Fillable Printable Kettlebells Workout Chart Template
Fillable Printable Kettlebells Workout Chart Template

Kettlebells Workout Chart Template

WARNING: Please read the exercise instructions prior to use. Please use the kettlebell
with caution and only as described with the exercises shown here. If you feel pain you
may be doing the exercise incorrectly, stop and re-read the instructions. Injury may
occur from incorrect use or over use.
Warm Up:
Prior to exercise, make sure you warm up thoroughly to protect against
injury and prepare yourself for the activity to come. Warm up for 8 to10
minutes by walking or jogging lightly on the spot or use a Treadmill, Bike
or Crosstrainer. Try to include some similar movements that make up
your workout and keep the intensity low to moderate without leaving you
feeling fatigued. Before starting the main workout, include stretches to
target your tighter muscles. The duration of the warm up will depend
on the intensity of your workout as well as your own fitness level.
Make Sure:
• Ensure that you wear exercise footwear that gives good
support and cushioning.
• Stop if you feel any pain or dizziness.
• Allow at least one day of rest between similar workouts.
• Avoid locking or over extending knee and elbow joints.
• Keep breathing - don’t hold your breath!
• Remember to work both sides of your body equally.
• Workout to the point of fatigue but not failure.
Place a kettlebell between your feet. Bend your knees and push your butt
back to get in the proper starting position. Look straight ahead and swing
the kettlebell back between your legs as if you are passing a football to
someone behind you. Immediately reverse the direction and drive through
explosively with your hips. Pull the kettlebell towards your body as if you
are starting a lawn mower. The trajectory of the kettlebell will resemble
a ‘J-Curve’ rather than an ‘Arch’. As the kettlebell rises to your shoulder
open your hand and get your hand around the bell rather than letting the
bell flip over and bang up your wrist. Punch through straight overhead to
complete the snatch.
Place one kettlebell between you feet. Push back with your buttocks
and bend your knees to get into the starting position (illustrated).
Make sure that your back is flat and look straight ahead. Swing the
kettlebell between your legs forcefully as if you are passing a football to
someone behind you. Quickly reverse the direction and drive through with
your hips explosively taking the kettlebell straight out. Let the kettlebell
swing back between your legs and repeat. Switch arms with each set.
Remember: that the swing is primarily a hamstring exercise
and that is where all of the power is generated from. It is not
a front raise.
Hold a kettlebell like a suitcase. Swing it back and then forward and crush
grip the handle to hold it in place in the rack position. Keep a loose grip
until you reach the rack position and then crush grip the handle and flex
your entire body to hold the bell in place.
Clean and press or snatch a kettlebell overhead with one arm, keeping
the kettlebell that is overhead locked out at all times. Push your butt out
in the direction of the locked out kettlebell. Turn your feet out at a
forty-five degree angle from the arm with the locked out kettlebell.
Lower yourself until your non-working hand touches the floor or front foot.
Pause for a second and reverse the motion back to the starting position
Lie on your back and use two hands to position a kettlebell to the lockout
position of one arm. Let’s use the right side as an example to discuss proper
performance. Keep the bell locked out at all times. Bring your right leg in and
use your right leg to pivot to the left. Roll onto your left triceps and keep rolling
until your hand touches the floor. Use your left hand and right leg to drive
forward. As you are driving forward, bring your left leg in and take your right
leg forward. Now keep driving forward until you are in the bottom position
of a lunge. Take a second to gather yourself and then stand up.
To complete the rep, reverse the movement to get back to the starting position.
Do a lunge back to the bottom, then place your left hand behind your back
until you feel the ground. Bring your legs forward and use your left arm to
guide you back to the starting position. Take a second to gather yourself
and then proceed to another repetition.
• Rest for about 30 seconds between exercises depending on fitness level.
• Initially do 2 sets, increase to 3 or 4 as your fitness improves.
Clean a kettlebell and go into a full squat. Stay in the bottom position
of the front squat and press the kettlebell overhead until it is locked out
completely. Lower the kettlebell back to the starting position and repeat.
Stay in the bottom position of the squat for the entire duration of the set.
Make sure you push your glutes into your calves and contract your mid
section for increased stability and power. If you cannot do a full squat,
then you cannot do the Sots Press.
Get into the top position of the push-up holding on to two kettlebells that
are less than shoulder width apart. Take a shoulder width stance and push
one kettlebell into the floor forcefully while you pull the other kettlebell
in the working arm. Hold the kettlebell in the working arm in the top
position for a second and then lower the kettlebell under control back
to the floor. Switch arms after each repetition.
Hold a kettlebell close to your chest like a steering wheel. Hold the
non-working leg up and squat all the way down with the working leg.
Pause at the bottom for a second and then stand up. Pull yourself down
slowly with your hamstrings and contract your abs, glutes, and quads for
maximum tension and stability.