
Fillable Printable Audit Report Form

Fillable Printable Audit Report Form

Audit Report Form

Audit Report Form

Date _________________________________________________________Fiscal Year___________________
Name of Unit __________________________________________________IRS EI Number _______________
Council ______________________________________________________District PTA__________________
Bank Name ___________________________________________________Account # ___________________
Bank Address__________________________________________________City/Zip________________________
Dates covered by this audit __________________________________________________
Check numbers reviewed in this audit _________________________________________
BALANCE ON HANDat time of last audit _________________ (date) $ ____________
RECEIPTSsince last audit $ ____________
TOTAL$ ____________
DISBURSEMENTSsince last audit $ ____________
BALANCE ON HAND_________________ (date) $ _
Last BANK STATEMENTbalance _________________ (date) $ ____________
DEPOSITSnot yet credited (add to balance) $ ____________
$ __________________ $ __________________ $ __________________
(List check number and amount)
#______ $_________ #______ $_________ #______ $_________
#______ $_________ #______ $_________ #______ $_________
TOTALoutstanding checks (subtract from balance)$ ________________
BALANCEin checking account _________________ (date)$_
*These lines must balance
rI haveverified that all taxforms,PTA-and government-requiredforms havebeen filed, ifrequired.
The following is all that needs to be read when the auditors report is given:
I have examined the financialrecords of the treasurer of __________________________________________ PTA/PTSA
and find them
rsubstantially correct with the following recommendations
rpartially correct more adequate accounting procedures need to be followed so that a more thorough audit report
can be given
Audit completed____________________ Auditors Signature ___________________________________________
Audit adopted____________________
(Copies: unit president, secretary, and treasurer; council treasurer or auditor and district PTAtreasurer or
auditor asdirectedby the district PTA. Attach copy oftax form(s) tonext level PTA, ifrequiredto file.)
Submit separate report of explanation and recommendations to executive board.
Aseparate audit form must be completed for each bank account.
California State PTAToolkit 2013
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