment Development Department (EDD)
staffs advise and counsel YEOP specialists while providing
intensive on-the-job training in the basic functions of
Workforce Services.
YEOP Specialists
Youth aides and student assistants serve youth, ages
15 through 25, who are identifi ed as having high risk
The YEOP specialists are trained to provide YEOP
assessment, peer advising, YEOP workshops, job
development, selection and referral to education, or
suitable youth jobs.
For more information, please contact your local EDD
Workforce Services site (listed under "Employment
Development Department" in the State Government
section of your telephone directory).
For additional information on other EDD programs and
services, visit EDD's Internet site at
DE 8714W Rev. 11 (1-14) (INTERNET) Page 1 of 1
P.O. Box 826880 • Sacramento CA 94280-0001