Fillable Printable 3x3 Workout Chart Template
Fillable Printable 3x3 Workout Chart Template

3x3 Workout Chart Template

3x3 Workout Chart
1,4,7 - Legs
2,5,8 - Push
3,6,9 - Pull
1,4,7 - Legs
2,5,8 - Push
3,6,9 - Pull
3x3 Workout Guidelines
Select a multi-joint leg exercise, upper body pushing exercise, and upper body pulling exercise (eg. squats, parallel bar dips, chin ups).
Perform one set of each for as many repetitions as possible in good form, starting with a weight you can complete approximately 20 repetitions
with for the leg exercise and 12 for each of the upper body exercises. Repeat the circuit twice, for a total of three rounds.
Attempt to complete at least 15 repetitions for legs and 10 for upper body the second round, and 10 repetitions for legs and 8 for upper body
the third. When you perform the target repetition number on all rounds for an exercise increase the weight by approximately 5% for the next
Move quickly between exercises - try not to allow more than 10 seconds between the end of one and the start of the next.
Record the weight used for each exercise in the upper half of the weight/repetitions box and
the repetitions performed each round in the three spaces on the bottom half, from left to right.