Fillable Printable Sample Withdraw Letter
Fillable Printable Sample Withdraw Letter

Sample Withdraw Letter

Sample Withdraw Letter
(Full Block Format
8123 West Avenue #788
San Marcos, TX 78666
November 2, 1999
State your decision, and
provide an explanation in
paragraph 1.
Dear Ms. Bliss:
I am writing to inform you that I am withdrawing my application for the program
coordinator position with the school. As I indicated in my interview with you, I
have been exploring several employment possibilities. This week I was offered
an administrative position with a local city government and, after careful
consideration, I decided to accept it. The position provides a very good match for
my interests at this point in my career.
Express appreciation for the
employer's consideration
and courtesy in paragraph 2.
Sample Rejection Letter
(Block Format
1234 Pine Alley
San Marcos, TX 78666
November 2, 1999
In rejecting an offer, you should
demonstrate your professionalism by
acknowledging the job offer in
paragraph 1.
Dear Mr.Duvall:

Thank you very much for offering me the position of commercial leasing agent
with Colonial Properties. I appreciate your discussing the details of the position
with me and giving me time to consider your offer.
You have a fine organization and there are many aspects of the position which
are very appealing to me. However, I believe it is in our mutual best interest that I
decline your kind offer. This has been a difficult decision for me, but I believe it is
the appropriate one for my career at this time.
Paragraph 2 should show thoughtful
consideration. In paragraph 3, express