
Fillable Printable 2015 Auditor Report - NSW Fair Trading

Fillable Printable 2015 Auditor Report - NSW Fair Trading

2015 Auditor Report - NSW Fair Trading

2015 Auditor Report - NSW Fair Trading

Property, Stock and Business Agent s Act 2002- secti on 111
This AUDITO R’S REPORT is only r equir ed to be lodged w ith Fair Trading if it is qualified by the audit or
this day of 20
uditors Full Name :
[print in full]
uditor’s Firm:
[if app li cabl e]
mpany Auditor’s
Regi st rat ion Number:
[if app li cabl e]
Auditor’s Postal Address:
1. Neither I or my firm are disqu ali f ied from undertaking this aud it pursuant to sectio n 115 o f
the Act.
2. Pursuant to section 111, I h ave completed this report i n resp ect of the foll ow in g Licensee
tity (ie sole trader, or corporation or partnership) that held trust mon eys and carried on
business, or held trust moneys and was inactive, during the period:
icen see Ent ity
icen see Ent ity No(s) of
the abo ve:
For audit year to Due by 30/ 09/2015
3. Th e Tru st Records referred to in this repo rt rel ate to Trust Accounts, as listed under
chedule 1, conducted under the Licensee En tit y Name(s) as n amed above, being i
rel ation to trust m oney s received or hel d duri ng the above audit period
Auditor ’s Dec lar ation cont inued page 2
Phone No.
Auditor ’s Dec lar ation cont inued from page 1
4. I wa
s provided with the Trust Records of the Licensee Entity for whom this report is
prep ared, on: _________/______ _____/20_ _______
5. In carrying out the audit, I have made t est examinations o f the tran sact io ns recorded in
the Trust Accounts in accordance with gen erally accepted auditing standards and
6. In accordance with item 8 Notes, thi s AUDIT OR’S REPORT has ident ified breach es that
ar e in c ont r a v e ntio n of t he le g is la t i on
YES NO If Yes, those breaches are list ed on Schedule 2
7. In my opinion, subject to the qualifications as reported on Schedule 3, for the period
covered by the report, h aving regard to the legislation appli cabl e at th e time that the
ney was held in the T rust Accou nts, based on appropri at e examin at io ns and sampling
a. t
he books o f accoun t required to be kept under Secti on s 103 and 104 of the P rop ert y,
Sto ck and Business Agen t s Act 2002 have been kept in accordance with the Act and
its associat ed Regulation,
b. du rin g the p erio d of reconciled balance(s) of the trust accoun t ( s) were su f ficient to
meet all trust credit ors of the licen see entity as disclosed by the books of accounts
and records.
completed report,
Signature of Reporting Auditor:
a) Important information for the Licensee Entity
Amendment s un der the Propert y, Stock and Business Agen t s Amend ment Act
2012 now affects your audit oblig at io n as a licensee under the Property, Stock and
Business Agen t s Act 2002T
requirem ent falls under s ec tion 111 of P a rt 8 Division 2 of the Act, as follows;
“(1) A person who is a licens ee, a former licensee or the personal representativ e of
a licensee mus t, within 3 months after the end of the audit period applicable t o the
(a) caus e the rec or ds and doc um ents relating t o any trust m oney held dur ing that
period by t he per s on in ac c or danc e with this Act t o be audited by a person qualif ied
to act as an auditor for t he pur pos es of this Divis ion, and
(b) if the auditor’s r epor t on t he audit is a qualified report, lodge t he report with the
Director General..
(1A) A n auditor’s r epor t is a qualified report if it sets out any dis c ov er y by the
auditor that any br eac h of this Act or the regulations has been c om m itt ed, that t her e
is any disc r epanc y r elating to the t r ust ac c ount t o whic h the audit r elates or that the
records or doc um ents concerned are not kept in such a manner as to enable them to
be properly audited.
(3) An Auditor’s r epor t under this section m ust be k ept for a least 3 years:
(a) by the licensee at t he lic ens ee’s r egis tered offic e (while the lic ens ee r em ains
a licensee), or
(b) if the licens ee c eas es to be a licensee, by the former licensee in his or her
possession, custody or contr ol unles s the former licensee aut hor is es s om e other
person t o hav e pos s es s ion, custody or contr ol of t he r eport,or
(c) by any other per s on who obtains poss es s ion, cus tody or contr ol of t he report
whether as a result of being the pers onal r epr es entativ e of a licensee or by tr ans fer
of t he bus ines s of t he lic ens ee or otherwise.
i) The list of persons who ar e qualified to audit trust accounts is ex panded.to inc lude audit
companies and m em ber s of certain professional ac c ounting bodies who hold a Public
Certificat e or Certificat e of Public Practice. You should ensure the auditor you engage
holds a curr ent registrat ion you can check this at t he following Aus tralian Sec ur ities &
Investm ents Comm is s ion webs ite page, http://www.search.asic.gov.au/pro.html
b) Important information for the Engaged Auditor
i) Under section 115 of the Act, a person can undert ak e this audit only in t he follow ing
115 Qualifications of auditors
(1) A person is qualified to act as an audit or for the purpos es of this Division if the
(a1) is an authorised audit company w ithin t he m eaning of the Cor por ations Act, or
(a2) is a m em ber of a profes s ional ac c ounting body within the meaning of the
Aust r alian s ec ur ities and Investment s Commiss ion A c t 2001 of the Com m onwealth
and holds a Public P r ac tice Certific ate or Cert ificate of Public practic e is s ued by the
body, or
(b) is a person who has been nominated by the person whos e records and
document s ar e to be audited and who has been approved by the Director-General
by order in wr iting.
(2) Such a person is not qualified to act as an auditor for the purposes of t his
Division if the person:
(a) is or has at any t im e within 2 year s before the last day of the period in respec t of
whic h the audit is to be made, been an em ploy ee or partner of the person whose
records or doc um ents are to be audited, or
(b) is a licensee, or a s har eholder in a c or por ation that is a licensee and t hat has not
more than tw enty shareholders.
ii) Und er section 116, the person engaged to undertake the audit has the following
(1) If an auditor in the course of making an audit for the purposes of this
Divi sio n discovers that an y breach of this Act or the regul ations has been
commi t t ed, that there is any discrepancy rel at ing to the trust mon ey to which
the aud it relates or th at th e record s or documen t s con cerned are not kept in
such a manner as to enable them to be properly audited, the auditor must:
(a) fully set out the facts so discovered by the auditor in the report made by
the auditor for the purposes of the audit, and
(b) forward a copy of the report to the Di rect or-General within 14 days after
providing the report to the licensee.
Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units
iii) This auditor’s r epor t provided by y ou pursuant to the provision of sec tion 111 would be
an engagem
ent t o ex am ine the accounting recor ds and internal c ontrols and pr oc edur es
of t he Lic ens ee E ntity during t he audit period, in relation to tr ust money and ot her
matters designated by P ar t 7 Trust Money of the Act, and report those matt er s in ter ms
of t he gener ally ac c epted auditing s tandards and pr ac tice.
iv) This r epor t would be an examination, in term s of, but does not hav e to be limited to, the
ollowing pr ov is ions of the legis lation;
Part 8 Records, Div is ion 1, sections 103 and 104 of the Act
Part 7 Trust Money, Divis ion 1, sect ion 85, Divis ion 2, sections 86 and 88 to 89
and Division 4, s ec tions 96 and 97 of the Act
ed document s and lis t of deposit-tak ing ins titutions c an be ac ces s ed v ia
Part 4 Trust Money and P art 5 Recor ds, of t he Regulation
The com m is s ion and expenses that m ay be charged, and rebates or disc ounts
and the disbursements [in accordance with sect ion 86 (1) ( b) of t he Act] that
may be ef fected, are pres c r ibed under P ar t 4 Agency Agreements Div is
ion 1
ections 54, 55 (1) (3) and 57of the Act and inc or por ating Par t 2 Conduct of
agency busines s , clauses 12 and c laus e 13 [in particular, for comm is s
ion and
sums or costs Schedule 7 clauses 8 & 9 ] [ and for dis bursements, Schedule 12
anagement of residential & rur al land c laus e 1 ( d) (g) and (k), Sc
hedule 13
ing only of r es idential and rural land, Schedule 14 m anagem ent of str ata or
community t itle land] of the Regulation
The prov is ions of Part 3 General conduct of licensees and regist er ed per s ons
Division 2 sec tion 32 (4) r equir em ents 1, 2 and 6 would be applicable f or trust
record-keeping purposes
ee these r equir em ents at this site;
deline.pdf .
v) T he legis lation can be acc es s ed under “ B r ows e’ at
Wh ere t here are audit qu alificat io ns of a fi nancial nature, t he audi tor must attach a copy of
the trust bank reconciliation statements and the trial balance (incorporating the list of
ledger accounts of the principals that moneys are held for), for the relevant accounti
eriod/s, and for the final end of audit year accounting period, in respect of the affected
Trust Account/s.
10. General information
Information about the Property Stock and Business Agents Act 2002 can be found on the NSW
Fair Trading home page at http://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au. by accessing the sites under
Property Agents & Managers.
Trust audit guidelines to assist with the completion of this audit can be accessed on the same
NSW Fair Trading website, http://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au, go to Property Agents &
Managers, Agency responsibilities, Trust accounts and then Trust account audit requirements
for audit information and form.
closed during this period,
For Lic ens ee E ntity
For A UDIT YEA R 01/07/2014 TO 30/06/2015
f no breac hes noted sho w result NIL”]
Section of Act/
Clau se of Regu lation
For Licensee Entity
For A UDIT YEAR 01/07/2014 TO 30/06/2015
his m emorandum summari ses the r eas ons f or i ssuing a qualified opinion t o the audi t repor t and
is to be c omplet ed after c onsi der ing the r esults of al l procedures followed to compl et e the Report . If
no qualifi ed opinion not ed show result “NIL”
tant: Read the information that is provided in this documentation and on the NSW Fair
Trading website before making any telephone inquiries.
I, the licensee-in-charge
int ful l nam e ]
nowledge that I have received this completed 2015 Auditor’s Report.
Licensee signature / /20
Return to:
Department of Finance,
Services and Innovation
c/- NSW Fair Trading
Locked Bag 5066
Parramatta NSW 2124
el ephone: 13 32 20
Office Hours: 8:30 am 5: 00 pm
Monday Friday
The Licensee Entity is required to retain a full copy of this report at their registered office whether
the repo rt is qualified o r not for a period of th ree years and make it availabl e for in spectio n by
NSW Fai r Trad ing if required.
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