Fillable Printable Blank Condominium Lease Agreement
Fillable Printable Blank Condominium Lease Agreement

Blank Condominium Lease Agreement
Page 1 of 2 Condominium Lease Agreement
THIS CONDOMINIUM LEASE AGREEMENT (the “Lease Agreement”), made this
_________ day of ______________________________, 200___, by and between
(hereinafter called “Landlord”) whose address is __________________________________________
and _________________________________________________________________________________
(jointly and severally hereinafter called “Resident”).
1. PREMISES AND TERM: Landlord rents to Resident and Resident rents from Landlord unit
number ________________ (hereinafter called the “Unit” or “Premises”) of The NorthShore
Condominiums located in Jacksonville Beach, Duval County, Florida, (hereinafter called the
“Condominium”), for a term of _______________________ beginning on
_______________________, 200___, and ending at midnight (12:00a.m.) on
_______________________, 200___ (the term may not be less than seven (7) months). Resident
agrees to pay to Landlord at
or at such place as Landlord may designate in writing, on the first day of each month, promptly
and in advance without offset or deduction, by personal check, money order, cashier’s check, a
monthly rental in the amount of ___________________________________________________
Dollars ($___________) and additional monthly rent of _________________ Dollars
($___________) for __________________________, _______________________Dollars
($___________) for __________________________, and ________________________Dollars
($___________) for __________________________, for a total monthly rent amount of
$___________ (the “Monthly Rent”); together with any applicable taxes thereon. The term
“Landlord” as used in this Lease shall include Landlord, its representatives, successors, and
assigns. The term “Resident” shall include Resident, his heirs and representatives. The terms
“Landlord” and “Resident” include male and female, singular and plural, corporate, partnership
or individual, as may fit the particular parties.
2. SECURITY DEPOSITS: Resident hereby deposits
_______________________________________ Dollars ($___________) with Landlord as
security for Resident’s performance of all of its obligations under this Lease Agreement (the
“Deposit”). Resident also hereby deposits with The NorthShore Condominium Association of
Jacksonville Beach, Inc. (the "Association") __________________________________________
Dollars ($_____________) (not to exceed one (1) month's rent) (the "Association Security
Deposit"), as security for Resident's obligation to reimburse the Association for damage to the
Common Elements of the Condominium or as payment or partial payment of fines imposed by
the Association for violations by the Resident or other occupants of the Unit of the Declaratio n of
Condominium for the Condominium or the Association's Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws and
Rules and Regulations (collectively, the “Governing Documents”).
3. OTHER PROVISIONS: In addition to the provisions set forth above, all terms and provisions
set forth in the attachments listed below are by this reference incorporated herein and Resident
hereby agrees that his tenancy shall be governed by the provisions set forth therein as if such
provisions were set forth on this page. Resident hereby certifies and agrees that all Residents
signing understand that those provisions are part of this agreement and have received a copy of
said provisions.

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4. LIST OF RESIDENTS: Occupancy by Residents is limited to the number of persons equal to
two (2) multiplied by the number of bedrooms in the Unit. The following are all of the residents
who are permitted to reside in the Unit: ______________________________________________
5. THE ASSOCIATION: The Association shall have the right to impose fines on Resident for
material violations of or failure to comply with all provisions of the Governing Documents, or
other applicable provisions of any law, agreement, or instrument affecting the Condominium.
The Association may also bring an action for damages or injunctive relief against Resident for
failure to comply with such provisions. Landlord will be jointly and severally liable with
Resident to the Association for any amount which is required by the Association to repair any
damage to the Common Elements of the Condominium resulting from acts or omissions of
Resident (as determined in the sole discretion of the Association) or to pay any claim for injury or
damage to property caused by the negligence of the Resident. The Association has the right to
disapprove a Resident who does not meet tenant qualification requirements as may be set fo rth in
the Association’s Regulations, as the same may be amended from time to time. Prior to
occupancy by Resident, Landlord or Resident shall provide a copy of this fully executed Lease
Agreement, the anticipated occupancy date, any security deposit required by the Association, and
evidence that the proposed Resident meets the tenant qualification requirements then in effect.
No rooms may be rented and no transients may be accommodated in a Unit. The Association
may promulgate further rules and regulations regarding leasing, including a requirement to
register a lease with the Association and obtain a lease registration certificate or permit.
6. By signing below, Resident acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Lease Agreement and all
applicable attachments specified below, incorporated into this Lease Agreement by
reference herein. Each adult occupying unit must execute this Condominium Lease
Resident Signature _____________________ _____________________, as Agent for
Print Name____________________________ _______________________(Landlord)
Resident Signature_________________________ Signature_________________________
Print Name ______________________________ Print Name _______________________
Resident Signature _________________________
Print Name ______________________________
ATTACHMENTS: Applicable (Check Yes or No)
Condominium Rules & Regulations, Revised ___________.
Yes No
Condominium Lease Provisions, Revised ___________.
Yes No
__________________________, Revised ___________.
Yes No
__________________________, Revised ___________.
Yes No