Fillable Printable Board Meeting Minutes Template - Michigan
Fillable Printable Board Meeting Minutes Template - Michigan

Board Meeting Minutes Template - Michigan

Date: September 4, 2013
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Michigan State University – Detroit Center
3408 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48201
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Goss at 6:00 PM. Chairperson Goss reminded the Board and
the public that this was a Joint Special Board of Directors/Executive Committee Meeting.
I. Roll Call
Chairperson Goss asked Tyrone Winfrey to call the roll of the Board of Directors.
Carol Goss, Chairperson Present Absent
Roy Roberts, Director Present Absent
Dr. Jann Joseph*, Director Present Absent
Michael Morris*, Director Present Absent
Mark Murray, Director Present Absent
William Pickard*, Director Present Absent
Shirley Stancato, Director Present Absent
A quorum of the EAA Board of Directors was determined. *Members Morris, Pickard and Joseph were present
via conference call.
Chairperson Goss asked Tyrone Winfrey to call the roll of the Executive Committee Members.
Executive Committee Attendance:
Carol Goss, Chairperson Present Absent
Michael Morris*, Director Present Absent
Mark Murray, Director Present Absent
William Pickard*, Director Present Absent
Roy Roberts, Director Present Absent
A quorum of the EAA Executive Committee was determined. *Members Pickard and Morris were present via
conference call.
II. Approval of Agenda
Chairperson Goss stated to the Board that there were amendments to the Agenda as old items under Business
and the Human Resources Report would not be discussed at this meeting.
Chairperson Goss then asked for a motion to approve the amended agenda with the proposed changes.
Motion: Member Morris
Support: Member Pickard
Ayes: 4 Nays: 0
The motion was carried.
III. Closed Session
Chairperson Goss informed the EAA Board as well as the Public that they would now move into closed session
and would reconvene upon completion.
Chairperson Goss asked for a motion to allow the Board to go into closed session pursuant to Section 8(h) of the
Open Meetings Act to discuss a legal written opinion with their attorneys and consider material exempt from
disclosure or discussion by state statute. That state statute is Section 13(1)(g) of the Freedom of Information
Act, which exempts from public disclosure information or records subject to the attorney-client privilege.
Motion: Member Morris
Support: Member Pickard
Ayes: 4 Nays: 0
The motion was carried.
Closed Session began at 6:07 PM
Board Meeting reconvened at 6:28 PM
Chairperson Goss asked for a motion to reconvene the Special EAA Board and Executive Committee Meeting.
Motion: Member Morris
Support: Member Pickard
Ayes: 4 Nays: 0
The motion was carried.
VII. Public Comment
Chairperson Goss asked Tyrone Winfrey if there were any Public Comments.
Mary T. Wood discussed the following concerns:
1) Individual school budgets
2) School Improvement Grants at some schools like Burns Elementary/Middle
3) Will the EAA be looking at different schools, their progress based on the additional funds they have
VIII. Adjournment
Chairperson Goss asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Motion: Member Morris
Support: Member Pickard
Ayes: 4 Nays: 0
Chairperson Goss adjourned the meeting at 6:33 p.m.

Proposed minutes respectfully submitted,
_____________________________ _________________________
Secretary / Recording Secretary Date
Approved by the Authority Board,
____________________________________ ________________________________
Secretary / Recording Secretary Date