Fillable Printable 2014 Renter's Certificate of Property Taxes Paid - Arizona
Fillable Printable 2014 Renter's Certificate of Property Taxes Paid - Arizona

2014 Renter's Certificate of Property Taxes Paid - Arizona

Arizona Form
2014 Renter's Certificate of Property Taxes Paid 201
Notice to Landlord
If your tenant requests a Form 201, you must provide that
tenant with Form 201 to comply with Arizona law (Arizona
Revised Statutes § 43-1072). You must complete and sign
the Form 201 before you give the form to your tenant.
Part 1 - To be Completed by the Tenant
Use black ink only. Type or print your first name, middle
initial and last name. Make sure you write your social
security number (SSN) in the space provided.
Part 2 - To be Completed by the Landlord
or the Designated Agent
The landlord or the landlord's agent must complete Part 2 of
this form and furnish the form to the tenant. The tenant will
need the information in Part 2 to claim the property tax credit.
Lines 1, 2, and 3 -
Use black ink only. Type or print your name, address, and
ZIP Code.
Lines 4, 5, and 6 -
Type or print the business name. Also type or print the
address of the rental property.
Line 7 -
Check the box on line 7 if one or more of your tenants
received a rent subsidy from federal, state, or local
government .
NOTE: Public housing operated by the city, county, state,
or qualified charitable institutions that do not pay property
taxes will report a property tax factor of zero on line 10.
Add any rent (or property tax) paid by a government agency
(i.e., HUD, Arizona Department of Economic Security, etc.)
to the rent received from the tenant to calculate th e property
tax factor.
For more information, see the department’s income tax
ruling, ITR 94-6. To get a copy of this ruling, visit our web
site at
Line 8 -
Check the box on line 8 if the property was exempt from
property tax during 2014. If you check this box, tenants may
not claim the property tax credit on any form or schedule.
Line 9 -
Check the box on line 9 if you occupy any portion of the
property you rent or lease to others.
Line 10 -
The landlord must provide a property tax factor to each
tenant requesting a Form 201. Use the following formula to
calculate the factor.
Total property tax paid on rental units
= Prope rty tax factor
Total rental income
Landlord L owns a duplex. Landlord L had three tenants
during 2014. During 2014 Landlord L received $20,000
of rental income from these tenants. During 2014, each
tenant paid the foll o wi n g amount of rent .
Tenant A rented unit one for 8 months $ 7,200
Tenant B rented unit one for 4 months $ 3,400
Tenant C rented unit two for the full year $ 9,400
Total rental income
$ 20,000
Landlord L paid $2,120 in property taxes for 2014.
Landlord L figures the property tax factor as fo llows:
Landlord L divides the property taxes paid in 2014 by
the total rental income received in 2014.
$ 2,120
=.106 = Property Tax Factor
Each tenant uses the same factor.
Line 11 -
The owner, lessor, or manager of the rental property must
sign and date the Form 201.
Line 12 -
Type or print the name signed on line 11. Also type or print
the telephone number the department can use to verify
information on the form.
Part 3 - To Be Completed by the Tenant
(after Landord (or agent) completes Part 2)
NOTE: Only one renter in each rental unit can claim the
property tax credit. If you are filing a joint Arizona return,
enter your names (in the space provided above Part 1) as
they appear on your return. Only enter the social security
number of the person claiming the credit.
Some qualifications to claim the Property Tax Credit are as
You paid re nt .
You are 65 or older on December 3l, 2014, OR if you
are under age 65, you are on SSI Title 16.
You do not live in public housing operated by the city,
county, state, or qualified charitable institutions that do
not pay pro perty taxes.
Line 13 -
Enter the total rents you paid for the taxable year. Do not
include any rent subsidies you received from federal, state,
or local governments.
Line 14 -
If property tax factor, line 10, is zero, you may not claim a
property tax credit from this form.
Important: Keep one copy of this form for your tax