Fillable Printable Block Business Letter Format
Fillable Printable Block Business Letter Format

Block Business Letter Format

Template Letter to a Legislator
Senator (Insert name of senator)
Senate Bldg Room #
City, State, Zip code
Dear Senator (NAME),
My name is (insert name). I am an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) in (state/jurisdiction). I am writing to request your
support for (bill #). is legislation will assist our jurisdiction in meeting the new national standards for APRNs outlined in the
Consensus Model for APRN Regulation (which can be accessed by visiting ese standards were written
by representatives of 48 dierent APRN groups and are supported by the APRNs in our jurisdiction. e purpose of these standards
is to ensure that APRNs in every U.S. jurisdiction meet the same qualications and are able to perform the same functions. is will
ensure that the citizens of (state/jurisdiction) receive the safe competent care that APRNs can provide. In addition, these standards
will increase mobility of APRNs and may provide increased access to health care overall.
APRNs include certied nurse practitioners (CNPs), certied nurse midwives (CNMs), certied registered nurse anesthetists
(CRNAs) and clinical nurse specialists (CNSs). APRNs are a highly valued and integral part of the health care system. ey have
the necessary knowledge and skills to care for patients in the absence of any other providers and can tremendously improve access to
health care in rural areas of the jurisdiction. (If possible, add some jurisdiction specic information for your legislator here.)
Passage of (bill name) provides for the adoption of language which will: Plug in bullet points as they apply to your bill; revise and edit as
needed for your specic situation.
Ensure public safety by requiring advanced practice registered nurses to be licensed as APRNs. Currently, our jurisdiction does
not require this. is would be in addition to the registered nurse (RN) license and is a recommendation in the Consensus
Model for APRN Regulation. Both licenses would be regulated by the jurisdiction’s board of nursing.
Establish graduate level nursing education as the minimum level of academic requirement for APRN licensure. Graduate level
education requires advanced courses in many areas, including pharmacology, as well as extensive clinical practice hours, in order
to earn the graduate degree.
Ensure that all APRNs have met the requirements for advanced education from an accredited graduate program. e bill
requires all APRN education programs to undergo a board of nursing approval process and be accredited by the American
Association of Colleges of Nursing Accreditation.
Require professional certication for APRN licensure. Graduates of nursing programs are required to take and pass a certication
examination in their area of APRN specialty. is exam helps establish entry-level competency. APRNs are held to professional
standards established by the certifying body, in addition to the jurisdiction’s nurse practice act.
Improve the public’s understanding of who is providing their care. Currently, dierent jurisdictions refer to APRNs by dierent
titles. In (state/jurisdiction) we currently use the title (insert title used in jurisdiction-such as APN). is can cause confusion if
patients have moved from another jurisdiction where APRNs have a dierent title. e goal is for the title “advanced practice
registered nurse (APRN)” to be adopted by every jurisdiction to provide an easily recognized professional designation in all
jurisdictions. APRNs will be required to legally represent themselves as APRNs, followed by their specialty role (CNP, CNM,
CRNA or CNS). For example, the legal title/signature for a nurse practitioner would read: Barbara Smith, APRN, CNP.
Allow APRNs to practice independently. Current jurisdiction law requires APRNs (insert requirement, such as signing
collaborative practice agreements with a physician or have physician supervision) in order to practice. Numerous studies
published over the past 30 years have shown that APRNs provide safe, high quality care without physician oversight.
I ask you to support (bill name) to improve the provision of health care to the citizens of (state/jurisdiction). Please contact me with
any additional questions you may have.
Respectfully Yours,
Your name
Your legal title
Your contact information